/r/Battlefield is cooking pasta: "Calling me Uneducated is the Last Straw. I have played Battlefield since BF1942, and I have studied World War 2 since I was 5 years old."

132  2018-06-13 by Snowayne2


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Man could you imagine having so little bussy in your life that you actually have to give a shit about a video game?

What's that life like /u/dasknackwurst?

Can you really blame him? He's from Minnesota. If I were stuck there I'd be LARPing all day too.

/u/dasknackwurst Imagine getting this seethingly asspained about the yearly AAA FPS that gets shit out by the gaping asshole that is EA.

"Calling me unedicated is the last straw, I played games with 4000 year old dragons since GameBoy Advance and I have studied the blade since I was 5 year old.

Imagine thinking realism is important in a game where you jump into planes like some action hero.


People should support females in vidya. They might actually have a chance of getting laid if more females were interested in the only topic they can have a conversation about.

also Horizon was good shit

story was god-tier (I mean, for a video game), gameplay was decent until it got samey

You'd think these incels would be smart enough lol

I have several degrees in history.

I'm being called uneducated by a guy who made half the German army black, and the entire austro-hungarian army German speaking in his WW1 game, because I'd prefer him not to add disabled female soldiers to the front line ranks of the British and German armies of his WWII game on the basis of his daughter being able to play as a woman in a cartoon.

This is unreal.

He went out of his way to protect the canon of star wars, but not wanting history whitewashed by shoehorning modern conceptions of diversity into historical settings makes me uneducated.

I dare say that perhaps he is the one who lacks perpective, even education.

Edit: Since some people are attacking me personally, or things I did not say - Yes my phrasing was bad in the first sentence. No, I'm not horribly upset about the woman soldiers, although I think it is lame the way they did it, and there would have been better ways to include whichever group of people they wanted, if they wanted to. Mostly, I just think it is very silly and a stupid business move for the developer to call potential customers stupid for wanting a WWII game to look like WWII.

I have several degrees in history.


This is pasta

I thought the edit made it pretty obvious

No ones forcing you to play a woman, and neither will the campaign.

this is pasta

I support females in vidya because it makes the nudemods more interesting.

I support anything that makes self-described “gamers” unhappy, to be honest 家庭.

I mean, it's worked out so well for male feminists.

Calling jumping into planes like some action hero unrealistic is the last straw, I played jumping-into-planes games since the Nintendo64 and I have studied the art of plane-jumping since I was 2 years old.

While ohers were getting laid, this guy was studying the.....plane jump

Well I was not allowed to get laid at age 2. So planejumping it was.

the difference is that being able to do that improves the game

Women are funny, get over it

Being able to kill people with defib pads and jump into airborne planes improves the game?

Okay, then perhaps realism isn't as important as you think it is, becuase tis perfectly possibel to have a good game without that shit.

That's sacrificing realism/historical accuracy for the sake of gameplay rather than for the aesthetics.

If you're going to have a huge important historical setting you should try to make it historically accurate, at least in the details every bumblefuck knows about, otherwise why bother?

But why are these "details everyone knows" always something on the lines of "women belong in the kitchen, not on the battlefield"?

It's fairly common knowledge that the military letting women be footsoldiers (or whatever it's called) is a recent thing

Have a War Medal

Its also fairly common knowledge that you can't jump into flying planes in real life.

TIL soviet female soldiers and snipers, Polish, Italian and French female resistance fighters and US, UK and Soviet female pilots don't real.

That's sacrificing realism/historical accuracy for the sake of gameplay rather than for the aesthetics.

If you're going to have a huge important historical setting you should try to make it historically accurate, at least in the details every bumblefuck knows about, otherwise why bother?

Yes, the way Oddball was totally an accurate depiction of someone in the 1940s and not a concession to 1960s counter-culture anti (vietnam) war mores and values.


Being able to jump into flying planes and killing people with defibrillator pads is excusable but women aren't?

Completely pointless breaks from reality in a historical setting aren’t the same as breaks from realism to serve the gameplay.

It isn't possible to have good gameplay without being able to jump into planes and shock people to death with defib pads?

Admit it, that shit's there because it looks cool, as is the woman with a prosthetic arm. It's basically Wolfenstein pretending to be a historical shooter.

TIL soviet female soldiers and snipers, Polish, Italian and French female resistance fighters and US, UK and Soviet female pilots don't real.

I'm just disgusted anytime anything reminds me that females exist tbh and would rather they keep their beef flaps away from my tank treads

Its great

This is like the antithesis of the Navy seal copy pasta

"Its just a game!"

