/r/ChapoTrapHouse officially endorses the harassment and public shaming of Jews by government officials. Statistics are given as reasoning.

59  2018-06-13 by Wegwerf540


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Woke af

I-Is this horseshoe theory?

That one comment about how the percentage of jews having bad ideas justifies harassment is fucking hilarious.

I wonder how they would react if I were vandalize some random muslims shit with vaginas or bacon.

"We need a safe space, stat!"

It's actually indistinguishable from MDE

MDE doesn't like Jews either though

Yes...that's the point.

mde is about violating other peoples safe spaces not creating them lol

Just link that Pew survey.

There is no group of ideologues that doesn't have a Jews-level, world-controlling, smoky backroom unfalsifiable conspiracy theory at its heart. Right wingers see "globalists", SJWs see patriarchy, white supremacy, tankies see capitalism, etc. Some people just see actual Jews.

What is it about the jews that brings the left and the right together to sperg the actual fuck out?

my dissertation was unironically partially about this

So what is it? Why does everyone hate em?

I cant actually explain what my contention was because it would kinda be doxxing myself... :/

r i p

Really makes you think πŸ€”

Left sees white, wealthy, elite group that controls society.

Right sees non-white, wealthy, elite group that controls society.

Reality obviously

almost like its true

Left hate the rich capitalists. Right hate the globalist Jews.

Me a radical centrist: hate the rich capitalist globalist jews.

nah jews are just shit enough for everyone to agree about them

Israel is anti-Semitic though

Damn /u/Not_One_Step_Back you woke af

Black people are responsible for slavery



Damn, that slept af

Black people are responsible for slavery

Hi Kanye!

Who do you think sold the slaves to the mayos?

They were step one slave traders

Shut up I know it

β€œI’m not anti-Semitic, I just get irrationally angry when Jews defend themselves.”-/u/not_one_step_back probably

I hate the dirty Jews too, boo

Oh yeah and since when are zionists Jewish?



"Guys guys guys guys guys we're totally not acting like nazis, we only hate Israel."

No seriously someone should link that thread to the podcast crew.

The sub has its own podcast?

Oh man how pathetic

Are you being funny or do you not know what Chapo Trap House is?

tl;dr - It's basically like InfoWars for tankies. Sometimes they can be funny when they're ripping on people like Milo or Ben Shapiro, but most of the time it's just pure autism

but most of the time it's just pure autism

so where is the /r/drama podcast???

It would just be people saying "hehe bussy" and "hehe mayocide" and then snickering like Beavis and Butthead for two hours

... so you're right we need to crowdfund this

theres the dio guys who does youtube videos already

Yeah, what happened with him? I didn't really get it but I also kind of enjoyed it

it's probably better if that is done sparingly

So 3 monotone morons mumbling for an hour about memes

Man using autism as a slur is very not okay

Man using autism as a slur is very not okay

Spoken like a retarded ass pussy faggot

I mean, this is literally a post dictating what words strangers on other subs are allowed to use and how it's so important to this sub, so it's not a stretch.

Do not make me work.

Sorry daddy :-(

shut the fuck up retard


It is tho. CHECKMATE!

Imagine being this unironically retarded...

InfoWars for tankies

legit lmao, I've been searching for a good descriptor for that shithouse and you nailed it.

its somehow more smug too

Mild social democrats = tankies

Sub has very little in common with the podcast for a while now.

I dont want that grandstanding grease in my inbox

a lot of subreddits have podcasts now.

No you see, the Nazis wanted to get the Jews out of germany. Having them stay in Israel is them winning.

/u/TheReadMenace Seriously thank you for speaking up on this, I hate those dirty kikes too, it's nice to see a white man standing up for the truth, Heil Hitler!

Put a gun in your mouth

LOL, very funny, brother. Don't worry, I'm no dirty heeb, I'm white like you. We won't let those dirty Israelis replace us. It's time to round them up, I think. Perhaps in one concentrated area?

Wtf this is the subreddit of peace

Sounds like something an anti-Semitic shot bag would post, imo.

Also why you faggiest posters love Palestine so much? Want five black eyed Islamic wives or sonething?

Do it. Do the world a favor. Watch on afterwards and see all the people who don’t miss you, you rube.




Just admit you hate Jews and wanna live with people chucking gays off buildings like the blood-starved micro-dicked loser you are.

He literally couldn't have found a whiter insult.

I bet /u/imnotownedimnotowned is literally the biggest fucking cracker you've ever met irl. Mayos are actually disgusting, smdh

You know, telling people to kill themselves is kind of the opposite of woke.

Unless they're mayos

Leftists always tell other people to do things instead of doing it themselves.


Back to Brooklyn for you. No telling people to kill themselves.

Just mayo things

Reeeeee, mod abuse.

no telling people to kill themselves

i miss when drama was fun

You know I have no control over this.

I do, I'm just pointlessly bitching into the air because the admins are bathing in chromosome soup

So remove the post and reply with a censored version did you grow up in a cave???

I am not doing all that work because users act retarded. I am already annoyed they make me clean up after them in the first place.

Just be glad you aren't in places that nuke whole subthreads or lock entire posts.

Ah come on just copy paste the the text with one of those 'go love yourself' kinds of shenanigans those are hi-larious

Use removeddit for 100% accuracy instead. Then you get it edit free.

bless your kind heart

Is this the "dunking" that faggos talk about so much?

One of the all time greats

It doesn't get much more epic than drawing dicks




Sounds like something an anti-Semitic shit bag would post, imo. Also why you faggiest posters love Palestine so much? Want five black eyed Islamic wives or something?

r/drama knows that the way to own the racists is by adding homophobia to racism

/u/imnotownedimnotowned in those comments you deleted you seem upset. You should mind your personal safety going forward as anger is bad for you.

They were removed.

Why ?

They get removed because you aren't allowed to say the shit they said.

Feeepo raved on about killing niggers forever but that stuff is not allowed

Times change and admins change their position. Feepo will always be retarded though, that is a constant until the end of time.

Most of the time he didn't advocate killing niggers, he just REEd about how they were violent and inferior. I'm guessing that he did do it ocassionally though, which is why he got suspended.

The difference between the scumbag left and the mainstream left is the ability to openly hate jews

Damm when did chapo get so woque the the jq?

Chilean Border sucked. Had to throw your drugs away and lost an hour of your day because they operate on some weird ass time schedule.

Also I remember Chileans near the border to be dicks anyway, no I don’t understand your Spanish when you talk exclusively in colloquialism at blazing speed.

Now Peruvians on the other hand πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Also I remember Chileans near the border to be dicks anyway, no I don’t understand your Spanish when you talk exclusively in colloquialism at blazing speed.

This is too god damn true lmao

whatever those fucksticks at fappo crap house are, they sure as fuck ain't communists. I think they're some sort of state department "socialist" and it's always been fashionable in that bureaucracy (tied as it is to Big Oil) to be at least a bit anti-jew....gotta keep up appearances for those Persian Gulf Oilogarchs.

wtf i love chapo now

Horseshoe theory wins again

Damn it’s nice to be a centrist πŸ”΅πŸ˜ŽπŸ”΄