Mayo Female Fraudster founder of Theranos has a new (scam) startup

110  2018-06-11 by WeWuzKANG5


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Holmes, Theranos, and the company's former president Sunny Balwani were charged with massive fraud by the US Securities and Exchange Commission earlier this year. The SEC accused Theranos of making "numerous false and misleading statements in investor presentations, product demonstrations, and media articles" about the company's blood-testing technology while raising more than $700 million.

Who the fuck is investing?

Silicon Valley is full of people with more money than sense. Hell, some of the people she ripped off in her first scam are still singing her praises.

I’m hoping it’s some kind of biotech company, so we can watch the exact same cycle of hype and fraud repeat itself.

Damn son, why aren't I ripping them off?

you are not thin_white_chick bo

nobody would believe you hun

She tried to be the female Steve Jobs in the laziest way possible (even did the turtle neck and jeans thing) and Silicon Valley fell for it hard.

(even did the turtle neck and jeans thing

She also pretends to have a deeper voice than she really does.

At least 340million came from walgreens.

Walgreens and the Army were two big ones that I know of.

TBF ripping off the Army is like taking candy from a dead baby


Article detailing her massive fraud:

Now that's mayo female privilege right there.

I just ordered the book, can't wait

Book is great. Read it in about a day. Yes, I am unemployed.

I remember reading all these obviously paid for editorials hyping this up years ago and then it just vanished. I guess that explains why.

Similar to the Juicer machine that literally just squeezed the juice from bags of juice.

It was way worse. Here's just one fawning profile. I think people were way less cynical even 3-4 years ago about silicon valley saving us all.

Yeah I remember, she was meant to be the face of Female in Bio-tech and business in general. Her fall from grace has been much less discussed and garnered much less attention. I guess they're ready to try her again.

Whenever I remember that it brings a smile to my face.

The juicer machine worked. If you cut the bags open, they had fruit and shit. Yes, you could squeeze the juice out with your hands (you could try it with a plastic bag and some fruit). It was just a stupid design because it tried to apply pressure over the whole bag, instead of wringing the juice out over some rollers or something (and because it was overbuilt in other ways, and the wifi thing with DRM on fucking juice bags was just nasty).

Pussy pass granted! The twat was at the head of a 700 million dollar fraud. While Martin Shkreli in in prison for making sure that people that invested in his company got their money back.

if he stuck to business only, you probably would not know about him and he would be slapped on a wrist too.

he wanted to become celebrity entertainment style though (real life troll if you will).

na aaah fam

White women nonsense smdh my damn head


How is she walking free when Shrekli is in solitary confinement?

Shes white

she's a WAMEN

Shrekli was a twink, so he was bascially a woman

thot>fruit I guess.

Because Shkreli deserves it. He disrespected the Wu-Tang Clan.

Well, as we all know, the Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuthing ta fuck wit.

She didn't pull her dick out and wave it in front of the justice system like a red flag in front of a bull.

Clearly because she's not responsible for her actions. Ever heard of this little thing called the Patriarchy? HMM???

She isn't.

I was just thinking about this chick when SRD was gushing over that teenager and her "anti-suicide app" the other day.

She looks creepy as fuck:

Female gru

She is an absolute creep. She idolized Steve Jobs so much she'd copy his look in public appearances, always wearing a black turtleneck, recognizing none of the cringe. To take her lack of self-awareness one step further, she would always interview with this hilariously fake deep voice. Her underlings have reported catching her speaking with her normal voice before. The only reason she keeps making money is that she has some very, very high up connections. Check out the creep speak here:

Woah thats way creepier then I assumed it would be.

Holy shit that voice is shocking.

Someone post to bodybuilding asking if it possible to get this voice natty

Have natty testicles, which she clearly does (huge ones at that).

Damn lmao you weren't kidding. What the fuck is she thinking? That's obviously not her normal voice, yikes.