And Mein Kampf is just a book.

This dwarfs the delusional mayo fragility of the OP in just 2 lines. Its almost artistic at how much victimization and lack of perspective is packed in that one comment.

I have no idea what he's trying to say. It seems more like an argument in favour of diversity in games.

"It's just a game, so why do you care that only white males are in it?" Well Mein Kampf is just a book.

Mein Krampf

Mein Trump.

I win.

When SJWWI happens people will point back at Battlefield V as Zoe Quinn's Beerhall Putsch

To be fair "it's just a game" is the lamest cliche non argument you can make in this situation. If it's just a game why can't you be happy with/without women? It's as bad as the "current year" argument.

I guarantee you the majority of people who are making fun of them would not be outraged if Battlefield didn't include female character models.

If it's just a game why can't you be happy with/without women?

Complaining about women not being in a game is idiotic too. Complaining about the gender of video game characters is pretty sad in general

Spoken like someone who has never struggled to find a protag who looked like them

expecting anything from the lowest form of entertainment in existance

watch movies/read books

I expect more from my art, sue me

Also I think dog fighting and strip clubs are both lower forms of entertainment, off the top of my head.

I'm not even a gamer and I recognize the incredible potential for storytelling and art that games have. Being new doesn't make them low art nor is that a reason to accept shit.

There's plenty of good art out there that you could be immersing yourself into instead of blowing a gasket at AAA games for pandering to pre teens

No one is blowing a gasket

I just called out your myopic attitude

Fucking gamers lmao

For the sake of my own sanity, I'm choosing to believe that this is a troll.

the "minor in German Studies" set off my troll alarm.

He was just bullshitting about his "credentials" , check the edit

Seems genuine to me

also, just a quick hot take on wikipedia of all sources list women in the wermacht - mostly as auxiliaries - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Nazi_Germany

i dont think anyone has disputed the historical facts here, its just a fucking game lol

the edit is fucking retarded


by lying about a bullshit education? like that is gonna earn him any extra points lol

That's so fucking pathetic tbh.

what would you expect from someone typing that wall completely unironically? that guy has the potential to be a great pastamaker/incel one day

I mean Im an amateur WW1 and WW2 history buff, but Christ its a game that they want fun over realism.

I mean, this is a game where you jump into flyinnplanes.

the mayocide can wait. we need to erase gamers from this planet

Those are the same tho









this but unironically







So is adding women to this game anything more than pandering to incels by letting them play as their Waffen-SS waifus?

If that was their plan, they failed miserably judging by the incel REEEEEEEEEEEaction

TIL soviet female soldiers and snipers, Polish, Italian and French female resistance fighters and US, UK and Soviet female pilots don't real.

That's not why they're putting Waffen SS waifus in Battlefield.

Waaaaaah!!!! These pixels are arranged wrong!!!! Waaaah!!!

/u/nmx179 would love this

EDIT: Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post. Please do not upvote. This post was an attempt to put pressure on EA and raise awareness to this issue.

What did he mean by this?

He didn't start studying World War II until he was six










I think he meant that he lied about wanting a historically accurate game and really is just an incel.

(unironic) /r/GamersRiseUp meets /r/Braincels or is that venn diagram just a big circle

Not even good at the Oppression Olympics

it will be funny when this game tanks like star wars did and progressives still claim victory

How much it will tank will probably depend 100% on how much lootbox bullshit EA puts in.

it’s EA

“a lot”

in what universe is "selling nearly 10 million copies" considered 'tanking'?

in a world where they had to make an investor conference call because they missed targets by several million copies

this is how public companies work; it doesn’t matter that the last Jedi made a billion dollars or whatever, Disney and investors expected it to make 2 billion dollars and when it doesn’t there’s hard questions asked

i am now a tankie

daily reminder the all female shitty remake of ghostbusters fucking turned a profit (dunno if budget includes marketing) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostbusters_(2016_film)

From the box office? No it didn't. They needed at least 500 million and they got half of that


With a production budget of $144 million, as well as a large amount spent on marketing, the studio stated that the film would need to gross at least $300 million to break even

But it only made $229 million so according to that figure it made a loss.


As opening day approaches, Feig can’t help but think about the stakes of making a $150 million movie. “A movie like this has to at least get to like $500 million worldwide, and that’s probably low,” he says.

