๐Ÿ‘You ๐Ÿ‘can't ๐Ÿ‘call ๐Ÿ‘yourself a radical centrist until you get replies like these

491  2018-06-12 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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lol someone calls you an SJW on CB2 of all places?

No one said being a radical centrist was easy. ๐Ÿ˜ช

Join us at /r/radicalcentrism

There's not much there because that requires effort and taking a side.

Well he does post on CB2 after all.

Or you might just be a retarded centipedo/mdegenerate/whatever

Not in the slightest. CB2 is nothing but SJWs whining, it is where /r/SubredditDrama users go when they become so smug and self righteous that they start to get downvoted by their fellow SRDines.

There's a kernel of truth to that, but you call out imaginary SJWs left and right. It's getting old

Do I?

Meh idk i just assumed

I don't like you.

oh no ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

You're low T

you would know

I pound little fuck pigs like you, bisexual = fucking twice as much as you

of course you do, bud ;)

Iโ€™ve noticed you are always floating around whining about something and generally acting like a huge faggot.

Are you trying to flirt with me?


I like it when you use the word โ€œdegenerateโ€


I know you're talking about MDE users but now I can't help but see it as m'degenerate with a fedora tip

virgin neckbeard flirting with nazis, i tip my fedora to you m'degenerates

Imagine literal pedophile Leftist_Degenerate coming in on his alt to say this.

ooh, i'd be flattered if i wasnt disgusted

Lmao 15 pages of comments in one day. Someone is on summer vacation.

jmsls is (was) a brigading troll from shit americans say, which is, like, meta, considering the other comment.

I don't like what you said YOU'RE TRIVIALISING THE ISSUE!!!

Well played.

Real talk. What do you have to say about your President meeting with the Supreme Leader?

I'm glad that our Dear Leader was able to sit down with a mad man warmonger like that and discuss the issues, but I'm not sure if much will come of it because he's almost certain to throw the agreement away as soon as he gets what he wants.

Which VPN do you guys in Pyeongdong use to reddit? I heard internet was hard to to come by.

i get it, because what he said could apply to either Kim or Trump

You must be real smart

You must be dumb at parties

You must be a real weak pussy who doesn't dare post on his main

A few observations before I waste 16 minutes completely understanding who you are (17-37 years of age posting with maximum 12% exterior light penetration through your mum's bulls' basement's only undersidized window) I'm guessing you are


you're in the correct age range and i do sometimes play some pc from time to time.

otherwise you're off

Post observations

Whats your T levels at tho? < 200 ng/dL?

Do you even lift Sis?

Deadlifts only

Had you figured for a glutes-only power bottom tbh.

Post bussy

U couldn't handle the pleasure

Only way to find out if that is true

You and /u/pizzacel sound like.you'd both swipe right. What are you waiting for?

I wish Trump was actually unironically a dictator.

that insane dictator is almost certain to throw the agreement away as soon as he gets what he wants

Wait, which one?

juche is nazbol

I don't even need to read OP's OP to know that PizzaHoe696969 is correct.

Shouldn't you be planning/attending a prideparade now that world peace for mankind has been irrevocably achieved?

He even stopped clapping in the center of his title

This is the best I got: https://i.imgur.com/euUKShM.png

It comes from some drama in KiA where a couple of journos were talking about getting teabagged at by a developer at a press event, and how that's obviously not the best thing to do in a professional setting. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/8axa1x/twitter_bullshit_imc_game_journalists_are_trying/dx2gcvi/

I was called a liberal feminist by a TERF once, does that count?

Alternative caption: How to know you blacked out and sucked a Nazi's dick last night.

Blacked by the KKK ๐Ÿ™Š

Reading replies


Now this is the type of shit I was looking for when I wrote my /r/cringe or /r/drama bit a few days ago.

Damn well done.

I wrote my /r/cringe or /r/drama bit

Is this like that "Nazi or SJW" sub, but for /r/drama and /r/cringe? I dig it.

Well, fuck I don't know. I just find the cringe spam in here a bit boring .

Switch the dark theme on RiF. Drains your battery slower and is easier on the eyes at night.

coulour me impressed.

Banned from both r/communism and r/conservative what up

Been called a nazi and a jew shill in the same thread before lol

Hello Mr. Soros.

I've been called a Nazi in a thread where I was LARPing as a Jewish shill on /pol/. Does that count?

I was called an incel by both a male feminist and a CA poster in separate threads within 4 hours

Link to the original post you coward. Had to look it up but pizzahoe is obviously correct


What the fuck is up with these pizza people? Odd ducks indeed.

By Allah,I have encountered cases of cancer contracted through social media.

I've found that right-wingers will always use the term SJW, while lefties are much more diverse.