Only vote for women. Tell friends. See lot’s of drama.

58  2018-06-11 by wilmeth


This is why we need mayocide.


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I think manocide is a better term.

I'm not sure I agee with you there, Dennis.

While I agree with you some men are overprivileged scum (especially white men), white women currently are objectively more privileged than black men. For example, did you know that the one demographic group that has benefited the most from affirmative action are white women?

As long as black men objectively have it harder than white women, you should be advocating for all-black leadership. If you just focus on women, you are enabling white feminism, which tends to erase the struggles of people of color.

I think you have your heart in the right place but that you're just misguided on the solution.

You make valid points.

Let's combine your thoughts and mine.

Elect black and white women.

But Dennis, did you know more that 52% of white women voted for Trump? That doesn't sound like a very compassionate or caring group of people to me.

I think we've arrived at a point where white women need to step back a little and leave more space for black women or other women of color. Maybe then they will learn to stop falling victim to their privileged position in society and realize how real equality feels (you know what they say: equality feels like oppression when you're used to privilege)

So let's get those whites out of office.

Elect black and white women.

I've found our first candidate.

Do not ever repeat this to a women.

She will slap your face. That is extend of violence in women.

Mandrocide is better

No, life with women is better.

This would be a good submission for /r/MaleGenocide

I looked. No /r/MaleGenocide.

To bad.

Huh? That's a real subreddit

Yes. I like it.

Written By: Dennis Wilmeth 

Imo just hire some woman to dom you, nerd.

Hey, us nerds should be shown more respect.

Fuck you, lick my holes out then buy everything on my Amazon wishlist.


To clarify to /u/wilmeth , because I'm afraid this comment turns you off from the subreddit:

/u/Neon_needles is actually a woman who is into fem-dom (female domination, you know, that BDSM stuff). Yes, I already told you this is a pretty weird subreddit. But these kinds of comments are fairly typical dominatrix play.

On /r/Drama we celebrate all forms of assertive female expression, especially of a sexual nature (but we mostly center our attentions on oppressed women of color. We don't really like white people around here unless they admit that whiteness is a problem and that people of color need to be in positions of power).

If you like women to dominate the positions of leadership, then maybe you also like women to be dominant in the bedroom, so I think you will like it here. However, you have a wife and everything so maybe this is a little inappropriate.

I thought we liked Tay Tay cuz she proves the inferiority of whites on account of she is a possum

hottest possum in the west

pls just kys

Tay Tay blacked sextape when

Tay's lucky she has a pretty face. Bitch is shaped like a sheet of particle board 💅

no kinkshaming shitlord. this is a body positive Drama reddit.

but yeah I like Tay more for her sassy persomonality. it's that feisty mayo gussy.


Gussy gotta 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿 go

Stop mansplaining pls

No fuck u

Another gem on his webpage. Look at the list of "male-centric words"

First I thought it was regular lolcowness from a dude into some seriously kinky femdom, but akshually it seems like the poor chap's just mentally ill

How else could one believe all of our problems would be solved if all of our world leaders shared a gender with Margaret Thatcher?

At this point who even cares about gender quota either way? Idgaf if our leaders are Gussy-American or Bussy-American, cispipo or transpipo, they'll be powerhungry fucks just the same

You have a flair for non-existent terms.

Dude, that's just how young whippersnappers talk these days.

But holy shit, I actually didn't notice this was posted by Dennis Wilmeth himself!

You are either a very seriously dedicated troll or... just very seriously dedicated to whatever it is that you're doing.

How did you develop your philosophy? What have men ever done to you?

Yes, I am dedicated.

It's what women have done for me.

Good to hear!

Thanks for comment.

It's what women have done for me.

Don't blame your mental illness on women, you misogynist.

headache - (he)adache

i'm pretty sure this is satire or something

It's pretty weak satire. A lot of radfems say way crazier stuff than this.


Ya daddy is crashing this country with no survivors

Somehow women are gonna stop him?

If she has a dick, yes.

i had not considered this.

I mean just look at the UK. Theresa May is such a Strong and Stable Leader.

May is more likely to be a undead abomination than a human.

u/wilmeth I personally have been campaigning for both Brianna Wu and Chelsea Manning.. I agree with everything you say about how females are biologically better suited for office.

u/wilmeth I personally have been campaigning for both Brianna Wu and Chelsea Manning.. I agree with everything you say about how females are biologically better suited for office.

Absolutely, we need better women in charge.

Caitlyn Jenner 2020!

The old caste system must be replaced with a new one. Inshallah.

Calling women a caste system is an unusual idea.

Twenty seconds on Google confirms this is bait. I haven't looked, but I assume some autists have taken said bait.

You misspelled word aut....

Correct spelling is genius.