They wanted at least $500 million from the BO but it fell pretty short. We won't be getting a ghostbusters 2 for sure

holy fuck im retarded, I meant that they DIDNT turn a profit

too much reddit today.

daily reminder that falling short of expectations is what matters - The Last Jedi was a fucking bomb even though it made a billion at the BO or whatever

downvoting on r/drama and being a pedantic tard? wewlad, are you lost? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_office_bomb

The Last Jedi was a fucking bomb

It turned a 417$ million dollar profit just from the box office. It was disliked but a monstrous BO success. The fans actually showed how much they disliked TLJ when it came to Solo. Now THAT was a fucking disaster


don’t even look at the merch numbers unless you want to see a real disaster, or the knock-on for Solo

They couldn't expect much more from the box office considering it's a sequel but yeah the merch and Solo suffered for it big time. They deserve it for milking it so much tbh

"the fans showed how much they hated a movie by hating another movie"

I wonder what goes on inside the mind of a Star Wars fan

/rich Evans at-st dance

most people making fun of you guys for being ridiculously outraged wouldn't even give a shit if they didn't decide to put women character models in the game. The outrage over this is like 100x bigger than if they didn't and it's hilarious.

I doubt it will tank unless they do some stupid lootbox type of shit. No matter how much these dorks are acting like this is the end of the world they'll still buy the deluxe edition and put hundreds of hours into as long as progression appears fair.

ya they said the same thing about battlefront 2 and it tanked

Overwatch is loading up on hugbox stuff and it’s bombing as well

all the woke twitter hopes and dreams won’t change the fact that video games like sports are almost the exclusive pastime of straight men

As for me I couldn’t give a fuck, I haven’t paid to see a star war since tfa, didn’t watch GB2016 or Oceans 8, and haven’t bought a bf since bf2 (although I feel pretty dumb about trusting blizzard and giving them money for OW)

Battlefront 2 was poorly received because of the loot and progression system. If they avoid this with BF5 (which I'm pretty sure they did with the last BF) then the sales will be probably be fine. I think they've said it's not shipping with lootboxes, but who knows if they'll add it in later.

ya I mean it’s ea so odds of them not fucking up a franchise decrease over time to zero

OW had like 50 million players. It’s not tanking. Or did they have a investor call which seems to be tanking to u

OW had 35m copies sold at end of 1st year

only 40m total sold by end of 2nd for an 85% dropoff in y/y sales

as for active players blizzard of course learned from wow and doesn’t publish numbers anymore, but anyone playing the game at any MMR can tell you their friends lists are dead and queue times are double what they were a year ago

dont even start on twitch viewership which is down almost 50% in the past two months as the new meta is aids for practically everyone, not only to play but to watch as well, with all but maybe 2 or 3 of the big streamers abandoning the game entirely

the game as is, is dead - blizzard might be able to turn it around but unlike WoW it has a ton of competition and frankly I think that ship has sailed

OW had 35m copies sold at end of 1st year

only 40m total sold by end of 2nd for an 85% dropoff in y/y sales

Well that's only natural, you only have to buy the game once so huge sales early automatically mean less later on.

They still practically print money with the microtransactions.

what the hell do you expect, 100 million people playing a shitty fps? it was clearly a success.

Implying this game will tank. It's a mainline battlefield game, not fucking hardline.

shrug bf2 was a Star Wars game and tanked so hard EA had to make an emergency investor relations call

it still made money but that’s tanking to me

I agree it did tank to the extent it didn't sell as much as EA wanted to. The retarded lootbox system had a big hand in that though.

the heated political battleground of fucking video games

ya the culture war is everywhere

sucks but no sense pretending otherwise

I love that you mongoloid children's game culture warriors take the bait and spend countless hours giving free advertising to toys that you hate.

mmm yes my shitposting in /rdrama is gonna move whole pallets of BFV

nerds only rage about meany video games on drama


nerd rage is “free advertising” that actually sells product just like it did in battlefront 2, ghostbusters 2016, gawker


Steampunk cyborgs participating in WW2: not worth complaining about.

Women participating in WW2: [insert entire life story as part of overall complaint here].

C3po looking ass.

EDIT: Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post.

Fucking dying.


Can't wait for the next pasta when the next yearly FPS is released and you lose your marbles over "MUH WIMONZ!!!!"

Just delete your account /u/dasknackwurst, maybe then a girl will suck your dick

Imagine being radicalized by a fucking video game forum

Imagine? I'm living it.


Incel: "I don't understand why women won't fuck me!"


> buying triple A games in CURRENT YEAR+3

What a dork.

I used to re-enact the battle of kursk using nothing more than soggy cheerios and a rubber band. Plus, I read this one book by David Irving that says Hitler didn't really do anything wrong!

oh shit he deleted it who has it?