Twink thinks fighting homophobia means telling people on the fence towards gay rights to kill themselves. Askgaybros disagrees.

124  2018-06-12 by fvckconservatives




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No shit I’m gay. Why does that bother you?

Being gay is wrong 😀

No, it’s not.

Yes it is 😑

No it’s not.

Lol gay

Jesus Christ why won’t you leave me alone??

Why won't u stop being so gay?

Why won’t you leave me alone?

Because ur soo gay πŸ˜‹

Why do you hate me?

I don't hate u at all bb 😍

I don’t understand you.

Stop acting so gay and start sucking my dick pls πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰

You’re not gonna stop until you’re bored with me, aren’t you.

Aww don't be so gay 😏

Sadly r/drama have a particularly long attention span.

Fuck me daddyyyy 😩😩😩

Judging by your post history, where you're whining 24/7 over your little fuck-buddy, or how Chic-Fil-A are literal Nazis, I don't think "gay" is quite fitting.

How about colossal faggot?

What’s your problem with me? Why do you hate me?

I love you.


Ouch, I opened my heart for you and this is what I get?

Why are you guys trolling me? Why can’t you take me seriously?

Why can't u stop being so gay?

Because I can’t change who I am.

That's gay

No, I just want some people to suffer. Why is that a bad thing? Can you answer me that?

suffering is gay

Fuck You.

Yes!😩 pls fuck me daddy! 😚😏

Sure you can! You just gotta get to praying that gay away!

Because you take yourself seriously on the internet? I mean I do too, but i know that it opens me up to relentless mockery.

You can do better anyway bby.

Depends, are you a top or a bottom?

Why does that bother you?

Because you're a reservoir of diseases

Humanity is a disease, not gay people.

I said you're a reservoir of diseases

Just because I have mental health issues doesn’t mean I’m a reservoir of disease. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a bigot though.

You've taken several poz loads

No I haven’t. I’m on PreP first of all and secondly I always use condoms. The only loads I take are my bf’s and he’s neg.

Thirdly, way to shame people with HIV you bigot.


No. Shit.

Stop being so gay pls it's making my dick hard πŸ˜©πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―

You’re a dude??

There are no girls on the internet lol πŸ˜‚

Everyone here is gay and a dude, dude.

I’m on PreP first of all

Post pictures of your PrEP medication and bottle with a paper that has your username on it.

Just asking for y'know - other people - but what is PrEP?

It's a preventive medication that people at high risk for HIV (for examples, gay males and prostitutes) can take to drastically reduce the chance of contracting HIV.

Oh, so it's a bit like taking a shower with Jacob Zuma - gotcha.

Anti-HIV infection medication. Super popular and influential in the circles of middle/upper class gay guys in the West.

There are no gay-guys outside of the West.

Yeah you"re right it's not gay if you're a top and have eight kids playing around in slums.

You get it for free here lol

I can't even imagine the headlines if someone even proposed that in USA

Oh fuck actually I never even thought of that

Linkin Park starts playing

Especially gay people

Being gay is a sin and if you dont repent, we cant bang in heaven.

Heaven doesn’t exist you fucktard.

Not with that attitude. 😜

I hope you aunt gets >!healthy!< again.

I hope u get banned again


Holy shit everyone check it out this dude's gay!

Would you shut up please?

Rude. And gay.

Why do I have to be nice? Why do people want me to be nice? Nobody deserves to be treated nicely.

I thought your "people" were supposed to be happy all the time.

I’m angry as fuck, like all the time. I hate humanity basically.

Sounds very not gay.

Hey guys, we got a fake gay over here!

Do people think I’m trolling right now or do you think I’m too mentally ill to take seriously? I can’t tell.

I think you're a cutie patootie fresh-and-fruity booty!

I hate you.

Ayy bb post bussy pls 😘

I think you're great.

Your comments worry me, we don't really hate anyone but serious posters here... Well, that and racists, well racists and the polish. Calm down. You're eating the bait. Gays are welcome here as long as they watch Katya and Trixie.

