I always knew Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wanted to put gay people into concentration camps, and now we have proof.

247  2018-06-12 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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"Korby Siamis. Wife.Mom. will not tolerate intolerance"😧

I would bet good money there are at least a couple of "only pretending to be deranged moral crusaders" in there too.

I wonder how many pretended so hard they became what they hate?

Such is the fate of those who don't discover the joy of laughing at the entire ideological spectrum.

PiCK a sIdE!

I pick the inside.

I like how this is a revolutionary notion in the US. Why is the world view of Americans so child-like?

Can't speak for them. I'm not a le 56%.


🩅 True American hero! đŸ‡ș🇾

It's unconstitutional

You would think that, but on Twitter is better to assume they are for real.

Funny thing, there exist an easy answer to this argument, but I don't seem to find any daddy twittertards asking Korby does she like her Adidas joga pants made by children in some sweatshop in Thailand.

They’re all people you wouldn’t want to be around.

Would not be surprised if they are just a troll account

This is two different accounts.


Pronounced Donald-O, or like Ronaldo but Donald?

Wtf is a boost in this context?

HIV vaccine, in order to mock the HIV positive homosexuals

Being vaccinated takes all the fun out of taking poz loads.


Oh my God

Idk, "buy more chicken" I think.

It looks like it's a tweet (giving them a free advertising 'boost') in return for a discount.

Nah, it's Square's Cash Card which gives you cashback on specific purchases. In this case, Chick-gay-a.

SMH do you mean Chik-Fil-gay?


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I think he meant Chik-flay-the-gays

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We need this here. Literal shilling


/>The right avoids a business or film because it endorses left wing views

LOL manbabies

/>By far the best fast food restaurant in the North aligns itself with Christianity

Justifiably spaz out about it for a decade

God I want a spicy chicken biscuit like a motherfucker.

Cheap and tasty

"All the best bands are affiliated with Satan."

One of the best quotes I've ever heard

Not a single rapper is affiliated with Satan, checkmate satanists

I don’t understand what you see in it, but I take pleasure in the fact that it’s slowly contributing towards lethal cholesterol rates in the South.

The South has a wider selection of fast food and some stronger competition, so I doubt it's a big contributor. But when it comes to Northern fast food? Nothing else is even comparable.

By far the cleanest, best employees, and best service in Northern fast food. I'd also argue that it's clearly the best product but that might be arguably subjective while all the other factors are objective.

Have you ever been to Chik-Fil-A? It blows the competition away.

Also, we cheer on the MAYOCIDE here. We want white people dead. Health problems related to unhealthy foods in the South disproportionately impact black people, so they aren't really cool.

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

even this bot is nice

By far the cleanest, best employees, and best service in Northern fast food. I'd also argue that it's clearly the best product but that might be arguably subjective while all the other factors are objective.

I think Culver's is at least tied, man.

Culver's probably has it beat. I've only been in Chick-fil-a a few times, but the times I have been I've been unimpressed.

Health problems related to unhealthy foods in the South disproportionately impact black people, so they aren't really cool.

But whites also develop diabetes at lower weights than Blacks do. Blacks have more just because they're more obese across the board, but if you compare a 150 pounder of both races, the whites are always gonna have poorer health.

Not to mention that Blacks have already hit the upper limit for obesity, while there's more room for whites to grow

Not if it specifically targets the South, which has a disproportionately large population of black people compared to the rest of the country. That was my point.

true, you're right about that

I’ve never understood the meme about Chik-fil-A being good. I’ve had a lot of it in my life because my swim team would stop there on the way back from long trips all the time. It’s literally just greasy fast food chicken. It’s no better than any other shitty chicken sandwich you can get from any obesity peddler. The fries are alright but the way people cream themselves over them you’d think they were salted with fentanyl. I guess it goes to show how lowbrow the average redditor’s tastes actually are.

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

I make too much money to care about this

I actually don't like the fries. But if you've convinced yourself McDonalds or Wendy's makes a comparable chicken sandwich than you haven't had one in awhile. Which I wouldn't blame you for, because those places are filthy and staffed by fucking mutants.

