Fat shaming drama

32  2018-06-11 by aqouta


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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how does the equation look if you consider the cost of obesity health care versus shortened life and less elder health care

we can't get cheap social security contributions through smoking, we need another way

That's a fair point but I doubt it's upwards of $210 billion even than fatties are gross.

how does the equation look if you consider the cost of obesity health care versus shortened life and less elder health care

I've seen the sums done for tobacco use.

There's a big hit to taxes because of prime workers having a coronary in their early 50s. If everyone is "meant" to work from 20-60, and they lose a decade, that's 1/4 of their useful life.

Fat people should feel shame. They consistently choose instant gratification over long term happiness. It's a shameful trait. Society shouldn't give them a pass on killing themselves slowly in public. They should know they are doing wrong and onlookers should be warned not to follow in their footsteps.

Damn bro, I agree with you,but you're not supposed to show your power level unless you are among like minded people.

You don't have to go out of your way to engage a fat person to shame them. Your presence does it enough.

you're not supposed to show your power level unless you are among like minded people.

There's no fun in that.

Amen๐Ÿ˜ only way to generate drama is rustling the jimmies.

Hey look it's another person who doesn't understand fat people haha wow who would have guessed

What's there to understand? You gain weight if you eat more calories than your body burns, almost no one who's fat has actually a metabolism affecting disease but muh thyroid issues of course. All there is to understand about fatties is that they lack self-control so they eat too much but saying so is fat-shaming obviously.

I lost 34 pounds in 4 months. All i did was count calories

Them ladies are angry..."put your height in a bio" "No problem, put your weight because from the group pics you have I can't tell which one are you"

Group pics and light photoshop with a phone app - classic.

u/YameteOniichanItai in there, doing God's work ๐Ÿ™

I love it when he autistically mentions his preference for Asian women while talking to people not familiar with him.

Nothing wrong with liking asians though.

Seeing all these bragging posts here I just want to mention that a survey showed that most FatPeopleHate posters were fatties themselves.

What did you say about me?

Most reddit posters are fat fucks, what a surprise. Just look at any reddit meetup pics for proof.

Yea but most reddit posters who are fat fucks don't brag about their great figure and make fun of other fatties, that's the point.

You just haven't seen enough "I'm 5'5" 200 lbs, all muscle baby! and that's why BMI is shit" posts.