r/television goes into full circlejerk because of current year man

45  2018-06-11 by Accardi_Don


Now with added cancer!


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When I go to turn it down myself he man handles my arm hard enough to bruise it and nearly runs the car up onto the curb from how angry he gets.


believing things said online

Didn’t Oliver basically say “ohhh Hillary, give me your dummies” during the election season?

Centrist: "You know, let's not make this political"

/r/politics Bro: "But everything is political. Everyone has an agenda, especially in DRUMPF times"

Centrist: "You know, John Oliver has his biases too"


(PS: also, fuck Trumptards. this ain't your safe space)

I don't think I've ever seen an account get so much mileage out of blank posts.

Trump won because a wide swathe of the country are gullible idiots who believe whatever some dude on Fox says despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

That checks out.

No, people are tired of identity politics, modern feminism, and being called racists, nazis, white supremacists all the time.

No, that's only a tiny percentage of internet idiots that spot that nonsense.

And the 60 other million people that voted for Trump....

tiny proportion of idiots, backed by all the largest press orgs in the western world.

Tell me more. Do you know where I can find info on who exactly controls this press?

>People are complaining about elitist media in general

>I'd better imply that Jews control the media! That'll shame them and won't at all encourage further anti-Semitic attitudes.

Winning strategy mate.

oi, I've got a package for Irvine Shekelstein

S - H - E - K - E - L - S - T - E - I - N

it's your asthma inhaler, your mom sent me from the yeshiva

Who implied that jews controlled the media...?I may just be using my elitist liberal education but I saw no mention of Jewish people in his comment. Could you please explain how you read that from it?

I refuse to believe you're dim enough to not get the implication behind saying "who controls this press", since Jews running the media is a well-known conspiracy theory.

Every time general anti-elitist populism comes around people are eager to start saying "you mean JEWS don't you, you Nazi!", thinking that implying someone is anti-semitic is enough of a thought-terminating cliche to derail the populism. It happened during Occupy Wall Street, it happened with Bernie Bros (despite Bernie himself being Jewish) and it's happening with the MAGA crowd.

Someone has a guilty conscious. Why are you so anti-semitic?

ah I'm being baited, I see.

Also *conscience

I'd like to know more about your apparent belief that William Paley was a Jew, actually.

Well just because they show up with tiki torches to re-enact a nazi torchlight parade...and add extra "realism" to their show by chanting genuine nazi slogans about "Bluto and BodIe" (sic) chances are, they're fucking nazis, "mate."

Yes that well known "jew" Ted Turner spends all of his time at the Temple when he's not busy drinking the blood of christian babies.

Imagine being so retarded you think the press was on Trump's side.

you would have to be retarded unless you're talking about fox + washington times + infotards

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, Washington Post, Huffington Post, New York Times, Politifact, Buzzfeed, Armenian Genocide deniers (TYT), Reuters, USA Today.....................

now i'm confused, am i talking about press outlets who regularly shit on trump (most of them) or the predominantly right-wing ones who stroke his tiny penis all day hoping to please their sempai?

"tiny proportion of idiots, backed by all the largest press orgs in the western world." Was your claim, which is so retarded it's unreal.

Sinclair and Fox?

It's only a tiny percentage of antifascists who cause the alt-blight to run and cower behind the riots shields of ZOG's police.


Well I'm glad Trump managed to put an end to idpol and modern feminism instead of kicking it into high gear lol.

trump, the biggest idpol snowflake in the world, is putting an end to idpol

Please. Trump didn't go on live TV after that white boy was tortured by the gang of black kids and say "that could've been my son".

Mission accomplished

TV after that white boy was tortured by the gang of black kids

Please Trump didn't go on TV after a neo nazi/MayoKing too fat to exit the vehicle to go inside the fastfood restaurant of his choioce murdered a protester with his SupremacyMobile to tell us how people like that were "good people" whose voices were a valuable contribution to our national political diatribe, either, right?

That's not identity politics you degenerate. You have little understanding of that event.

And little understanding of sentence structure.

B-b-b-b-but.. that was DIFFERENT!!

OD on fentanyl pls


Neither did Hillary or any of the other Republican nominees

That happened after the election, which no one would care what any of those people had to say anyway

See, this is the shit right here.

Someone points out, validly, concerns about the Trump administration and the mounting evidence that not only was his election in oart due to Russian interference, but some members of his campaign my have been involved.