They are called goblinos, pls respect.

Yeah I think it's gross. I've never had anything I liked there. Back when people were "boycotting" it I was like, hell yeah! Because I don't eat there anyway and it takes zero effort.

The spicy chicken deluxe is like 550 calories, and you dont really need fries unless you have no portion control or it's your only real meal of the day. It's not that bad, at least with regards to calories.

We got one here recently. The sandwiches and nuggets, etc are just average or a bit above. The salads are very good, though. But I think the appeal here is the service/cleanliness inside which other fast food restaurants can't touch. But yeah, the food generally isn't anything special.

I guess it goes to show how lowbrow the average redditor’s everyone tastes actually are.

$0.02 has been deposited into your McAccount

I’d just as happily shit on McDonald’s or other fast food places if people jerked them off as much. Long story short fast food is successful because it’s cheap and fast, if you pretend it’s some gourmet experience you might be white trash

Chick-fil-A is amazing for a fast food chain.

how does it rank in comparison to fucking a dog

I don't think anything compares.

Like a chihuahua or a great dane?

I've never understood the meme about people liking different things

I mean it's still fast food. It's not gonna be real restaurant quality. But it's better than every other fast food chain.

tbh I went to Chick Fil-a after all the drama because I kept hearing people talk about how good it was and it was honestly terrible. Fucking weird-ass soggy chicken failure. You all need better taste.

God I want a spicy chicken biscuit like a motherfucker

same tbh

I have no idea wtf you talking about but im assuming the ceo of some fast food said the usual "gay people cant get married because it ruins the sanctity of my sexless marriage" and people still mad over it.

CFA is garbage chicken

All these niggas hating on Chic-fil-a

These spergs never had a damn waffle fry or a milkshake have they?

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

Good bot

Lol this bot.

Why is Twitter boosting a notoriously anti-gay company during #PrideMonth and an outspokenly Christian company during #Ramadan?

Hard questions from the hashtag resistance đŸ€”

why is it faggot pride month during ramadan? very very disrespectful to our muslim brothers

nipples protruding

Holy shit, this is great for drama.


About damn time.

Jack "bring back curb stomping for them faggots" Dorsey.

It's amazing how people are self-righteous these days. It's just some food, you silly. I bet some of the complainers use something from a company that destroys the environment, did something bad in the past etc

But oh no, the owners are homophobic (they are? I honestly don't know). This is a "double hitler" situation now

The owners are deeply Christian. They don’t discriminate against gays in their restaurants (employees or customers), but I’m sure they feel gays are living their lives in sin, and will be accordingly punished if they do not repent.

I actually like their waffle fries. I know people can go either way on that. I think they’re good.

McDonald's fries are consistently better than Chick-fil-A's waffle fries.

That's true. I just mean that people are down on their fries because they can't appreciate oddly-shaped potato products. Waffle fries are the LGBBQ of foods.

they're pretty much the same except chick-fil-a has less salt and is shaped differently

And are undercooked and less crispy

Yeah but because of the shape of waffle fries, if you cook them any longer the edges may get too crispy and the centers would still be a little soggy. Waffle fries are kind of like trans fries. They used to be hashbrowns but now are kind of you know, doing something they shouldn’t have been doing in the first place?

I mean, you can have fat fries (like Texas fries or wedges or whatever name you want to call them), which usually you’re supposed to double flash fry-you deep fry them for a minute or two to get them golden, then you freeze them, then you deep fry them again. Those are really fucking good. Skinny fries you just fry once. Waffle fries are automatically given a scholarship to Oberlin but end up soft because fag.


I wrote a draft and everything :’(

they're the same except chick-fil-a fries are fucking gross

McDonald's doesn't do anything better than anybody

besides market to poor retards

Poor retards like Warren Buffet

Their Waffle Fries are very good. Probably top 5 fries tbh

They need to keep them in the fryer about 2 more minutes.


they feel gays are living their lives in sin


Jack Dorsey looks like every sloppy bottom from every Treasure Island porno produced from 2008-2015.

