/u/michaelkelso321 Don't listen to any of them, you are literally a 10/10, when I saw your pic I was like "Ryan Gosling WHO?!?!"
Your beard is so fucking hot. Grow it out more. My only critique is that you're a bit skinny, gain some weight. But no, you are literally making me cream my panties and you should definitely be pursuing the hottest girls you know. Remember, if they seem stand-offish, they're just playing hard to get cause you're so fucking fine.
I disagree, the glasses distract you from his gigantic snozz. The beard on the other hand is a weird choice, nobody who isn't in a cult wears a beard without a mustache without being an austistic neckbeard.
I'm 199 pounds, so I don't have that much weight to lose. Also, there's nothing wrong with beards, unless you have a feminist girlfriend that hates them.
A lot of women find him attractive, and calling him a hobgoblin doesn't change that. Who are you comparing me to, that looks so much better? Also, where are your pictures?
This explains a lot about you, to be honest. A word: the women who find him attractive do so exclusively because he's "funny" and rich. Not because he's a looker.
Also, where are your pictures
In places internet weirdos can't see and use against me. You see where I'm going with this?
Women compliment him by saying he is attractive in the comments of articles, or videos about him, so saying that they only care about his money is wrong. Also, criticizing me, while not posting pictures of yourself on the same subreddit is hypocritical.
My bad. You're ugly and have an off-putting neckbeard. You should shave it off, change your hairstyle and go lift some weights. Also, stop using Seth Rogen as your idol and get a better personality. Your self-esteem issues are off-putting, and they likely bleed into your every day interactions with people in general and women in particular. Learn to like yourself more and do activities that actually boost your mental state and self-image.
It's not either looking like me or being a 600 pound hamplanet. There are in-betweens. You look like a self-imposed incel. While you're never going to be a male model, your looks can be vastly improved by making some changes, starting with lopping off that godforsaken beard of yours, changing your hairstyle and lifting. Whilst you're doing that, work on your personality so you come across as less self-loathing and more pleasant to be around.
Holy shit, did you just reference a fucking YouTube ESOL mongoloid as your frame of reference for how normal people talk? Hahahaha, that's fucking gold.
ESOL isn't an acronym. Also, you're obviously not normal, since you spend your whole day talking about me, just so you can get 5 minutes of entertainment, when there are better people to analyze.
You allowed this thread to be put up, and have my picture on it, you stupid fucking idiot. Have I ever done that to you, or would it be necessary? No. This is the most pointless thread on Reddit, and only gives two minutes of entertainment. If you really have a problem with me, add me on Discord, and we'll talk about it.
I guess you prefer being a childish troll, that calls me names, and getting triggered about what I say than having a normal conversation. You're a hopeless asshole.
When will your trolling end? Will it end when you delete your Reddit account, and stop staring at your computer all day? Does anything make you stop, or is this your life?
If something is opinion, not fact, I won't pay attention to it. Prove to me that every single woman likes Seth Rogen only for his money, not just looks. If you can't do that, go troll somewhere else.
What kind of dumbfuck goes on a subreddit that exists solely for the purpose of asking for people's opinions on their looks, and then rejects in on the basis of "that's just an opinion"?
You're not just fugly, you're brain-damaged. Lmao.
Yet, you don't believe that a lot of women on the Internet find Seth Rogen attractive, which is their opinion, so don't be a hypocrite. Also, fugly isn't a word.
Why do I have the feeling you have "will masturbating constantly cause me to die from dehydration or loneliness?" in your Google search history? π€ π€ π€
You're not THAT fat and if your stomach hanged over your belt you would be obese then. But you're undeniably overweight, which is still (but not extremily alright) unhealthy and most importantly, given the fact that you're "asking" for some advices to look better, unattractive to many people.
Ask a fucking doctor, you're actually fat, not morbidly obese but fat, you're asking how you can improve your physical appereance and there you have it, work out and lose weight
You should gain more inches. Seth Rogan is the pinnacle of sex appeal and he definitely ways a lot more than you. I think you're 20-30lbs away from being a big sexy man
The Hodgetwins have 8 percent body fat, and are 205-210 pounds, and look good for being over 40 years old, so my body can change more, if I exercise more.
He kept on telling me that genetically determined features shouldn't or perhaps can't be used to judge someone's appearance, which I thought was a bizarre argument to make.
That is not accurate, especially if you have muscle. Have you ever heard of body fat percentage? I'm not fat, just bulky. I'd rather be 200 pounds with muscle, and fat, then 150 pounds with no muscle, and a little bit, or some fat. Women aren't attracted to 150 pounds boys.