Every one of her interviews absolutely screams that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and never learned anything about the realities of the world. The whole issue with the company is that the product she was hocking didn't show the promise it did when she first went all in... So she just decided to lie about it. She wasn't going to let reality get in the way of her world-changing. I think she genuinely thought the technology would pan out rather than, you know, fail like every other attempt at doing what her product claimed to do. The whole reason she was considered a wunderkind is because of these grandiose claims and the subsequent lies to support them. She damn near got away with the cluelessness too: Her company was considered the next big thing, extremely famous names on the board (She got fucking Henry Kissinger!), her net worth was estimated at over a billion dollars... And then upon finding out that literally none of the promises and statements she'd made about the capabilities of her product were true, her estimated net worth was readjusted down to $0. Just as an example of one of the lies she told: In 2014, she reported revenue streams of $100 million when, in actuality, it was $100,000.

And here she is again: Dumbass starting another start up. Because she just has to special like Jobs, she just knows it.

Hopefully she'll get his pancreatic cancer too

Although she can quote Jane Austen by heart, she no longer devotes time to novels or friends, doesn’t date, doesn’t own a television, and hasn’t taken a vacation in ten years. Her refrigerator is all but empty, as she eats most of her meals at the office. She is a vegan, and several times a day she drinks a pulverized concoction of cucumber, parsley, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, and celery.

"doesn't date"

Wasn't she banging Sunny Balwani?

Reminds me of a younger Hillary Clinton. The same blank stair of a sociopath.

*Cool Soccer Mom


massive fraud

oh I guess we'll fine her or something

be black

get shot for sport by an armed cop

There's an 80% chance the black criminal was on his way to rape or rob somebody.

Is it just me or is she like soooo much hotter in photoshoots? You see her actually talking live and she seems like that annoying girl with a muffled voice who was in the back of your class always telling lame jokes and making shit up.

Marissa Meyer is kind of the same way. A thousand times more attractive before I saw her speak.

You see her actually talking live and she seems like that annoying girl with a muffled voice who was in the back of your class always telling lame jokes and making shit up.

"First let me start by talking about... the decision to transition..."

Actual quote 57 seconds in.

Only males are financial criminals too!

I read about her for a paper I did in a business ethics class one year.

She literally had blood scientists telling her the methods are not physically possible because you need a certain amount of cells to tell specific traits due to some not being based on the red blood cells themselves.

Of course since she has been pounded in her brain "people will tell you it's not possible, ignore them" she ignored expert advice and hoped to lie to the public until they found a way to defy years of established research.

As seen, she didn't.

Dang blood scientist sounds like a cool profession. You'd get all the hot high school goth chicks too.

I read that in a college course she approached a professor with this testing idea and the professor told her "yep, every year a student has this idea; here is why it is never going to happen."

But, this 19 year old was sure that she knew better than the experienced academic.....

She had a vagina and overly supportive parents.

she thought if she wore a turtle neck, she would be as successful as steve jobs.

And a rich and successful boyfriend Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani

Man, how much curry sausage do you think she sucked down in order to get him to bankroll her dumb arse idea?

That is not Sunny Balwani! That looks to be Carlos Slim Helú, a Mexican business magnate.

This is Sunny Balwani:

Really good breakdown on her voice/body language:

Supposedly the voice is an act, and the body language represents somebody being incredibly deceitful.

the body language represents somebody being incredibly deceitful

whole article about Hilary Clinton Eyes


She's 34 and still has no children? She must be practically dying to be bred by an alpha male. I nominate /u/MasterLawlz.

Karmic justice - she'll be just as disappointed as her investors were.

She looks like the type of chick that would drown her kids in the bathtub.

I've never been able figure out why she isn't in jail. She's a shining example of how people who steal $100 get put away for years and people who steal $1,000,000,000 get fined a portion of what they stole and keep the rest while remaining free.

Only one of the criminals in your example can now afford a very good lawyer.

It's amazing that she's managed to avoid prison. She's a know con artist. What the fuck am I doing wrong with my life. I should be scamming silicon Valley investors out of Millions without and real repercussions.