/r/MaleForeverAlone bashes bussy and invokes the name of Allah, praise be upon him

20  2018-06-12 by QueenOfTheIncels


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Actually, bussy can be made less gay than straight porn.

You see, straight porn has one guy and one girl. Because you're fapping to something with one guy in it, that's 50% gay. If you watch bussy fuck a girl, that's one girl and a half girl, thus only 25% gay.

You could make it 0% gay with two girls but the problem is, that makes them lesbian, which wraps back to being 100% gay.

/u/Lookismisreal Why are you so mad at a bunch of gays having fun and bopping their bussies? You would too if the whole of civilization wasn't utterly repulsed by you. You'd be boppin' dat bussy all over town!

/u/Lookismisreal Islam is cope brah

But Islam is the best cope cuz it's the only cope where the femoids are slaves

Nice username you got there.

Submit, weak man. I shall take over your sub culture and sell your pathetic bussies to the highest bidder. Female supremacy inshallah

If I were still the head mod and not mass suspended, i'd hand it over in exchange for sex.

If I were still the head mod and not mass suspended

"I got banned from modding the incel forum" is perhaps the saddest sentence in the English language

Nah, that isn't why I got banned. I did get banned for 7 days after r/incel (without the 's') got banned.

Send me your nudes or tell me the diameter of your areolas.

Are you a male alive in <CurrentYear>? Have no-one to talk to about your male problems? Secretly dream of taking up a more glamorous lifestyle like that of a school shooter, rapist, terrorist, or suicide victim?

Then join one of the many fine subreddits catered to confused young men looking for guidance!

/r/MensRights - Angry about the alimony you have to pay to your baby momma? Upset that no-one agrees with you on financial abortion? Come smack the feminist matriarchy with us while we adopt the same whiney tactics as feminists! (note: this is, tellingly, still probably one of the saner male-oriented subs.)

/r/MGTOW - Dating scene got you down? Only find any comfort in the warm embrace of your right hand? Are you a strong, beautiful man who don't need no whammen? Then join us in our quest to physically and mentally remove ourselves as far from femoids as possible! Remember: only talking about it will make it come true.

/r/MensLib - Feel crushing guilt and shame for still having a dick and being thirsty for gussy in <CurrentYear>? Hated sports as a kid and made that into a core part of your identity? Join us here in our Maoist struggle sessions as we cleanse ourselves of that filthy toxic masculinity and testosterone. It's the patriarchy, stupid!

/r/Braincels - Never been approached by Stacy even after intensive staring? Been to the gym once, combed your hair, and still got cucked by Chad? Come overanalyze your facial structure as you realize that self-improvement is cope and intense blackened hatred of everyone, including yourself, is the only pill worth swallowing. Hail Saint Elliott! (PS: enslave the roasties).

/r/TheRedPill - Binge-watched Mad Men and James Bond movies? Impressed by Don Draper and Sean Connery's Chad moves? Convinced that Stacy just secretly desires a good spanking and that female suffrage is just one giant shit-test? Come join us at TRP where we combine inoffensive life advice with biotruths that will turn you the ultimate alpha male who realizes that "please don't rape me" is just code for "please keep pounding my wet hole". Remember: All Women Are Whores... And That's A Good Thing!

/r/MaleForeverAlone : same as /r/Braincels , only with more Sharia law and crying about degeneracy.

This pasta shall be consumed by me repeatedly going forward. Thank you, comrade.

I don't see Jordan Peterson on this list

/r/JordanPeterson - Describe yourself as having a bit of a "contrarian, philosophical bent"? Life's lost all meaning now you've run out of "SJW REKT" compilations to watch and you're still a 35-year old NEET living in a basement? Come join the fight against Jewish Bolshev... eh, Cultural Marxism, as you realize the bog-standard Christian conservatism of your uptight Boomer parents doesn't sound so bad when it's not Sarah Palin yammering about Baby Jesus, but a dapper gentleman speaking in mystical metaphors dropping references to "Jung" and other stuff you recognize from past Wikipedia binges. So clean that goddamn filthy room of yours, Bucko - and be a real Individual like all the other Lobsters.


I'm seeing quality posts from you keep it up.

You again...banned.


Are these people for real or is it some kind of convoluted trolling?