Mexico sees their 112th politician murdered since September, a new record! Grats Mexico!

131  2018-06-12 by Oh_hamburgers_


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Literally who cares? I bet even the tacos don't care. Lol

Come on Edwin, there must be at least fragments of a soul left in there.

He's not wrong tho.

My parents have retired back to the motherland, and unfortunately, no one really cares about it because no one can do anything about it.

America should clean up Northern Mexico with the power of Freedom. Unironically

Ew why would we want to freedomize tacos? They're not even close to being the best kind of beaner.

Ew why would we want to freedomize tacos? They're not even close to being the best kind of beaner.

What kind of spic are you?

Cuban of pure Spanish lineage. Unfortunately, probably the mayoest of spics :(

I wonder how rare that is to be only Spanish. Also, yes, Cubans are one of the good ones. How the fuck do you get Irish people there? Irish people infestation in USA is bad enough.

My fam was only in Cuba for about 3 generations, so not enough time to race mix. Then they came to the US and married gringos, hence the Irish blood. In effect, they have produced the ultimate racial trap, but I grew up to become autistic enough to post on r/drama so their efforts at covert mayocide will probably come to naught.

Lol, thanks for the bio. That makes a lot more sense now.

Yw. Apparently my autism flares up at night and makes me post things that come dangerously close to doxx.

I'm always scared to say anything about my ancestors because some turboautist might look me up on or something.

My fam was only in Cuba for about 3 generations, so not enough time to race mix. Then they came to the US and married gringos, hence the Irish blood. In effect, they have produced the ultimate racial trap, but I grew up to become autistic enough to post on r/drama so their efforts at covert mayocide will probably come to naught.

Cubans are one of the good ones

jesus christ don't encourage them

if you've spent more than 15 minutes in Miami, Florida, you'd already be sick of Cubans' shit

Haha, I don't have to deal with it. Also Cubans live in the good part of Florida.


>even the slightest bit mayo

Nice meme, sudaca. 😂

Cuban of pure Spanish lineage

South Americans consider you the black people of the spanish world though.

My complexion would make any Argentinian jealous.

I'm speaking specifically of Colombians. They don't like islanders, but cubans hate mexicans so I guess it all goes around well. And calling a Dominican "black" like a Haitian will pretty much get you stabbed. Hispanic hate is best hate.

Tacos are the most diverse of spics tbqh. Mexico is huge, has very different cultures all over. To me it's like 5 different countries force to live together as 1

I mean, it would be better for everyone. I say this as an unironic Mexican.

Mayos always want to solve problems with weapons.

Is OK because now there's a lawyer behind every missile.

My great uncle lived in Mexico. He and his wife were murdered in a robbery.

I'm sorry you're related to Mexicans.

What a shithole

The only good american countries are Canada and maybe Chile. Everything else sucks donkey ass.


Someone interrupted their day sleeping to murder a politician. He's probably the most ambitious, hardworking Mexican there.

mexico is underrated.

look at all the credit and praise that ISIS got for something mexicans are doing for for decades now.


Sanctuary cities

school shooter > 112

(be Mexican politician)[#gt]

("Viva la Mexico!")[#gt]

(get shot)[#gt]

I don't care if you're a bleeding heart liberal as they are called. With shit like that on your border you build a wall. End of story. Wow. Must be worse than Syria over there at those border states.

My mother knows a few people in El Paso. It seems like it is not as bad as Mexico proper.

Ah man I meant the Mexican border states :)!

Oh. Pfft. I don't know then. Should have kept a few Mexican classmates around when I graduated.

Yeah, the yearly rash of kidnappings and cartel murders in El Paso really aren't THAT bad. That's another city I would like to see firebombed alongside Albuquerque tbh.

Implying Texans aren't upset that they haven't gotten the opportunity to test .223 vs 7.62 in a real world situation.

You mean .556? If your AR is chambered for .223 you bought junk.

It's the same thing

No it's not. A 5.56 gun CAN fire .223, but a .223 gun cannot safely fire 5.56. They're different rounds.

If your AR is chambered for .223 you bought junk.

Who would chamber an AR for .223??? It's going to be chambered for 5.56mm but it can fire .223

I think that's what this dude is going on about - what's better, slower or faster velocity.

They sell them. And since I've run into more than one dipshit who thinks they're the same thing, people get duped into buying them.

if you're not using .223 wilde you might be a casual

Blame Bubba

The wall doesnt work and youre off your rocker if you think the cartel doesnt have a massive presence in south texas.

you won't mount drones, you'll use em to locate, capture and detain

Walls couldn't keep the Mongols out and that was hundreds of years ago. What hope would one have against a fleet of beat up old Fords with gardening equipment and ladders in the back

Israel and East Germany did fine jobs keeping their borders closed with walls, although a Korea-style minefield strip would be far more cost-effective. Trump's idea is stupid because in order to make a wall work, you need to all but declare war on your neighbor and line your border with guards ordered to shoot on sight, which isn't worth doing over farmhands and brick weed traffickers.

Lol the Berlin Wall was less than one hundred miles long and the US Mexico border is like twenty times that and runs over parched mountains and blasted deserts. It would cost far less and make far more sense to buy a bunch of drones and hunting cameras and make a few border patrol outposts than to build a big retarded wall but The Wall is all Trump supporters can wrap their brain around

I swear it's just stubbornness at this point. Like, if the primary response was "yeah border security is a huge problem, but a wall won't work why don't we do X" instead of "the border is flawless you racist" level heads would've been given a larger platform instead of ignored. Now you just have angry people digging in their heels simply to send a gigantic fuck you.