Fat is being over 250 pounds for a man, not being 200 pounds. I'm 5'11, and I'm not ripped, but since my stomach does not hang over my belt, I'm not fat.
You can talk to a retard/yourself, as soon as I stop commenting, and continue to obsess over me more. I doubt your alcohol will damage your brain any further than it has been for years.
I don't watch TV, because I prefer watching Youtube videos, because I can find topics from any creator I want, unlike when you watch TV. Get with the times.
Fame and money tend to make people more attractive to the opposite sex. No women would be calling Seth Rogan a hottie if he was just some regular dude working at the mall.
If you want more people on the internet to find you attractive, just go star in some movies and buy a house in Hollywood. If that doesn't work you can always go live amongst the Amish, they will probably appreciate your neckbeard more.
How am I ugly? You must never go outside, and see actual ugly, overweight people, or watch My 600 pound life, and prefer to compare me to models/actors.
I made a comment about him a few times because people were talking about how I should shave, even though Seth Rogen has a beard that no one complains about, and the rest of the times I mentioned him it was because the person I was replying to was also mentioning him. Also, what is "bussy"?
Seth Rogen is a wealthy celebrity, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to his appearance and still pull tail effortlessly. Basement dwelling nobodies with no social capital can not emulate him to any success. And as for bussy, it's the opposite of gussy, everyone knows that.
Women say that's he's attractive in comments on articles, and comments on videos about him, so saying that he gets women because of his money is just your opinion. Also, what "basement dwelling nobodies" are you talking about, and what is gussy, and bussy?
Jesus Christ, I went a couple months back in that guy's history and all he does is post about his looks, his weight, and how to improve his appearance.
What we see in this thread is the culmination of months of "work" on self improvement lol
All he does is post about those things asking for honest feedback, and then comment all over his posts arguing with the feedback. 'I'm not fat, my nose doesn't make my beard bad, my smile is awesome, my body fat is at the lower end of the range you said right?' and something about body-shaming amputees.
I suspect he either suffers crippling depression because of self esteem issues, or arrogant dismorphia and obliviousness physically and personality-wise.
Either way, u/michaelkelso321 should totally join r/drama.
He has an incel brain. Even though I didn't see one of the incel subs in his post history, I've read enough of their posts by now I recognize the mindset: hyper-introverted, convinced of their own preconceived notions, impervious to suggestions or feedback, trapped in their own internal logic loops. Their posts are incredibly fucking frustrating to read because they recognize their brains are broken but fail to understand how their brains are brokenβthey ask for help then lash out at anyone who tries to help them.
His mindset seems to be the opposite of incel ideology in a lot of ways, tbh. His insistence on beauty being subjective and that genetics don't factor into attractiveness is at odds with what incels think. Incels would have just said "you're a nosecel, it's over".
He does seem to be obsessing over his looks quite a bit though. He'll swallow the blackpill sooner or later.
The only thing I saw him agree with a commenter on was that he has a shit personality. But I guess he's comfortable with that because of the mental gymnastics you mentioned.
He looks like he's new to reddit, since he can't figure out how to delete posts or how to reply to comments correctly, so is bet the only reason he's not on an incel sub is that he's not found one yet.
Which is a weird combo, since movies have taught me that people with depression are usually hot. The Hours, Melancholia, Girl Interrupted, even Ferris Bueller's Day Off ... you should try to access the inner hot. Other movies have taught me that you access the inner hot by taking off your glasses, trying a new hair style, and changing your outfit to something skanky. See: The Hottie and the Nottie, Hilton's most raw and evocative epistle to date.
How attractive am I, and what can I do to improve my looks?
I can't control my nose and beard genetics, so of course I'm going to argue with you.
One body part does not have a huge effect on your looks.
I am trying to change your opinion about looks, not argue with you. Stop repeating something that is not true. I am trying to explain to you that one body part doesn't affect someone's attractiveness, because there are other things to consider about appearance.
u/michaelkelso321 consistently compares himself to two of the uglier, overweight/obese people in the public sphere, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan, saying if women find them attractive then he can't be that bad. Comparing himself to guys that appear in articles headlined 'the ugliest actors working today.'
Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill are very unattractive, hideously so, BUT u/michaelkelso321 isn't exploring all the 'angles,' is he.
u/michaelkelso321, have you considered a new bathroom-boudoir photo shoot featuring your bussy? Enquiring minds want to know if the beard matches the drapes.
/u/michaelkelso321 Cheer up, I'm ugly and it didn't kill me. Just stop asking for validation, lose the victim mentality, shave the beard and you'll be fine.