And the reaction is to deflect and bring up some irrelevant whine that the mean people called you names.

russia hacked the election

call waahmbalamps

Well, if you don 't want to be called white supremacists and nazis, you might want to re-think the whole thing where you show up in public, with tiki torches (lol!), while chanting nazi slogans in a lame attempt to LARP this.

You can't judge Muslims based on the responses of 30000 of them in global PEW surveys. But you can judge Trump supporters based on the 100 men with tiki torches that participated in Charlottesville that day when one fattie had a heart attack.

leftist logic

And that ha what to do with Hillary Clinton?

And why Trump over the other Republicans

“I don’t base my vote on the candidates or their policies but on other people on the internet called me mean names and what they support”

Has voting in Trump decreased the amount of people calling you racist or Nazi?

I can sympathize with hating idpol and Shillary Shillton. But Daddy is on a whole other astral plane of tardedness

It's real shitty that burgers only got 2 real options (+ some novelty vote wasters like healing crystal lady and the edgelord Ron Paul party), both of whom were absolute dogshit

But only one of these options has retroactively validated all those Reddit fedoralords who have been posting "Idiocracy is a documentary" since the website was founded

you don't even have to give a shit about gussygrabbing, anti-beaner walls, or the economic selfharm that is tariffs to think this

I only need one Tweet by the man himself to prove my point:

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

if you still think Trump was the least bad choice then u've got a shit opinion. except maybe if you're one of those extreme communists who believe in accelerationism, a.k.a. destabilizing shit to the point the Revolution finally happens. (also tarded, but slightly less so than unironically thinking Daddy has 'redeeming qualities')

It's real shitty that burgers only got 2 real options both of whom were absolute dogshit


u know da rest

The amount of SJW crying, and the loudness of their crying, is not indicative of their power. Their influence has weakened enormously in the past 2 years.

It's been replaced by the even worse alt right and their corrupt incompetent leader

They never had much real political power and say what you want about Hillary she wasn't an SJW so it wasn't between Trump and a crazy leftist.

uhu sure

so you voted for a confirmed racist???

wtf are you talking about?

No, people are tired of identity politics, modern feminism, and being called racists, nazis, white supremacists all the time.

That's not on the radar for most people.

Which version did of this powerbait for gullible idiots did you swallow? Pink or Blue?


I honestly need to find a way to counter this sort of brainwashing. Like how do you even fix it? You can't fault the people who fall for this. Human nature is literally be exploited against them to convince them of nonsense and to throw out reality.

u/NewClayburn what you said can be applied to Trump and these "comedians."

Aside from improving our public school system, which would take too long even if we made an effort today, what can we do?

Forced sterilization of all mayos, for starters.


not even those pyramids were built by slaves

And what evidence is there that the comedians lie and spread propaganda?



Fox News is cancer and Hannity should be the first against the wall. Don’t @ me

I don't know why people get so triggered that Fox is the only network that doesn't parrot every other progressive outlet.

Trump and Fox news won. Deal with it

Trump and Fox news won

Let’s be honest here, The onion was the real winner of the 2016 election.

Nah even the onion got butthurt about people being anti-Hillary.

The only winner for the 2016 election was the radical centrists of /r/drama.

On the one hand the 2016 election gave us a never ending stream of content to make fun of, but on the other hand are ranks have swollen over 40k since than and the future of our little domreddit looks bleak.

I imagine just as SRD eventually became such a shithouse that we all moved here another subreddit will inevitably surface once /r/drama declines.

It's the reddit way.

r/freedrama is our citadel in case of a collapse

And the belief that we're all living in a drunkard's version of a sims game.

It’s not that they don’t parrot talking points it’s that they deliberately lie and have a really strong bias. It’s alarmist propaganda bullshit.

Notice how they don’t have a huge problem with more neutral news outlets like Donald and fans.

It’s not that they don’t parrot talking points it’s that they deliberately lie and have a really strong bias. It’s alarmist propaganda bullshit.

Not anymore than CNN or MSNBC. It remains to be seen if muh Russia leads anywhere (it doesn't look like it) and that has been possibly the most deliberately false and gaslighting "news" story ever.

Notice how they don’t have a huge problem with more neutral news outlets, unlike Donald and fans.

The only neutral outlet I can think of is Reuters or something like the wall street journal. And no one talks about them because of it.

Not anymore than CNN or MSNBC.

Keep telling yourself that

It remains to be seen if muh Russia leads anywhere

It's already lead to indictments and guilty pleas.

and that has been possibly the most deliberately false and gaslighting "news" story ever.

