After getting his post removed and receiving a three day ban from r/conspiracy, our beloved u/flytape throws a temper tantrum and deletes his account.

81  2018-06-11 by Moranall

It started when his post about Justin Trudeau allegedly having his eyebrows melt off was removed:

This led him to throw his temper tantrum with the post "Don't make the Progressives angry.":

Shortly thereafter, he was given a three-day ban for attacking another user:

RIP in peace


Q predicted this

This should be a Snappy quote by now.


NOOOOOOO 😫😭😭😭 flytape was one of the old school lolcows that drama used to ping to death

Truly this is bad for dramacoin

/u/illuminatedwax get off your ass and fix this 😤



Wasn't he the guy that was vaping in a bird mask on the Conspiracy podcast?

That guy's a retarded national treasure, this sucks.

i’m pretty sure that was /u/assuredlyathrowaway

Same shit, different retard.

I’m not talking about Australia and New Zealand

Only an American would wear a bird mask and film themselves vaping.

Check and mate.

Noice straaaaaman m8. Tryun tuh frame me loike I’m tuh one who’d ‘fend a bloke who’s tarded enough to vape with a birdmask jus cuz he’s an americunt? Fawk off

Shit we're good then.

Flytape was vaping on camera. AATA was yammering away off camera.

Truly a sad day for drama. I remember some of the SRDine threads with him and how hilarious he was. May he and his bird mask rip in peace. 😭

I knew (((they'd))) get him eventually!

This is America

RIP in pieces sweet prince

The globalists finally got him

damn, i guess pizzagate is real

The Jews will stop at nothing. Poor innocent Nazi goes down swinging.

I never thought he'd actually do it.

And nothing of value was lost.

Now he'll have more time to focus on the podcast!

This is my favorite flytape meme