I'm talking about all the "posting my picture and measurements hoping people will say I'm sexy and fit". That's what I mean by "looking for validation".
And as for Seth Rogen, he's not exactly a sex symbol, is he? For a long time he got typecasted as the fat pothead (I'm not sure this has changed nowadays). I guess being rich, famous and charismatic is what helped him with women, not his neckbeard.
I'm not going to keep lecturing you because I'm in no position to do so, but from a glance even I can tell that you're desperate. Exposing yourself on the internet won't help you, I can tell you that.
Looks like you used some serious ableist language as well, honestly too much gross stuff to keep record of. Way too obsessed with your "genetics" also, lmao at this Nazi pretending not to know what mayocide is.
I'm trying to change your opinion on attractiveness, and body parts, yet you keep telling me that I'm arguing with you, and getting upset about it. If someone was born without arms, they couldn't control that, so that shouldn't determine their attractiveness.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-06-13
Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 QueenOfTheIncels 2018-06-13
/u/michaelkelso321 Don't listen to any of them, you are literally a 10/10, when I saw your pic I was like "Ryan Gosling WHO?!?!"
Your beard is so fucking hot. Grow it out more. My only critique is that you're a bit skinny, gain some weight. But no, you are literally making me cream my panties and you should definitely be pursuing the hottest girls you know. Remember, if they seem stand-offish, they're just playing hard to get cause you're so fucking fine.
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-13
pretty sure he accidentally replied to me on his alt account and accused me of being a throwaway lmfao:
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That was a troll, not me.
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-13
wait was it you?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 DuBBle 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Is a scrub a troll?
1 DuBBle 2018-06-13
I've long-considered exfoliation to be one elaborate troll of the vain and conceited. Then again, I have more acne than face.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Your trolling is weak. Say something relevant.
1 DuBBle 2018-06-13
Just be yourself.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Thanks for the advice.
1 Plexipus 2018-06-13
I'm pretty sure I have photographic evidence that you are indeed a troll, bub.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What do you mean?
1 Plexipus 2018-06-13
Oh my god you aren't even fun to make fun of
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll.
1 Hootbot 2018-06-13
You can't turn him down, he'll get his way into your pants with his debating skills!
1 lickedTators 2018-06-13
I like how he kept bringing up his nose whenever someone criticized his beard.
Sounds like someone is self-conscious about his big ads ugly nose. And terrible beard.
1 Ultrashitposter 2018-06-13
The glasses really bring out the size of his nose. He should get contacts tbh
1 zergling_Lester 2018-06-13
contacts suck though.
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-06-13
I disagree, the glasses distract you from his gigantic snozz. The beard on the other hand is a weird choice, nobody who isn't in a cult wears a beard without a mustache without being an austistic neckbeard.
1 nanonan 2018-06-13
It can work well if you have a pretty young face, but I've literally seen that once in my life.
1 Ultrashitposter 2018-06-13
fun fact: In Islam, you're obliged to keep your beard but you should trim your mustache. Islam is also a cult.
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
Someone also doesn't understand how genetics works. He's pretty emphatic about his genes somehow forcing him to grow that awful fucking beard.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'd rather look like a man than a little boy.
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
You look like an extremely awkward little boy. Lose the beard and lose weight.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm 199 pounds, so I don't have that much weight to lose. Also, there's nothing wrong with beards, unless you have a feminist girlfriend that hates them.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
Guess you're just ugly then. it's alright, we can't all be me.
Lmao, are you trying to fulfill every possible neckbeard stereotype here?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
There's nothing wrong beards. Seth Rogen has one, and I don't see you bothering him about it.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
Yes, because when I think of great male specimen, my mind immediately goes to Seth "literal hobgoblin" Rogen.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
A lot of women find him attractive, and calling him a hobgoblin doesn't change that. Who are you comparing me to, that looks so much better? Also, where are your pictures?
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
This explains a lot about you, to be honest. A word: the women who find him attractive do so exclusively because he's "funny" and rich. Not because he's a looker.
In places internet weirdos can't see and use against me. You see where I'm going with this?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Women compliment him by saying he is attractive in the comments of articles, or videos about him, so saying that they only care about his money is wrong. Also, criticizing me, while not posting pictures of yourself on the same subreddit is hypocritical.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
If Seth Rogen is your ideal look, then oof--you might be beyond help.
