SAD Chapo trap house posters are once again denigrating the enlightenment that is radical centrism

104  2018-06-13 by ChipChippersonAMA


Don't need to gas the jews if you kill them with an ice axe

/u/TerribleWebsite LOL nice

I feel like you'd need multiple ice axes, but the concept is nice.

Seems like a fair compromise tbh

I like unironic use of "sad" in the title.

I mean, really, you feel deeply saddened that such level of autism can exist.

12 year olds confirmed.


It's a motherfucking Donald Trump reference


Stalin loved jews and went to war with germany to save the Jews

Stalin was the guy who coined the term "rootless cosmopolitan" and killed a bunch of Soviet Jews during the Trials from 1936-38.

He also tried to displace all the Jews in the soviet union and concentrate them all in Birobidzhan.

Still an autonomous oblast after all these years.

Kalmykia is an autonomous state and it basically comes from the Mongols who immigrated there in 1223

Still an autonomous Jewish Oblast however:

And tried to accuse them of attempting to assassinate some high level soviet officials

To be fair Stalin killed plenty of people from all political ethnic and religious background. In some ways he was the most radical of centrist.

Stalin was a political opportunist who did whatever he had to to maintain power. I can understand why a Russian nationalist might have admiration for him, because Russia became very powerful under him whatever he did. But it seems very dumb to me for a leftist to ironically worship him.

Team up with the nazis to own the libs epic style xD

TIL Stalin was a centrist.

Tankies: Kill everyone who disagrees with me.

Nazis: Kill everyone who disagrees with me.

Radical centrists: Don't kill the lolcows.

a bunch


nah uh that's capitalist propaganda

Abort half the babies Ban half the gay marriages Keep half the bussies out of their preferred restroom

Imagine thinking centrist means taking half of one sides solution and half of the other.

Yeah what dumbasses, we all know the right-left line is exponential, not linear.

Abort ex /2 babies!

If these dudes were critical thinkers, they wouldn't be posting there anyway


As a radical centrist I only put half and half in my coffee because center means 50% and also I graduated community college.

How surprising that people with radical ideologies have no idea what centrism, or any political ideology besides their own, actually means

Even King Solomon laughed at these types of retards.

King Solomon > Thanod

Thanos fucking death means she kills less people

Give the nazis half of Poland

I guess the Soviets were centrists the whole time.

Wait, does my chapo wanna nuke Israel nonstop???

Those are (((jews))), not Jews.

western leftists love an underdog.


highly trained army



Well a smarter person would have realized I obviously meant the underdog was Palestine.

if you commit genocides, it doesn't matter how oppressed your ancestors were, you've lost any moral high ground.

If you commit ChapoTrapHouse you lose the high ground

I dont think most of chapo's ancestors were oppressed


They also hate Saudi Arabia, which means they're islamaphobic. Also Bernie shushes women constantly, that misogynist.

Pol pot was national socialist


Most third world communists were nationalists. What set Pol Pot apart was that he was an ethnic supremacist. The North Korean regime was also supremacist to some degree, but they don't have enough minorities and foreign influenced people to kill. Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh were both nationalists won weren't ethnic supremacists, although the extreme paranoia at the height of the cultural Revolution did lead to a lot of foreigners getting roughed up by the student groups.

Thirld Worldism is genuinely closer to national socialism than any form of Marxism.

Radical centrism isn't about compromise, it's pointing out how everyone is wrong except me.

Yeah we should just kill millions of ukrainians instead.

Extreme left "let's starve all Ukrainians"!

That didn't happen, and even if it did it was a complete accident which the kulaks deserved anyways.

Xoxols are (((people))) too

crimea is russia too

Sounds fair imo. And starve 35 million Chinese this time.

And to balance it out let's do some shit in Croatia that's so bad it pisses off even the nazis

starve 35 million Chinese this time

Literally the best thing communism has ever done

Oh man they're mad. Amazing.

Centrism is the new alt right

Nazis took over Germany thanks in part to the Commies in parliament completely shutting out the moderates. Since the moderates didn't have a majority this resulted in a dysfunctional and polarized government that kept getting disbanded by the president and re-elected. Being the accelerationist useful idiots that they were, the commies reasoned after the Nazis caused collapse they could take over and install True CommunismTM.

What does praxis mean in the context of CTH?

I'd like to know as well

It's like the tankie/anarchist version of "MAGA".

implying they know themselves

A real world Reddit upvote

yep communisms main thing is not killing people, definitely

"lets start a movement where we specifically dont kill people" they all said

i find it hilarious how they all think theyre the working class and wouldnt immediately be shot in the back of the head and scraped into a ditch by a bulldozer for being rich kids under any serious sort of communism

So do the gulags and purges not count? Are we only counting Jewish kills?

More like:

Nazis: Gas the jews because they aren't aryan

Commies: Gas the jews because they are rich

Radical™ Centrists™: Gas the jews for the lulz

Centrists gas up the cars so we can take our twinks to the beach

tfw Liberal Democracy was NOT centrist in a world of literal authoritarian Communists and Nazis.

Got to love those tankie faggots. Ignoring history when it's convenient. Cause those commies never ever did some ethnic cleansing of their own.