TBF, autism is pretty much a prerequisite to post on any drama sub. At worst, I'm just somewhat more of a sperg than you. Whether one spergs out over a retard pretending to be a retard, or an actual retard, it's still sperging out.

At least, that's what I tell myself so that I don't cry myself to sleep this night.

what about your google search confirmed this is bait?

A lot of radfems say way crazier stuff than this weak excuse for satire. Like how autistic do you have to be to actually care if this is bait and then actually research it.


ITT: retards falling for bait

It might be retarded enough to work though

ITT folks are highly intelligent.

I use to be one.

A folks?

Not sure what "A folks?" means.

wtf does this even mean, Dennis

I have heard from many men, who think women would be terrible politicians.

Never say that to women. There will be lots of drama.

We like drama around here tho. I think you will find many of our beliefs align with yours. Check out one of our sister subs r/MaleGenocide!

Only if the woman reverses suffrage.

But I like that they suffer

Suffrage for all.


This fucking shithole sub . . .

i am truely sorry for your lots.

is this lots?

Drama is now my favortie Subreddit.

Do Not worry. It will be a few days before I post again.

All the men need to take a short break, smile and say nice things to the women in their lives.

I love quotes including my own. Quotes are sprinkled among the essays.

Here are two of my quotes. Both variations of well know quotes:

When faced with difficult problem, think outside the box. By: unknown

Don't think outside the box. Smash it and build a better one. By: Dennis Wilmeth

I think, therefore I am. By: René Descartes

My dog thinks. I believe, therefore I am. By: Dennis Wilmeth

[[[Euphoria intensifies]]]

[[[Euphoria intensifies]]]

Professional quote making seems to be a recurring symptom of Neuroatypicality. I wonder if anyone has written a dissertation on this.


Those are two of my favorite self quotes.

For more self guotes go to:

More women must run for political office. Political party makes no difference.

I highly doubt that. Conservative women are view as traitors with paradoxically no free will

This Dennis Wilmeth guy is weird. He's appeared in the news once because his wife is the only female aerobatic pilot in Baltimore and once because he got neck cancer from HPV.

Here's an interview where he expounds on his ideas in a little more detail with Yvonne Wilcox Pen Name TV. He's definitely who he says he is, if nothing else

Dennis is either the most based 70-year old shitposter there is, or he's the real deal. In either case, he's a barrel of laughs

Thanks for exploring my past.

Yes, I encourage women to run for political office.

See link to my website in above reply.

That as perfeeeeecccccttttttttttttttttt bait. Fantastic.

Now post it around the manosphere

If perfect bait means my website encourages women to run for political office, you are correct

People are claiming this is bait. I'll leave that for the reader to decide. But here are a couple of interviews with the owner of 1, 2. Here's the twitter account:

Foremost, though, is the fact that Dennis almost died from giving oral sex. I think we can agree that whomever Dennis Wilmeth is, they respect women.

"whomever Dennis Wilmeth is" - Hypercorrection.


Yes. Unless "whom Dennis Wilmeth is" is correct, "whomever" doesn't belong. So, hypercorrection, as in trying too hard to use correct grammar and failing.

no u


Yes. nless "whom Dennis Wilmeth is" is correct, "whomever" doesn't belong. So, hypercorrection, as in trying too hard to se correct grammar and failing.


It's a made up word used to trick students.

For whomever that reply was intended, it missed its target.

People who can't recognize Creed quotes should be gassed tbh.

Well, that's your opinapsdoi fn apoiasd fqadf 87)(&BV& %$!EIU IM


Woke up this morning to this post.

At a lost of words to respond.

To learn more about my opinions, go to not-for-profit website:

Highly recommend looking at Women section in index on the right.

Off to my volunteer work at a food bank in a few hours.

Will respond more later in th day

I think I understand the gist of your philosophy/kink, and may even agree to a certain extent. Also, I'd like to thank you for your service to the community.

What I'd most like to know, though, is why you spammed that cartoon 72 times on or twitter on Feb 6/7

I think I understand the gist of your philosophy/kink, and may even agree to a certain extent. Also, I'd like to thank you for your service to the community.

What I'd most like to know, though, is why you spammed that cartoon 72 times on your twitter on Feb 6/7

Good question.

I stopped that practice. Not effective.

oh I see what you were doing.

just fyi you can put multiple hashtags in the same tweet. I can't speak to its effectiveness though, I don't really use twitter.

I tried that. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other social media platforms did not work for me. Reddit after 3 months ande lots of learning is effective now.

Thanks for your suggestion.

The SRDines say it's bait every time the feminists make fools of themselves.

Yea.. that's what's missing from our country. Caring. Jesus Christ..

Voting for Gussy is for fags

You have such a way with words.