More Chik-fil-A drama: Ezra Kuck explains how many levels of woke you have to be on to stop eating animals

53  2018-06-12 by itsnotmyfault




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He's getting a Twitter beatdown, that's for sure...

He has a Vox segment called “The Green Pill”

I’d say soyboy detected but that’s too obvious.

i mean he's right tho

Soylent green pill

Literally the biggest reason to oppose progressives is that when they are done making all bathrooms gender neutral, they're going to come for your steaks.

That's not the concern. The concern is that they'll take over video games and then come for my anime waifu.

I don't take soy sauce when I eat sushi with my waifu, checkmate SJW.

They're doing it right now. My Dead or Alive waifus don't jiggle, now :'( Why live?

they're going to come for your steaks.

this is is unironically why we need mayocide; food supply can't keep up with population growth. in 50 years, a steak will probably cost $3000.

Facts. Mayocide yesterday.

I unironically think this might be a good thing. If beef is really expensive, farmers are incentivized to develop absurdly high quality premium meat instead of mass producing regular healthy meat. An American A5 would definitely get developed if prices get that high.

in 50 years, a steak will probably cost $3000.

Which is why I'm eating all the stake I can while it's still cheap.

Synthetic meat bro

That's not the issue. Current progressive environmentalism is trying to promote even cheaper sources of protein like insects, which ignores the fact that people respond to increases in food production by reproducing more until people start starving to death.

No, they really don’t though. Increases in education and industrializing economies result in decreasing birth rates, see the demographic transition. Most of the growth in the global population is in developing nations.

Now you could argue that developed nations have a disproportionately large consumption of non-renewable resources, and as developing nations create populations more able to afford meat on a regular basis that we run the risk of exhausting resources quicker than we can replenish them (globally). However, I doubt that will result in famine.

Regardless synthetic meat is still baller as fuck.

Sorry, let me revise my statement: Populations tend to grow along with increased food supply regardless of the other resources needed to sustain higher standards of living, such as civic infrastructure and education. I was concerned that the widespread adoption of cheaper protein and similar policies will lead to a situation where the population might no starve, but lead to the previous cheap protein becoming the new expensive protein.

Sorry, let me revise my statement: Populations tend to grow along with increased food supply regardless of the other resources needed to sustain higher standards of living


There haven't been any famines that weren't man-made in at least a century. The whole food -> population growth mechanic was a great idea when Sid Meier invented it for Civilization 25 years ago, but don't take it too literally.

Was the Ethiopian famine man-made?

More like commie-made.

Then I guess capitalism is coming for the steaks anyway, so get it while it's hot folks 🐮💥🍖

Mayos aren't the ones growing in numbers though. It's all the {([<other>])} "people".

Wrong; population growth will level off due to declining fertility but there’s still a ton of potential food production which could be harnessed if third world farmers adopted modern agricultural methods.

Um, progressive means progress which means better and in the future. You are literally against a better future because you are a backwards uneducated mouth breather.

Ezra Klein is one of the most dishonest hacks in the political sphere.

Here's my thoughts on meat eating. Cows are fairly sentient, have best friends, are capable of feeling depression amongst other things so I feel bad about eating cows. I may eventually cut down on my beef intake and may even stop because of it.

Pigs too are fairly intelligent, and I have taken care of them at a farm I have worked at so I feel bad about eating them too. Wouldn't be hard to quit since Im not crazy about ham so all I really eat of pork is pork roll and bacon.

I've also taken care of Rams and goats, so I do feel bad about eating them (lumping lamb with them as well.

I've taken care of chickens and roosters. Ive lived in areas where they just run around in the wild. Fuck chickens and roosters. I have no qualms about eating them at all.

Cows are idiots. Don't feel bad about eating them

Source: worked with cows

The office doesn't count amirite boys?

They're bloody geniuses compared to sheep and goats.

Pigs, on the other hand are are completely different story. You have to negotiate with pigs and form a mutual understanding, they're not interested in your shit and if you try it on with them they'll gut you and eat your corpse.

why not eat only the depressed cows?

It'll be the environmental cost of meat that matters eventually.

IIRC pigs and chickens are the most efficient to farm in terms of protein per carbon dioxide. But pigs are pretty smart so you'll still be in a dilemma.

As far as environmental concerns go, chicken is the best, and the fact that they are dumb as rocks also helps.

But if you care about ethics of games journalism meat consumption, they live in the worst conditions by far, and a lot more of them are killed to produce meat (which matters if you're utilitarian).

With a bit of luck, vat-grown meat will soon become commercially available. That should take some pressure off the whole situation.

Chickens make pretty good pets despite being dumb, funnily enough. But the farming is awful. And when they are crammed together they turn into devil birds that peck each other to pieces. On the other hand pigs also make good pets and are smarter than human children I think. But they'll eat anything, "They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute". That may not be true.

Solution: Breed retarded pigs

That's what they're doing, iirc. Anyways, if let on it's own devices, a grown pig can eat me and my whole carcass, not even leaving the bones. So if pigs can eat humans, humans can eat pigs. Cows and lamb is a little more complicated, but I try as most as I can to buy from reputable, humane sources that lets their animals live a good life and kills them late, when they're old and useless, anyways. This is also why I don't eat veal.

But most importantly, just like I don't have any emotional attachment to people I don't know, I don't have emotional attachment to animals I don't know. So I don't care. Give me my steak.

This gives me an idea for a screenplay. Planet of the Pigs...

Cows are cute, don't eat them

Don't worry I don't eat cows, I eat beef.

Soylent tendies now.

How are you a real person?

This was my thought as well. Do people have to wax philosophy on everything they see. There are better ways to show your college degree, I am sure.

The cows don't want to be eaten. They want to continue being abused on the factory farm.