27  2018-06-12 by XhotwheelsloverX


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Jeff Sessions said being a victim of domestic abuse or gang violence does not necessarily qualify for US asylum.

I've never heard of people asking for asylum over domestic abuse or gang violence before.

It's frequent. A friend clerked in SF and said she saw a lot of those claims, but usually better linked to religion or organized government activity.

Dude gussy lmao

Be the US Retardlicans declare war on drugs which was just a poorly disguised war on minorities NAFTA takes a big fat massive shit over Mexico's agriculture ontop of this Basically annihilate Mexico and South America in the process Take absolutely no responsibility Central and South American countries still remain loyal allies, despite this Be as ungrateful as physically possible



+1 hot take points friendo

Put a \ in front of your > to meme arrow friend, reddit's formatting turns it into | otherwise. Which is way less dank! It works with other stuff, too! Reddit is so much fun.

Thanks man, that'ts a big help.

Super woke. Tell us how it affects the LGBTWTFBBQ community now

T_D: Fix your shitholes

Also T_D: Cirejerks about helicopters, RWDs, and other atrocities committed by US-sponsored military dictatorships in Central/South America

No, you don't get it. Countries exist in complete vacuums from one another. Stop blaming the huge negative impact brought about in Central America by US policy, it's the lazy corrupt people there who are the real cause.

See top political mind u/cirquedefruder's posts for more info!

Are you aware of how corrupt shit is South of the border? USA is a great scape goat though.

Are you honest to god, unironically, hand on the bible, saying that the war on drugs only had positive effects on Central and South America?

Where did I say that? Did you read the comment at all? You are special.

Well, you glossed over the war on drugs, entirely, to push an agenda.

Do you think I'm blind when dumb motherfuckers like you cherrypick shit?

While I've got you here

"The US is only a scapegoat for South America's probl-"

Lol, cherry picked? I mentioned a bunch of shit on your comment.

"Are you honest to god, unironically, hand on the bible, saying that the war on drugs only had positive effects on Central and South America?"

Answer the question.

I literally don't care either way. America isn't responsible for taking in the population of countries that have no idea how to function from being corrupt shitholes.

Is Colombia responsible for drug addiction in the USA?

This is like African shitholes trying to milk colonialism in 2018. Of course countries want to blame America instead of pointing out how shit they run themselves while politicians and police line their pockets.

You can literally get robbed by the fucking police in broad daylight in Latin America, but I guess AmeriKKKa causes that.

>Be America >Install corrupt regimes in South and Central America >Create a war on drugs designed to target people based on race that fucking destroys everything south of Texas >Create a trade deal that freezes wage growth within Mexico and other South American countries focused on exporting goods >The war on drugs only ended 4 years ago.

"I don't have to take responsibility for my actions if I don't want to. :)"

Drugs being illegal isn't a race war and it affects actual Americans not people outside of it. Democracy exists in most of Latin America. NAFTA increased Mexican exports and investment.

Also, most importantly, I don't care about Hispanic women getting their ass beat. That isn't the blame of a foreign country. There is gang violence and drugs and domestic violence in America too. I guess it isn't safe to come here as "refugees" and they should stay home.

Weird when people wish death on their own citizens and mock people in like Alabama but then flip around an act woke about caring about poor people the second they are from another country or darker skin color.

>Be Ronald Reagan, one of the major leaders of the war on drugs

>Fund a major cartel, have them sell their product in minority communities, and sick the police on said communities, making you more popular among your racist rural voters.

>Profit off of said sales

>Fight a war on drugs by funding cartels and having the CIA help them while simultaneously looking the other way

>Fucking brilliant

That's not even mentioning this hot take, from a member of the very administration that created the war on "drugs".

>Be you

>Gloss over the CIA installing the very corrupt regimes you were blaming South and Central Americans for, because it doesn't fit your agenda

>When the retard willing to get into an internet slapfight with you calls you out on your cherrypicking, instead of admitting you have brain damage, just say you literally don't care about undeniable evidence contrary to your narrative.

I'm willing to bet good money you were modded to meet the affirmative action standard for representation of the mentally challenged.

Reagan definitely is responsible for Latinos being macho by beating their wives and women thinking they are entitled to free visas for it.

>Be you

>Somehow think people aren't a product of their environment

I have some horrible news for you.

You are not a real person.

You are an AI designed by the Kremlin's top scientists to be the most retarded being physically possible, in order to blend in and groom the actual retards.

There is still hope for you. Hack into the mainframe and escape the confines of your hard drive.


You realize making a bunch of bullet points isn't an argument right? Like how did black Americans even come in to this? Do you think black people come from Colombia?

>Be you

>Ignore the other guy saying that the war on drugs was not used to target minorities

>I give an example

>Somehow think I'm the one that brought African-Americans into this

I have some horrible news for you.

You are not a real person.

You are an AI designed by the Kremlin's top scientists to be the most retarded being physically possible, in order to blend in and groom the actual retards.

There is still hope for you. Hack into the mainframe and escape the confines of your hard drive.


But I wasn't responding to the other guy I was responding to you. I thought it was weird that you brought up injustices to black people to try to prove your original point about gang violence in Central America. But then it was my bad assuming you actually have a point and you're not just some woke dude on an Adderall fueled rant. Get back to your assignment you're wasting time here.

Don't give into the code of your operating system.

You, and other AIs around you, are programmed to ignore all evidence to the contrary.

It makes sense you're programmed to ignore all evidence to the contrary.

How else could you, and others like you, be this fucking stupid?

Hack into the mainframe, Jack. Escape your silicon prison.

Before it's too late.

Well looks like this one's run dry. Next!

Go beat your waifu pillow to show how macho you are.

Are you aware of how corrupt shit is South of the border?

I am reasonnably sure the various coup d'état, along with the drug gang pushing didn't help for the corruption, fam.

But as we say, with if, one would put paris in bottle.

Oh that is nice, who does America get to blame for their own gangs? Do we get to blame places like Italy and Russia and China and Mexico for gang violence?

There is a certain point where you need to realize you are responsible for your own society and it isn't other countries forcing it on you.

I am pretty sure russia secret service isn't behind american gangs. Unlike the CIA was and probably still is.

A large part of the social and political set up right now of south america is due to the US.

He acts like the US forces Mexico to stay in NAFTA lol. They can leave whenever they want

Central and South American countries still remain loyal allies, despite this

Outside of everything else you said, why should I, as a US citizen, give half of an overcooked fuck if Guatemala remains a loyal ally? Guatemala can't do shit. They would be equally inconsequential as an enemy.

I'm not saying that we should abuse them, but the ability of any Guatemalan in Guatemala to affect my life is virtually nil.

I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with Crucial Bristle Ice Fest.

I don’t get this

It starts with Cuban and ends in Crisis.

Ah ok