Eh, we probably hate others too. Radical centrism doesn't know what it wants most the time.

If you're serious I think you actually are a bit mentally ill tbh. It doesn't make you a bad person, but it ain't good to go through life hating everyone, for your sake I mean

Hey man start hitting back with some shit. The mods of this sub won’t ban you if you start calling everyone names and telling them to kill themselves. Most of these post histories have plenty to insult.

I hate humanity basically.

Come over to the centrist side. We have cookies.

So why do you deserve the right to be gay married, then?

Rood. Do you always barge into other peoples domiciles and tell them what to do? The door is open, you can leave and be gay elsewhere.

My advice to you, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart and with only the best of intentions: Delete your account. There is no point in bickering on /r/drama, most of us just do it to kill time. It sounds like you might really be hurting. Nobody here will help.

It botherse because you're a deranged twinky incel. The gays greet each other by sucking dick and you still can't get laid. You're man card didn't just get revoked, it burned itself out of shame.


Jack Dorsey

This is too retarded to be anything but bait

Sometimes the bait is edible, take a bite to see.

Russian fake account

I admit that I have several mental health issues that have been triggered hard the past few days but I’m not trolling.

Not trolling doesn't mean it actually happened. Be sure to wear your seatbelt.

THEN go get help you fucking moron, mental illness isn’t a damn joke. PLENTY of people I’ve met including myself used to be homophobes, not anymore humans change all the time opinions change all the time.

Keep Yourself Safe

Then go get some fucking help and stick with it, jfc. I don't get how you can't see why blowing up on and telling someone to kill themselves is a bad thing. You did nothing but reinforce his opinion against gay people.

You did nothing

[It doesn't look like nothing(;;t=88)


Have you been sure to keep yourself safe, fren?

So ur saying it's fake and gay? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I really really really like this comment.


Both really.

one week old account, only posts shitty bait. Posts his own retarded stuff with his alt account here.

This is a new one he had an old account with the same sort of stuff

Yeah he’s been around for a while

My immediate thought was, "Which drama user is this"

It is NOT me.


Why are you so homophobophobic?

Why is it wrong to be against bigotry?

It's gay

Jesus Christ will you shut the fuck up?

Stop being so gay

That’s literally impossible. I can’t change who I am.

Have u tried being less gay?

Yeah, for three years when I was in middle school. I legit almost committed suicide.

Lol gay

i think we all learned a lot

Rachel in here spittin fire today


one fuck up of many in your life I assume

Try harder. You are giving gay people a bad name.

is your suicidal tendencies a result of your desire to tell your inner-homophobe to "kill himself"

Bruh. That's deep. Just like the pounding this guy's ass is gonna get tonight.

Deep psychological analysis from u/I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69.

You are the 45%

In the big scheme of things, would that have been a bad thing?

That's like seeing a black guy ask a chinese guy if he has a small dick and then walking up to him and calling him a racist n***** who deserves to get a bullet in his neck. Screw racism right?

What the fuck are you trying to say?

I know it's confusing because of the stars but he meant "nigger".

Fuck you, racist. I hope you get castrated. I’m serious.

Excuse me I didn't say anything racist I just translated his hieroglyphics for you?

You don’t say that word ever.

It was purely academic, my homo friendo.

you seem to have brain damage

Don't worry he has a black friend who said it's cool with him

What if I'm a nigger yourself?

You don’t say that word ever.

"Hieroglyphics"* ? Don't you think that you liberals are taking this "cultural appropriation" shit a little too far?

  • Yes, of course it's actually written "hieroglyphs" but that's a little beside the point here.

This is why nobody takes you seriously.

What word, nigger?

I hope you get castrated.

Seriously, we can work together on this.

I hope you get help.

That you have a short fuse. People like you are doing the work of a dozen religious extremists in preventing gay marriage with these kind of actions.

I don’t care. I legit don’t care. I just want bigots to suffer. Why is that a bad thing? Why am I constantly getting chastised for wanting to cause harm to people who deserve harm?

