Devavrata17 and his retards parade their extra chromosomes around by brigading a user's post for dare asking for evidence for their false flag. Tasty drama ensues.

59  2018-06-12 by ExcitingLanguage


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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America is so fucked.

/u/coolnormaldude i just reported you for brigading. I don't even disagree that he's a bitch, but i think it'd be funny if you get banned for that lmao

Naw bud even /u/devavrata17 who stickied it won't get banned.

Rules are for adults. Children get a "tsk tsk" and a finger waggling.

i reported /u/devavrata17 anyway, maybe we get something out of it.

You guys are way behind. I reported that fuckthealtright post to the admins last week. I typically report problematic things I see coming from those toxic forums. Need to go there now and see if anything problematic has been posted.

That dude talks about young children shitting in their diapers a bit too much, i smell a fetish πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Also Elliott Rodger. He's prob a serial killer


/u/devavrata17 is a pedophile confirmed.

I honestly get the impression each time he comments he has a stroke before finishing it

Come on man.

I mean just look at him.

There are rules on pings that have nothing to do with my opinions.

Fine I posted something tangential but verifiable.

Fixed it for you again.

does the fact that devavrata is a complete piece of shit not factor in at all?

The things I want to say in pings to some people would have had me permanently suspended even before the ping rules. Rules apply to everyone, pedos included.

Awwww.... Mods following rules :(.

Isn’t that fetish and being a pedo redundant? U/devavrata17 might not be a pedo but he talks about pooping in diapers a lot, and I find that to be problematic.

Lowercase u for pings you retard.

Auto correct, chill out 4d quit pissing your pull ups, baby wanna a bottle?

The point is, FIX IT.

How come it still links? You sure it doesn’t still ping.

He brags about disabling pings so its all good, nothing to worry about

Lol, he bragged about disabling pings and two hours after that was bragging about how many times he was pinged.

Never believe a lolcow at face value.

Im pretty sure the bitch is friends with the Admins

Only explanation for his rampant faggotry being excused.

i mean the whole fucking sub brigaded that post. shit would be hilarious if it werent so... pathetic

And his account is gone! :D

That sure was some quick work from the admins.

Lol the admins actually benned him. The absolute mad men.

he got suspended lmao


Do you guys not notice how obvious your brigade is?

You still care about this? Jeeze dude I have a job and better things to do.

I have a job and better things to do.

If you post in r/fuckthealtright I don't think I believe either of those things.

Uh huh... Says the guy with 250k internet points.


You’d probably get banned to cover it up. They don’t actually say this shit on TD, they just think it.



It's the free market. These societal rejects are so obsessed with racist boogie men they pound their dicks raw to fake outrage.

Fake racism is literally the pornography of their cult.

That's my private lolcow

These claims are very hollow. It's like the many times I hear about Matt and Trey making fun of EVERYTHING in South Park (except their own personal political sentiments).

/r/drama started its obsession with me months back, when a KiA drone went to them wanting backup and reinforcements. "Both sides" my ass. They're right-wingers in denial, like most right-wingers these days.


matt and trey have yet to make fun of the fucking retarded libertarians

probably because they are retarded libertarians

That piece of text was written by our beloved /u/AngryDM.

Drama literally gets hundreds of upvotes for bashing Trump on the regular, but the nutjobs need to drink the koolaid.

That piece of text was written by our beloved /u/AngryDM.


What a legend. Doing better whenever you are around. πŸ˜€


OP made xis account today. I WONDER WHO THIS IS

His approval rating is higher than Obama's at this time in his Presidency by 531 aggregate metrics on likely voters.

You live in a fantasy world, pal.

Some day you'll exit school, enter the work force and you'll cringe at how you acted in 2018.

The real retard is always the agenda OP

You know if you weren't busy eating drywall you'd be able to research this yourself you ignorant fuck.

Yes that's the retardness I was talking about.


Feels > Reels afterall

The brigade is so over the top it is hilarious.

There's gold in them there hills.

Anytime the frothing baboons in FuckTheAltRight is involved it's great for a few laughs.

Interestingly their top mod makes stickies calling for brigades damn near daily and not a damn thing is done lol.

Nice post OP. Never thought I'd ever inspire one of these Drama posts. Just glad it got posted to the good Drama subreddit.

One of the few things that are off-limits on /r/The_Donald is the topic of Jewish hegemony. I remember seeing a post on /r/The_Donald with two groups of people with some text that I don't remember and the title was along the lines of "Spot the difference". It got a good number of upvotes because most of the kike-lovers at /r/The_Donald thought that it was just "libcucks vs. conservatives". After a woker user commented that the difference was that everyone on one side was a Jew, they nuked all the comments.

A significant portion of the community is woke to the Jewish Question though, as pointing out the Jewishness of someone behind an article or a comment will net you a good amount of upvotes, but your comment will be removed by the mods regardless. Really makes you think πŸ€”

Also, the comment on the /r/Fuckthealtright post that said "Wow I just went there and saw it was a top post. Time to report this terrorist group" was bait from an MDE poster.

You could probably build a human with all the extra chromosomes u/devavrata17 has

Report the whole thread and watch the bans roll in.

Holy shit... there are actually enough extra chromosomes in that thread to populate a small fucking country.

These are the people who want /u/spez to ban the Donald for breaking rules they dont attempt to follow anyway.