I already know I'm a smokeshow. Don't need affirmation from reddit.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You're not even posting anything relevant to my appearance anymore. Please go troll somewhere else.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
My bad. You're ugly and have an off-putting neckbeard. You should shave it off, change your hairstyle and go lift some weights. Also, stop using Seth Rogen as your idol and get a better personality. Your self-esteem issues are off-putting, and they likely bleed into your every day interactions with people in general and women in particular. Learn to like yourself more and do activities that actually boost your mental state and self-image.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
If I'm ugly, I'd hate to hear what you have to say about people on My 600 pound life.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-13
Whataboutism: looks edition. It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
They're sad, depressive, emblematic of a society in decline and no bar for a 23 year old healthy man to measure himself with.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You still think I'm ugly, for some reason, though.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
It's not either looking like me or being a 600 pound hamplanet. There are in-betweens. You look like a self-imposed incel. While you're never going to be a male model, your looks can be vastly improved by making some changes, starting with lopping off that godforsaken beard of yours, changing your hairstyle and lifting. Whilst you're doing that, work on your personality so you come across as less self-loathing and more pleasant to be around.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
The bloated, ill-defined face says "incel", while the beard says "child molester". I'm not sure what to think.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You reply to every comment on this thread. Clearly, you don't think.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Why not accuse me of being a mod of the subreddit, too? Bby don't hurt me, no more.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I have no clue what you're talking about.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's your opinion. Stop saying irrelevant things.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
You're autistic enough to think I'm talking to you. Oh petal.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll. Also, who says "Oh, petal?", besides you.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
I'm sure you don't talk to enough people to find out, autismo.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Nobody ever says it, not even Pewdiepie, who is well known by the Internet, so you don't know what you're talking about.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Holy shit, did you just reference a fucking YouTube ESOL mongoloid as your frame of reference for how normal people talk? Hahahaha, that's fucking gold.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
ESOL isn't an acronym. Also, you're obviously not normal, since you spend your whole day talking about me, just so you can get 5 minutes of entertainment, when there are better people to analyze.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Hahaha. A whole day? I saw you an hour or two ago and now you're my pet lolcow. Why would you belittle yourself so? Lolcows are prized in /r/Drama.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's two hours of you being obsessed over me. I'm not "prized" here. You're just trolling me.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Lmao. It's hilarious to bait someone who is literally too retarded to identify bait.
I'm just giving the people what they want, friendo - a docile lolcow sacrifice.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You allowed this thread to be put up, and have my picture on it, you stupid fucking idiot. Have I ever done that to you, or would it be necessary? No. This is the most pointless thread on Reddit, and only gives two minutes of entertainment. If you really have a problem with me, add me on Discord, and we'll talk about it.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Control yourself, autismo. We don't want you busting out your retard-strength on innocent younglings.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I guess you prefer being a childish troll, that calls me names, and getting triggered about what I say than having a normal conversation. You're a hopeless asshole.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Where do you think you are?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
When will your trolling end? Will it end when you delete your Reddit account, and stop staring at your computer all day? Does anything make you stop, or is this your life?
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Hahahaha. It ends when I get bored of you. Now reeeee for me.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I have no clue what that means, but you should find something better to do, like take a shower, and go out on a date, not troll me 24/7.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
I'm shocked.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You might be.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Only an autist would think that's even a possibility.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What is?
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-06-13
You posted your photo and asked for opinions. The consensus seems to be shave of your terrible looking beard. Are you gonna shave or not?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
No, because people in another subreddit liked it.
1 BellyCrawler 2018-06-13
The venn diagram might as well be a circle here.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Lmao, I love how you're hoping to improve your looks and decided on Seth Rogan as an acceptable goal.
The guy's entire shtick is "an attractive woman likes me. How in hell did that happen?!"
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
He has a wife, and women says he is attractive in comments on articles, and comments on videos about him.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Do you have a successful movie career, are funny, and rake in several million dollars a pop? π€ π€ π€
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's your opinion.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Do you just mentally blank out every comment in every thread you post your photo in?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
If something is opinion, not fact, I won't pay attention to it. Prove to me that every single woman likes Seth Rogen only for his money, not just looks. If you can't do that, go troll somewhere else.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
What kind of dumbfuck goes on a subreddit that exists solely for the purpose of asking for people's opinions on their looks, and then rejects in on the basis of "that's just an opinion"?