The Israel and Berlin Walls work/worked because almost no one ever crossed over those borders regularly - in the former case, basically zero people cross over the Sinai border wall, and in the latter only Westerners were allowed to come and go.

Israel’s wall only works because they are willing to execute babies and medics.


You know what's crazy? Until Trump started banging-on about building a wall, I'd just assumed there already was one. I'd seen pictures of a wall, but I guess it just extends for a bit and then stops. That's not a very good wall. Play a bit of Command and Conquer Red Alert 2: Luigi's Revenge.

Kinda hard building walls through very hostile terrain. The are mountains that are filled with rocks, then a huge ass dessert. Good luck getting infrastructure for a single project.

I personally think that monitoring drones are infinitely a better option than daddy's cock monument

huge ass dessert

Delicious illiteracy.


Yeah because everyone on both sides totally won't use them for target practice. It's not Montana, but they still shoot first and ask questions later.

Only solution is to legalize drugs in the us

daddy's idea should be given a chance

As a sovereign country I think the US should do what they think it's best.

As an outsider I don't think it will work because of the crazy amount of resources this would require. US labor isn't cheap, so undocumented immigrants would probably build it, which would be kinda strange (ironic?).

Facial recognition and drone monitoring is already being developed. Same sentiment as the wall but more effective. Just gotta finish R&D and roll out the tech.

The wall is laughably impractical for many reasons and will never exist. They just need more men patrolling the border.


When can we unironically use the white man's burden to add a few more states?

Then it will just push the problem into the new border states. Repeat as infinitum until all of Mexico is annexed.

Yeah but it's going to take a long time to get down to Cabo de Hornos so we better get started soon.

Destiny manifested

From my understanding, the rest of Mexico would be legitimately happy if the US annexed northern Mexico. It's been a tremendous thorn in the country's side since Mexico's inception and they would be very pleased to have it and all of the problems it causes out of their hands.

US can't keep treaties. Annexing territory wouldn't fix anything, would probably make it worse, killing more people in the process.

Your understanding is garbage

killing more people

I don't see the problem bucko.

Probably a good idea. Half of the Southwest of the US has tacos. Many military ppl are from taco descent

Why the hell would they want it?

Cumskins can't seem to shake off that tasty imperialist greed and veil it as a burden.

Manifest destiny is alive and well it seems.

Some of them I assume are good people.

Mexicans are literally cuckolded by the US.

Mexican here. What does cuckolded mean?

It's a shakespearean term used to refer to a man who allows another man to have sex with his partner and experiences some sort of sexual gratification as a result, and makes pretty much no sense in this context.

A cuckold doesn't necessarily have to give consent. That's just the modern porn tag, Shakespeare wrote cuckolding as in your wife being unfaithful.


it predates shakespeare by like a lot, you illiterate



Thank you!!! Y que viva México cabrones!

We did it Reddit!

u/MrAlphonzo I bet NAFTA and Reagan did this.

Even members of the Zetas have confirmed the allegations, as The New American reported last month. One of the cartel’s founders, Jesús "El Mamito" Aguilar, told Mexican police in a taped interrogation released to the public that his organization was getting weapons directly from the U.S. government.

Really make you think. 🤔

I think pissing off somebody so much that they ping me in a different thread, days later, is one of my greatest achievements.

But you just had to beat me to it :^ )

I aim to please. :^)

Unironically talking: agricultural protectionism in the US may have fucked with farmers, making the problem worse.

Do you think American labor costs compete with Mexicans? NAFTA opened the floodgates for corporations to build factories in Mexico with no trade drawbacks.

A win for Mexico overall doesn't mean that some parts of it are not going to suffer. Most developed countries don't really do free trade for food production and it tends to screw up developing countries. If US shat the bed at trade adjustment, so Mexico.

Displaced farmers in cartel controlled areas definitively got screwed hard.

I can believe that some people ended up screwed so I won't argue your point at all. I just wanted to mock the retard I pinged who claimed Mexico the country that desperately wants NAFTA has had wage stagnation from all the American companies moving jobs there.

Why don't I ever see this on the news? Oh yeah... we mustn't let American cocaine users ever see something that might make them feel bad. It's just fine to pay money to the cartels because... like... it should be legalized or something, right? So it's totally okay to have financed this guy's murder.

Everyone is at fault. Both countries have sucked at solving this problem. It's just worse in tacoland because Mexicans really like to kill other Mexicans over the dumbest shit. Also lots of retards without proper education, manners or self reflection.

There is a rationale for legalization based on economics. The status quo makes drugs too profitable for violent people.

Also, it's not like we don't have legal, dangerous drugs to see the effects of legalization .

That being said, those are not the only concerns to have.

The drive to use cocaine or heroin will trump dead Mexicans every time so it would be pointless. Reducing the demand for drugs requires addressing complex social problems that have been ongoing for decades so that is right out.

Arresting or killing dealers is also pointless because there's always another guy ready to step in and fill the demand.

Legalization is the only practical option but that's off the table because people are irrational and ideologically driven.

This is how it's going to be forever is what I'm saying

Well when the politicians are at the same level as the criminals. It is no wonder they die fat.

To be fair, most politicians deserve to be murdered.