Because other gays want to get married and you're making it hard to achieve that.

Why are you even worried about it, you're not gonna find someone who'll want to mary you with this personality.

I’m too fucked in the head to be loved. Honestly I’ll probably just marry someone who abuses me out of desperation. I’m too fucked up in the head to deserve real love.

Maybe you'll find someone whos attracted to psychopaths and live a happy live after all.

Ooooh you're an incel. I understand now.

If you want people to suffer, you're half-assing it. You should've pissed in that guy's soup or something

I’m too fucked in the head to be loved. Honestly I’ll probably just marry someone who abuses me out of desperation. I’m too fucked up in the head to deserve real love.

Well hello, Sailor πŸ’…

This is why people don't want their sons to become twink homos.

God you’re pathetic

I just want bigots to suffer.

Same, but for twiggots.

I can't stand marmite either.

It must be really boring to have your entire life revolve around which genitals you prefer

You're a bigot

/u/Chicagosubbottom yesterday you posted a thread asking if people's views on homosexuality have changed and got many responses saying that their homophobia has indeed dwindled as they'd grown up and matured. You also state "once a bigot, always a bigot".

I guess my main question is this: why are you so bootyflustered whenever you're proven wrong and are you anxious about starting high school this fall?

First of all, I’m 25. Secondly, I wanted to see how people who claim to have changed act now. I stand firm behind the saying β€œonce a bigot, always a bigot.”

That doesn’t answer the question of why people think it’s a bad thing of why I want to cause suffering towards those who deserve it? Why do people have such an issue with that?

I want to cause suffering towards those who deserve it? Why do people have such an issue with that?

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement and that's why I firmly believe we need a mayocide now.

What? No not because they’re white, but because they’re bigoted!

> White

> Not bigoted

U wot?

seriously though, we should probably at least consider killing all white people

Valuable. Conversation.

White people are the cause of all suffering.

You realize that white people are genetically inclined to be bigoted since they don't hate themselves? Do you even marx you stupid cis male faggot

I want to cause suffering towards those who deserve it?

So do I, brother.

I used to be against gay marriage, now I don't care. Do I still deserve fire and brimstone?

You're taking yourself too seriously. Being gay doesn't really mean anything anymore.

I want to cause suffering towards those who deserve it? Why do people have such an issue with that?

I don't, and I completely agree with you. Earth should just flip inside-out and kill everybody on this planet.

Do I still deserve fire and brimstone?

You are white, so yes.


But what if they grew up in the Bible belt, had ultra-conservative parents who hated gay people, and taught that belief to them, then moved to a big city and changed their views? "Once a bigot, always a bigot" is the ultimate distillation of leftist dumbassery, like who the fuck is even left in your club of enlightened individuals if you seriously apply that rule?

/u/chicagosubbottom i used to be a homophobe but now im bi and right leaning

/u/Chicagosubbottom, I'm homophobic. Not in the way that I dislike or hate gay people, but I'm scared of them. I'm deeply terrified that if I spent too much time around them, my own lingering sexuality issues might bubble to the surface and I might find out something about myself that I fear is true. Am I a bad person?


Killing your self is the answer to all questions.

/u/Chicagosubbottom homo nationalism NOW

Russian and gay

/u/Chicagosubbottom Is eating at Chick-Fil-A enough to warrant death?

I mean... If you eat enough it pretty much is tbqh

What makes you think he's a twink? I think he sounds pretty fat and hairy.


I appreciated the comments from the other people. Hard to remember that rational people actually exist when 90% of posts on the internet come from hateful ideologues. Now, can we all finally agree to gas the mayo?

I don’t care. Literally, I don’t care. I WANT humanity to suffer, because humanity deserves to suffer

My name is not important

Why didn't he post it on /r/lgbt? They love that sort of stuff. Also as a Bi person internalized homophobia of /r/askgaybros>>>>far left worship of /r/lgbt.

There's nothing worse than a twink who thinks his mouth is for talking

the one thing i dislike most about the internet is how disingenuous some people enjoy being