You're not just fugly, you're brain-damaged. Lmao.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Yet, you don't believe that a lot of women on the Internet find Seth Rogen attractive, which is their opinion, so don't be a hypocrite. Also, fugly isn't a word.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Even if Seth Rogan is attractive, you're not. Hahaha.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll. Go jack off to men that look better than me, if you hate me so much.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Lmao. If I jerked off to every man who was more attractive than you, I'd surely die of dehydration.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Jacking off doesn't dehydrate you.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Why do I have the feeling you have "will masturbating constantly cause me to die from dehydration or loneliness?" in your Google search history? π€ π€ π€
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Because your brain is as stupid as your constant trolling.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Oh come now. We both know you cry while you masturbate. No need to be coy.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's your opinion.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Instead of whining about people having an opinion, you should just tattoo "AUTISM" on your forehead. It's more efficient.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm not whining about your opinion. I'm just saying that your opinion is false, in this case. When are you going to find a different thread to troll?
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
That's just your autism, man.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
So have you ultimately come to the conclusion that you look like 199lbs of shit in a fuzzy beanbag, or are you still deluding yourself?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's only if I compare myself to a male model.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Or, you know, anyone who doesn't look like a pudgy mongoloid.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I have European ancestors, troll. Say something relevant, or stop commenting.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
It's clear the only reason you have the beard is so you can shave it off when the kindergarten reports you.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm autistic, yet your whole life revolves around replying to every comment on this thread constantly. Stop trolling.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Lmfao, no shit.
/u/MasterLawlz, I'm tempted to replace you with him. He's way more fun and angry.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What do you mean?
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
That you're a fundamentally broken unit and I want to milk you like a prize lolcow.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm not a lolcow. I'm not even well known, so stop trolling, and just forget about this.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
You're a lolcow now. Embrace it.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I hate lolcows, and I'm not like them. I could name a bunch that actually deserve to be called one, but you don't care.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Your flair disagrees, lolcow.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What's a flair?
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
turning off CSS
Why even live?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
The link doesn't work.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
It does if you're not retarded.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Yet, you posted it as a link.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Lmao. You still think you're the target audience. It's cute.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
We're the only ones talking to each other.
1 ComedicSans 2018-06-13
Oh poppet, you're such a broken human. It's delightful.
1 Fr33_Lax 2018-06-13
Played him like a damn fiddle.
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
You're 199 pounds which is 90 kg and you say you're 5'11 which is more or less 179cm
Dude, you're definitely overweight, ask a physician if you don't believe me
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
There are people who are my weight that aren't fat, so you're wrong. My stomach is around 36 inches, and doesn't hang over my belt.
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
Ok, dude, you clearly DON'T WANT TO LOOK BETTER.
Stop asking for advices you don't want to listen, then.
Good luck.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'd rather look like Jeff Seid, or the Hodgetwins by building muscle, not a 150 pound teenager.
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
To be muscular you have also to burn fat. This or some magic wand
1 JoeFalchetto 2018-06-13
So, are you working out 6 times per week and eating right and lifting heavy?
1 Hootbot 2018-06-13
"My stomach is around 36 inches, and doesn't hang over my belt, so I'm not that fat."
WAIT WHAT!!!? hahahahaha
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
You're not THAT fat and if your stomach hanged over your belt you would be obese then. But you're undeniably overweight, which is still (but not extremily alright) unhealthy and most importantly, given the fact that you're "asking" for some advices to look better, unattractive to many people.
Ask a fucking doctor, you're actually fat, not morbidly obese but fat, you're asking how you can improve your physical appereance and there you have it, work out and lose weight
1 Awayfone 2018-06-13
An ideal waist size is below about half you height.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That means that I only need to lose an inch off my waist, which is not a big deal.
1 Awayfone 2018-06-13
You would think but sadly wrong.A ratio at .5 quite plainly shows an increase risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease
On the other hand you pants would be too big so is increase life expectancy really worth it?
1 ___-III----III-___ 2018-06-13
You should gain more inches. Seth Rogan is the pinnacle of sex appeal and he definitely ways a lot more than you. I think you're 20-30lbs away from being a big sexy man
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I thought he lost weight, though.
1 ___-III----III-___ 2018-06-13
He's less attractive now. Girls dont want stickly feminine men. Grow your beard out more to demonstrate virility and pack on the pounds.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
The Hodgetwins have 8 percent body fat, and are 205-210 pounds, and look good for being over 40 years old, so my body can change more, if I exercise more.
1 Awayfone 2018-06-13
How tall are you?
199 is a bit overweight
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 Hootbot 2018-06-13
He kept on telling me that genetically determined features shouldn't or perhaps can't be used to judge someone's appearance, which I thought was a bizarre argument to make.
1 Lamza 2018-06-13
bear material right there
1 Corporal-Hicks 2018-06-13
That guy's post history has a serious "school shooter" vibe to it
1 reallyrunningnow 2018-06-13
I honestly didn't know there were men in the fat acceptance movement until I read some of his posts.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
5'11, and 199 pounds isn't fat.
