Cringeanarchy user posts video they made critical of far left subreddits and their users. I have a dialogue with a mayo claiming to be a psychologist itt

0  2018-06-13 by Dropperneck


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Oof, posting a r/drama thread about yourself.

That's pretty embarrassing, honestly.

Can you explain in psychiatric terms why it’s embarrassing? Also do you consider this sub to be alt right and fascist?

First, are you aware of the difference between psychology and psychiatry? Second, do you actually need me to explain to you why posting a r/drama thread about yourself is embarrassing, obviously immature, and a transparent attempt to seek justification for your comments? Third, why in the world would r/drama, the neutral third party you involved, be alt-right or fascist?

I know psychiatrists can prescribe, but I’m having a hard time going back to my psychology class in college and remembering the specific difference, admittedly. R/fuckthealtright labels r/drama as alt right and r/drama recently made it onto AHSs list of hate subs tbf, and yes could you please explain my immature attempt to seek justification for my comments?

I'm honestly surprised to see a - potentially - cognizant comment. First, to clarify the difference, psychiatrists spend an additional 6+ years attaining an MD and completing residency, on top of their psychology degree, whereas a psychologist refers to someone that specializes in psychology and [often] requiring a graduate degree here in the US.

Second, this sub is quite clearly becoming overrun with alt-right posters. Now, I can only speculate on the reason for this, but I'd guess that the inherently confrontational nature of a community based on the premise of identifying and exposing subjectively determined instances of 'drama', often with the secondary effect of propagating additional 'drama' in the comments of the posts themselves, would align perfectly with the ideology of a Trump supporter. However, I'd like to show you how I know that this sub has been overrun with alt-right users and thus identified by subs like AHS and FTAR. An oft-recommended extension for reddit is Reddit Enhancement Suite - or RES, which includes a feature succinctly called "History Button". This feature provides a glimpse into the amount which any given account submits to or comments in any given subreddit. The data this feature provides is inherently valuable, but provides limited insight since it provides stats and not content. For instance, from your history I can see that you are very active in both Drama and T_D, and considering the histories of other users from the front page of the sub - as well as the obvious bias in topics being upvoted - this tends to support the theory that Drama has been overrun by the alt-right.

Third, I'd like you to consider that you inserted yourself into the conversation over at CringeAnarchy. Regardless of whether we agree on the necessity of that action, that's objectively what occurred. After inserting yourself into the conversation by making a comment seemingly implying I'm mentally ill due to our difference in political ideology, you proceeded to actively participate in a conversation you claimed to be "merely spectating", and after being provided with an actual response to your question likely intended to be rhetorical, instead of examining, analyzing and discussing the content, you proceeded to seek validation and attention from a more friendly community of like-minded individuals who you thought would support your "righteous wit" which you've levied against a non-believer! So what happened here? TL;DR: You attempted to create drama by joining into the conversation on CringeAnarchy and, when presented with an argument you were either unwilling or unable to understand, you immediately attempted to seek validation by posting your own failed attempt to create drama in the sub dedicated to seeking out drama.

I hope this helps clarify why you're being consistently downvoted by both communities, and hopefully you can use this knowledge to reflect on your own beliefs. Regardless of whether you end up modifying your political ideology, I (and effectively every other sane human being) truly do seek a return to normalcy, though frankly, many people, myself included, believe the radicalization of the right-wing is a pressing concern with immediate short- and long-term implications, and I probably don't have to tell you how I feel about any of those implications.

I think you read too deeply into actions made, actually I get downvoted quite often here bc of my post history or my conservative view points included with any given post. I probably shouldn’t have injected our conversation into the posts title, but I think the cringeanarchy post itself is worthy of drama. R/Drama is actually a truly centrist sub, looking at just post histories is problematic for a whole host of reasons, but the biggest probably being these fringe subs are where most of the drama comes from, and many of the posters here simply post in these forums bc they are linked and not necessarily bc they subscribe to the its viewpoints. I’m actually kind of interested by your willingness to engage on a meaningful level, so bare with me I’d like to jump in a bit deeper. I’m going to assume you live in a urban center, and likely a coastal city, but not necessarily. For the purpose of discussion let’s say you answer for most folks in these far left reactionary subs. So do you genuinely believe The trump admin is fascist, and what exactly do you base that on, I’m considering fascism is being used as traditionally defined, and not some as some colloquial hyperbolic term used as a blanket statement by far left tumblrinas/internet trolls. Also you seem pretty intelligent, can you not see that calling everyone you disagree with alt right/nazi is reductive, and pretty much the counter opposite of the right calling everyone commies/alt left. There seems to be very little self awareness in both reactionary left and right sub forums, so I ask these question in good faith with a hope for some self realization or a pretty good explanation.

actually I get downvoted quite often here bc of my post history or my conservative view points included with any given post.

This is not the only reason why you get downvoted frequently in this sub

At least I’ve posted bussy in the discord prude ass

Does it look like Rihanna’s eye after being Chris browned?

No it’s much softer and daintier

So supple? 🍆 💦

Supple is a understatement

with alt-right posters

Sock puppets mueller warned us about

Second, this sub is quite clearly becoming overrun with alt-right posters.

Everything changed when MDE attacked. Lolcows walk amongst us.



calling me an edgelord

Choose one


I was unaware of the mutually exclusive nature of those two terms prior to my discussion with such an... enlightened individual.

I've yet to receive a response as per the reasoning for this characteristic, but I've no doubt it's coming.

Needing validation from us because you aren't getting it in your debate


I just enjoy the dialogue, admittedly.

who are you quoting?


Pathetic post tbh.


waaaaaaahhhhhh come to my defense r/drama!! plsss defend my honor


who are you quoting?

I don't know, you tell me! 😤