r/cigars appoints two new mods, community is up in smoke since one withheld money from an NCAA tournament pool

23  2018-06-13 by Informal_Trip


This is a good find! Both new mods have sketchy pasts and have contributed little to the community. The one guy never gave out the prize money for the NCAA tourney and the other mod apparently helped admin/do the CSS for a rival website meant to profit off \r/cigars users (\r/makeupaddiction style).

/u/DHpayne how much march madness cash did you steal?

The contest was free to enter. There was never any money involved. It got derailed due to Reddit ToS changes.

Oh... well then. My boss' birthday is coming up. Recommend an interesting type of cigars that'll stand out but that I can get a box of for less than $400.

Lots of variables there. You can get most any box of cigars under $400. Does he smoke currently or have any favorite brands you know of? Cubans always impress, if they are legal for you to acquire. Other popular brands to look at are Opus X by Fuente, Davidoff, and Padron.

I've seen him smoke Padrons and he likes Rockey Patels. I can't get Cubans where I currently am.

Padron is one of the most well respected brands around and there are no bad choices, with options at pretty much any price range. Venture over to r/cigars sometime for a look in our sidebar. Lots of trusted retailers and coupon codes.

Thanks buddy