1 reallyrunningnow 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That is not accurate, especially if you have muscle. Have you ever heard of body fat percentage? I'm not fat, just bulky. I'd rather be 200 pounds with muscle, and fat, then 150 pounds with no muscle, and a little bit, or some fat. Women aren't attracted to 150 pounds boys.
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
You aren't muscular.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm not fat. I'm the size an average American, and a Google search can prove that.
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm glad you agree with me.
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for you but apparently I do: the average American is fucking fat.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Fat is being over 250 pounds for a man, not being 200 pounds. I'm 5'11, and I'm not ripped, but since my stomach does not hang over my belt, I'm not fat.
1 TempyUsername 2018-06-13
So im late to the game and didnt get to see. Upload a pic?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Use your imagination.
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
Yeah, but the average american isn't exactly the fittest person
1 ThetaCygni 2018-06-13
Bro, you aren't fit
1 Awayfone 2018-06-13
What is your body fat %?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I haven't measured it by myself.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
lol manlet
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, "Shaq."
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
Dab on small """people""" tbh
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm straight.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
Maybe if your back was straight you'd be a bit taller iykwim
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Maybe no one says dab in 2018.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
Maybe girls would like you more if you kept up with current trends.
Also lmao @ your ninja edit changing "straight" to "not gay"
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
The dab hasn't been relevant since 2015, so you have no clue what you're talking about.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
You sound like a boomer
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You sound like someone who likes dabbing, and picking his nose at the same time.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
No one says that in 2018. That meme is dead.
1 BrotherToaster 2018-06-13
Get on fleek, old man
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
how can anyone be ok with having a neckbeard.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Ask Seth Rogen.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Well, he's loaded
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
And, women in the comments of videos on him say he's attractive.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
You're obnoxious please fuck off
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Yet, you're obsessed with another man, a.k.a. me, and commenting on a thread about me.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
OMG you're the op. Hows it going buddy πππ kiss me
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Say something that's actually true, and stop obsessing over me, unless you're finally going to come out of the closet.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Hold on I need more wine
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I doubt it. You're still commenting on this thread obsessively.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
I'm watching a tv show, chugging bargin bin merlot (a double) and talking to a retard. Not exactly a stressful combination
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You can talk to a retard/yourself, as soon as I stop commenting, and continue to obsess over me more. I doubt your alcohol will damage your brain any further than it has been for years.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Haha, whatever. Whats your favorite book
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Any encyclopedia. Stop asking irrelevant questions, and go damage your brain more with alcohol.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Your favorite book is an encyclopedia. This a troll lol
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Encyclopedias are more informative than the women's UFC matches you watch.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Lafies UFC? Surely not....it was billions
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I don't get how money earned by the UFC is relevant to what books I read. Your comments are pointless, at this point.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
if you are trollin me you are pretending to be retarded therefore I come out clean
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I don't watch TV, because I prefer watching Youtube videos, because I can find topics from any creator I want, unlike when you watch TV. Get with the times.
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
I watched it on putlocker, I'm ππ hip. Wow πΈπΈ kween you don't π³π³ watch youtube. who's your πππ favorite vlogger
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I don't watch vlogs, because they're boring. Also, I don't watch Ben Shapiro. I prefer to watch Mark Dice. What does "kween" mean?
1 thats-why-i 2018-06-13
Your him at least 25
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 SexyCannibal 2018-06-13
Fame and money tend to make people more attractive to the opposite sex. No women would be calling Seth Rogan a hottie if he was just some regular dude working at the mall.
If you want more people on the internet to find you attractive, just go star in some movies and buy a house in Hollywood. If that doesn't work you can always go live amongst the Amish, they will probably appreciate your neckbeard more.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's your opinion, but not something hat you can prove.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
Do you think I'm pretty?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
If you're actually a woman, then yes, since I only want to date a woman.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
Nigga I said shit about datin' your ugly ass
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
How am I ugly? You must never go outside, and see actual ugly, overweight people, or watch My 600 pound life, and prefer to compare me to models/actors.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
BB I'm just negging you to keep you interested, lemme get that dick between my hairy legs <3
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
"Negging", or "nagging?"