No it hasn't. His campaign had ties to Russia, Russia interfered to try to get Trump to win, Trump's own son went to the Russians to get dirt on Hillary.

The only neutral outlet I can think of is Reuters or something like the wall street journal. And no one talks about them because of it.

Trump literally said that all negative news stories about him are fake.

It's already lead to indictments and guilty pleas.

Of crimes unrelated or procedural.

No it hasn't. His campaign had ties to Russia, Russia interfered to try to get. Trump's own son went to the Russians to get dirt on Hillary

All things Hillary's campaign did too.

Trump literally said that all negative news stories about him are fake.

No he didn't

All things Hillary's campaign did too.

Even if that's true, so what? Doesn't mean it's OK when donald does it

Trump literally said that all negative news stories about him are fake. No he didn't

Yes he did

Yes fox is very liberal and leftists sure as Hannity are to blame


No all liberals are traitors to the regime

liberals traitors

A little redundant, no?

this guy does a good job of triggering the shit out of the, "fax dont care about ur feelins" crowd, so even though I don't watch his show, I get a ton of mileage out of the drama it creates.

I wish he wasn't offensively british so I could watch him talk for more than 5 minutes without wanting to speed dial a dentist

When I go to turn it down myself he man handles my arm hard enough to bruise it

Don't fuck with a man's radio in his own car, problem solved. And "handles my arm hard enough to bruise it" doesn't reflect well on your physical fitness.

Sounds like if OP wants to act like a little bitch his dad is going to treat him like I little bitch.

I'd probably have a beer with his dad. I assume we'd talk about his disappointment in raising such a little faggot.

I feel like I've genuinely lost my dad to this stuff.

literally. LITERALLY. LOST. MY. DAD.

He blasts it in the car all the time and when I ask him to turn it off politely he turns it louder.

When I whine at dad he decides to fuck with me to show me what a little bitch I'm being.

When I go to turn it down myself he man handles my arm hard enough to bruise it

Don't fuck with a man's radio in his own car, problem solved. And "handles my arm hard enough to bruise it" doesn't reflect well on your physical fitness.

and nearly runs the car up onto the curb from how angry he gets.

nope this had nothing to do with your annoying penchant for starting fights in moving vehicles, no way.

We've lost an entire section of our population to this and I feel like I witnessed it first hand as I grew up.

you feel stupid shit since you are a stupid kid who knows nothing.

The kid got that off easy imo. I use a ball peen hammer on anyone that dares to interfere with my Ayn rand On Loop custom Pandora station.

This is how the Holdomor started.

Yeah how dare he not want partisan bullshit at full blast, that deserves physical abuse /s

Don't fuck with a man's radio in his own car, problem solved.

Anyone who touches the radio without explicit permission gets kicked out the car right there and then.

I just love the standard liberal retardedness of viewing everyone as the victim.

"oh he's a white supremacist who doesn't care about facts? Well clearly it's someone else's fault lol"

/u/NewClayburn, why did you delete your old account? The old /u/Clayburn was a great look into the life of an impoverished low-level SEO clown and incel.

Did you ever figure out whether women hate you because you're poor, because you are ugly, or because you're a hick?

I feel like I've genuinely lost my dad to this stuff. He blasts it in the car all the time and when I ask him to turn it off politely he turns it louder.

Make his dad an /r/drama moderator. NOW!

His kid turned out to be a wimp, but it's not his fault.

his fault for getting cucked by a wimp

The only opinion he ever convinced his dad to flip on was the right to legal abortion on demand.

I think I saw a study that showed that people who didn't watch TV at all were better informed than people who watched FOX news. So, there's one thing.

u/Seleroan, please provide source. I don't believe you here.

I'm not that guy but you're still not going to like (or probably even bother to read) this


Just skimmed through this. Gotta say I am surprised.

I saw a study that said that Redditors who actively post on 1 million+ subs are the biggest retards on the site. Could you imagine being someone who subs to more than one subreddit with 14 million of the internet's biggest morons? It's like unironically trying to have a discussion on a Facebook post.

This is a pretty classic and tired research technique: Just find a bunch of partisans who predictably engage in motivated reasoning, then ask them a bunch of questions where the right answer contradicts their partisan biases. Then call them stupid.

You can basically make any group of people look smart or dumb just by tuning the questions you ask.

It's not just limited to TV, then. It can be done on any form of media.