Drama in r/amitheasshole

9  2018-06-13 by Ghdust


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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The guy is an asshole and married to even bigger one based purely on the fact she’s asking permission to spend a fiver.

I had given her twenty dollars this morning to put gas in the car and she wanted to know if she could use five of it to get something to eat.

/u/Sandals__with__socks - Assalamualaikum, brother! You have made Allah quite proud indeed with the control you exercise over your wife. Remember, spare the rod and spoil the woman. A woman is a nasty and impulsive creature who needs discipline in order to serve her husband and Mohammed, peace be upon him.

Well thank you for bringing the bigotry to the party. I don't know how we were having a civilized discussion before you showed up.

My brother, you misunderstand. I beg you to watch your tongue. I am commending you for how you exercise control over your woman! I do hope that she was beaten for her repeated phone calls! If you do not beat her, she will not learn. Your woman needs discipline, inshallah!

Beat it troll.

Beat it

Yes! Exactly! The wife misbehaved! You must beat it!

But the real question is, do you endorse the whiticide for women?

The “brother” would get a swift kick in balls followed by an immediate meeting with Allah personally.