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
Negging, ofc And BB is what you are :3
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
How many accounts are you using to downvote my posts, and upvote the comments of people on this thread? Your trolling is weak.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
I pay 2 people and we each have 8-13 accounts
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
You should stop obsessing over me so much, and stop commenting on threads about me.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
no u
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Stop trolling, and say something relevant.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-13
I can't quit you π
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Okay, troll.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-13
You keep bringing up Seth Rogen. You hankering for some of that forbidden Rogen bussy?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I made a comment about him a few times because people were talking about how I should shave, even though Seth Rogen has a beard that no one complains about, and the rest of the times I mentioned him it was because the person I was replying to was also mentioning him. Also, what is "bussy"?
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-13
Seth Rogen is a wealthy celebrity, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to his appearance and still pull tail effortlessly. Basement dwelling nobodies with no social capital can not emulate him to any success. And as for bussy, it's the opposite of gussy, everyone knows that.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Women say that's he's attractive in comments on articles, and comments on videos about him, so saying that he gets women because of his money is just your opinion. Also, what "basement dwelling nobodies" are you talking about, and what is gussy, and bussy?
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-13
Ah, yes. Internet comment sections, well known for being trustworthy barometers of public opinion.
True, it is my opinion. My opinions tend to be correct.
Well now you're just being purposefully dense.
1 Kelkymcdouble 2018-06-13
Yeah but they dont comment on his physical appearance, they found his personality attractive and his looks serviceable
1 Plexipus 2018-06-13
Jesus Christ, I went a couple months back in that guy's history and all he does is post about his looks, his weight, and how to improve his appearance.
What we see in this thread is the culmination of months of "work" on self improvement lol
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-06-13
All he does is post about those things asking for honest feedback, and then comment all over his posts arguing with the feedback. 'I'm not fat, my nose doesn't make my beard bad, my smile is awesome, my body fat is at the lower end of the range you said right?' and something about body-shaming amputees.
I suspect he either suffers crippling depression because of self esteem issues, or arrogant dismorphia and obliviousness physically and personality-wise.
Either way, u/michaelkelso321 should totally join r/drama.
1 Plexipus 2018-06-13
He has an incel brain. Even though I didn't see one of the incel subs in his post history, I've read enough of their posts by now I recognize the mindset: hyper-introverted, convinced of their own preconceived notions, impervious to suggestions or feedback, trapped in their own internal logic loops. Their posts are incredibly fucking frustrating to read because they recognize their brains are broken but fail to understand how their brains are brokenβthey ask for help then lash out at anyone who tries to help them.
1 shallowm 2018-06-13
His mindset seems to be the opposite of incel ideology in a lot of ways, tbh. His insistence on beauty being subjective and that genetics don't factor into attractiveness is at odds with what incels think. Incels would have just said "you're a nosecel, it's over".
He does seem to be obsessing over his looks quite a bit though. He'll swallow the blackpill sooner or later.
1 Hootbot 2018-06-13
Oh no, he doesn't think beauty is subjective at all. I know because I tried to convince him it was like 27 times.
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-06-13
The only thing I saw him agree with a commenter on was that he has a shit personality. But I guess he's comfortable with that because of the mental gymnastics you mentioned.
He looks like he's new to reddit, since he can't figure out how to delete posts or how to reply to comments correctly, so is bet the only reason he's not on an incel sub is that he's not found one yet.
1 Plexipus 2018-06-13
The fate of all things circling the drain is to one day swirl down it
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-06-13
Isn't that the r/drama motto?
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2018-06-13
Nah, I have crippling depression and I will outright say to people that I'm ugly AF.
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-06-13
Which is a weird combo, since movies have taught me that people with depression are usually hot. The Hours, Melancholia, Girl Interrupted, even Ferris Bueller's Day Off ... you should try to access the inner hot. Other movies have taught me that you access the inner hot by taking off your glasses, trying a new hair style, and changing your outfit to something skanky. See: The Hottie and the Nottie, Hilton's most raw and evocative epistle to date.
1 carthoris26 2018-06-13
This fucking guy.
1 siskonaut 2018-06-13
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-06-13
/u/michaelkelso321 you a Frankenstein!
1 MagicalUnibeefs 2018-06-13
Oh no.
Oh no, he's posted even more places...
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2018-06-13
/u/michaelkelso321 You look like you have strong opinions about Feminism, MLP and video games.
1 Baconlightning 2018-06-13
He literally looks one of those mayos who have converted to Islam.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Stop being a bigot. Also, what's a mayo?
1 Ravensthrowit 2018-06-13
be honest you were going for this look right? Sorry man you gotta be making atleast 30 mil a year to have that many pubes on your face
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Their wives like those looks.
1 Awayfone 2018-06-13
Nah they love their money
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
It's both their money, and looks that get them women, in my opinion.