I'm afraid to ask how you know that.

he played the cucked husband in all of em

And why it's so specific

What are you yanks yelling about again

What the fuck is a chick filla?

Whats a boost?

Whats a boost?

About 65p in Tesco.

Literally worst fucking candy bar. The only thing comparably awful are Mint Aero and Turkish Delight, which is only delightful if you have a fetish for eating Gran's scented candles.

I quite like boosts, they've got nothing on a Star Bar though which is the king of all choccy bars. Mint Aero used to be amazing too with thick chocolate and massive bubbles, now its' a tiny vile tasting thing thanks to liberalism just like creme eggs.

Fuck off. Mint Aero is amazing.

For the first 4 bites. Then it's pretty sickly.

This fucking country lol

"I don't support Chick-fil-A! They donated to groups that donate to groups that lobbied against gay marriage!" he types on his iPhone, assembled in a factory so terrible that they spent money erecting nets on the building to prevent suicide rather than paying their employees. He presses send, transmitting his tweet through his router that was assembled in an even worse factory with even more poorly paid workers. "I'm a good person. I never support evil companies" he says aloud to no one in his empty apartment, built by illegal immigrants who weren't even paid minimum wage. His laundry finishes, and he hangs up his clothes manufactured by children in a literal sweatshop.

Now, you understand, young padawan.

Lol at these SJW fucks crying about USA insignificant problems, while their clothes they are wearing was assembled by child workers in South east asia under hellish conditions.

Or their daily tech they use was assembled by people living in factory cities in China or what have you. Like actual 30k+ people living in dorms to work 10-12hours assembling phones.

makes the noggin' start joggin'

I frankly care only a little bit, but I'm also not moralizing about ethical business practices. You can't cry about chicken sandwiches totes literally murdering people while also purchasing clothes and electronics that actually directly contribute to child enslavement.

It's not enough, it's never enough.

Dammit now I want a chic fil a sammich and a delicious waffle fry.

Me too


We should've finished off the mayocide in 2010.

How is it good food? Looks more like it is okayish fast food that clogs up your arteries.

Your comment is my vote for the most retarded thing posted on /r/Drama today

Imagine getting pissy when someone calls fast food "okay".

Imagine all the people, shitposting on /r/Drama...


Imagine unironically believing in the “clogs your arteries” meme

Imagine complaining about people liking food, but because you haven’t eaten it before, you have to say it “looks okayish”

Is there such a man who could be so overtly a dumbass? đŸ€”

Wew, you really are pissy about it.

Occasionally you need a quick bite and there's not really a better choice.

It's slightly healthier than other fast food (sandwiches and burgers are ~10% fewer calories, fries are ~10% more) and everything they serve is high quality (for fast food) and tastes fantastic. Their restaurants are also consistently spotless and staffed with employees who seem so genuinely happy they make Disneyland look depressing.

I'll check it out next time I visit the US. All I have to go on are google images and it looked okay.

I'm in the US and have been a couple of times and "okay" is probably how I'd describe it. It is food that you can eat and put in your stomach and digest. That's about it. If you're not from the US chances are everything you eat tastes better than it.

If you're not from the US chances are everything you eat tastes better than it.

If only people were good enough at cooking to make this true

okayish fast food that clogs up your arteries

For Fastfood if you don't want to kill yourself after it's amazing.

This makes me so fucking angry. I’m gonna go delete my Twitter now. How the fuck can that man support such an evil business?! This is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. I’m not exaggerating. He is now officially one of the worst people in the world, and I’m not being ironic. I mean that.


I like how one gay dude tell the other one off and to get back in line.

This sub kills me lmao

People like this really make me ashamed to be a liberal, but then I remember there are dumb fucks on both sides. So I’ll just casually eat my Chick-fil-A in peace and laugh

Hey there jack,

What’s going on, big guy?

The fuck is this tweet ? Why would you tweet about a $3.15 save ? Why does that company rounds down $3.158 ?

He's a founder of Square Inc., the company that made Cash App, which is the app the notification is from. His tweet is basically advertising.