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-06-13
u/michaelkelso321 consistently compares himself to two of the uglier, overweight/obese people in the public sphere, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan, saying if women find them attractive then he can't be that bad. Comparing himself to guys that appear in articles headlined 'the ugliest actors working today.'
Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill are very unattractive, hideously so, BUT u/michaelkelso321 isn't exploring all the 'angles,' is he.
u/michaelkelso321, have you considered a new bathroom-boudoir photo shoot featuring your bussy? Enquiring minds want to know if the beard matches the drapes.
1 boyoyoyoyong 2018-06-13
u/michaelkelso321 I have the effect sub for a gentleman such as yourself....go be amongst your people r/braincels
1 dootwiththesickness 2018-06-13
He belongs with us you fool
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What do you mean by that?
1 Robot879 2018-06-13
/u/michaelkelso321 Cheer up, I'm ugly and it didn't kill me. Just stop asking for validation, lose the victim mentality, shave the beard and you'll be fine.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What do you mean by validation? Also, what's wrong with beards? Seth Rogen has one, and girls are attracted to him.
1 Robot879 2018-06-13
I'm talking about all the "posting my picture and measurements hoping people will say I'm sexy and fit". That's what I mean by "looking for validation".
And as for Seth Rogen, he's not exactly a sex symbol, is he? For a long time he got typecasted as the fat pothead (I'm not sure this has changed nowadays). I guess being rich, famous and charismatic is what helped him with women, not his neckbeard.
I'm not going to keep lecturing you because I'm in no position to do so, but from a glance even I can tell that you're desperate. Exposing yourself on the internet won't help you, I can tell you that.
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-13
are you ever gonna answer my question? what learning disability were you diagnosed with as a child.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I won't answer, if you're not going to ask the question politely.
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-13
hi- were you diagnosed with any mental disabilities as a child you handsome sexy boy?
1 TheTallyrander 2018-06-13
Anyone have a mirror of the original image
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 Yiin 2018-06-13
Can I see it. Beards are really unappreciated. π
DM me if you don't want these guys to see it.
1 HaulOfChina 2018-06-13
It's in the archive.is link in the snappy post.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
how am I supposed to rate if you don't post your bussy?
Thoughts on the coming mayocide?
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
What's a mayo? Also, you should have found my post before trolls forced me to delete it.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
Sorry to hear. Did you have your cheeks spread or let em hang naturally? Trolls can be picky bout these things
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I wasn't naked in my pictures, because they were normal pictures. If you want men to take off their clothes for you, use Grinder.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
So how can anyone rate without bussy? Quit being a fag
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Bussy isn't a word, troll.
1 Goatmen1 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That's not relevant to this thread.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
There's nothing wrong with bussy. Seth Rogen has one, and I don't see you bothering him about it.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I don't know what a bussy is, troll.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
Then why ya make a hateful & homophobic joke at my expense? Get back under your bridge incel
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I made the joke, because you say random, irrelevant things that have nothing to do with the thread. Also, stop name calling.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
> post on r/AmISexy
> say bussy quality an irrelevant thing
Sure thing troll.
I never name called - you used very hurtful language earlier and your deleted posts are riddled with antisemitism. Stop projecting.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Show me screenshot evidence of my antisemitism. Slander is illegal.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
Hating bussy will be illegal soon too.
One example
Looks like you used some serious ableist language as well, honestly too much gross stuff to keep record of. Way too obsessed with your "genetics" also, lmao at this Nazi pretending not to know what mayocide is.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
If you're going to photoshop what I say to win an argument, I'm done with this.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
I'm trying to change your opinion on attractiveness, and body parts, yet you keep telling me that I'm arguing with you, and getting upset about it. If someone was born without arms, they couldn't control that, so that shouldn't determine their attractiveness.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I'm done.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
If you're done taking the bussy selfies you promised, upload the damn things already
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
I meant I'm done replying to this thread, so have fun. I'll probably delete my account, anyway.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
don't but you still got /u/MK321321 so you'll be fine i guess
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
That guy is a troll.
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 dratamard 2018-06-13
Now that we're talking again does this mean we're back together? <3
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Not if you're going to continue to abuse me by posting my thread repeatedly.
1 Hootbot 2018-06-13
This thread is amazing.
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
It's sad this thread is still up. Smh.
1 kippot 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Thanks for the downvote, man.
1 kippot 2018-06-13
i troled u again xD
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13
Can you upvote my comments? Some troll downvoted them.
1 kippot 2018-06-13
oh fuck i just downvoted
1 michaelkelso321 2018-06-13