How do I get a mod to like me?

30  2018-06-14 by michaelkelso321


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


Just keep trying. effortposting leads to success, that's how I got Darqwolff to become my live-in French maid.

What if you're dealing with ComedicSins, though?

I already know who he is. I was asking how I get him to like me.


Maybe you should sperg out for 50 more PMs and make more ridiculous threats to have the subreddit shut down 🀑 🀑 🀑

What do you mean?

I was provoked into being retarded.



Isn't that the point of r/drama.

Ooh! Post PMs pls πŸ˜‹

I will tomorrow. Remind me.

Or I will, this sounds like a good read

I will, but if you want to see them now, PM me.

I can show you them now.

Post bussy on the regular. Nobody ever does it, so I'm convinced it's the key to instant success.

Whatever that means.

[–]michaelkelso321 1 point 3 hours ago
I'm autistic, yet your whole life revolves around replying to every comment on this thread constantly. Stop trolling

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘


Exhibit A , he might be right

Have you considered that he might be correct in this assumption when he mods /r/drama ?

How do you mod a subreddit? It's not a person.

I like to think of /r/drama as one autistic entity, sorta like a highly autistic hive mind, that can’t agree with itself and reeeees uncontrollably.

Rees, or Reese's Pieces?

Have you not heard of /u/eva_unit_hung?

Yup, I guess I missed those threads. I haven't been active here for a few months.

are you asking for more, faggot?


yes pls ilu

Just be gay

I'm not gay, so what is another way to get ComedicSins to like me?

Pretend to be gay.

exactly - even if they expect you to be lying, they just cant help themselves...

Post. Bussy.

What's that?

posting in /r/drama

not knowing what bussy is.

I'm new here.

No excuse

It's a fact.

The absolute state of /drama in the summer of current year, shameful shit

Making homoerotic comments seems to do the trick with u/serialflamingo. I think he fancies me. 😘😍

I haven't even seen your ass

Did u downsnozzle me?

And duh, I'm playing hard to get.

I didn't downbussy you. Playing hard to get is annoying πŸ™„πŸ˜’

downs nozzles

We live in a society 😒

Don't make ComedicSins jealous. He fantasized about you, too.

Ping them as often as you can so that they know you care.

Send modmail asking them to make me moderator, then i'll like you

I want the mods to like me, too, not just you.

You’re the guy with the ugly chinstrap beard and face? I’m not sure anyone will ever like you

Bad attitudes likes yours aren't likeable either, sadly.

No, seriously. You have a shitty personality and are completely and utterly argumentative moron who keep's coming back for more. Listen to what people are saying as far as that douche bag chin strap beard.


Go out and find a place to get your hair cut. Talk to the stylist and get some suggestions and work with them on getting a better cut than that 4th grade "mommy picks my hair cuts" look.

Get the fuck outside and start running/walking during the day time. The exercise will be good, the vitamin D will help your overall mood and getting a little color doesn't hurt either instead of being pale as Ed's mayo dick.

Get a set gym routine and keep doing it. Those first few weeks are going to be ass due to being sore. Suck it up and keep pushing through it, it will be better in the end.

Learn to cook healthier meals for yourself and drink more water. Water keeps your skin hydrated and helps keeping it moisturized and looking good. Also, head over to /r/Skincare

Last, stop fucking arguing with everyone, calling them wrong, when you ask for their help. That is 100% full stop guaranteed way to have people think you are a little prick. Learn to accept the criticism and not take it as some kind of personal attack against you. You will lead a MISERABLE fucking life thinking that way.

Someone deleting this thread would motivate me to do that.

ever hear of the Streisand effect? We would all have forgotten it in a few days if you didn't bring it up.

The person who made a thread on me is already in it, so stop wondering.

You could dwell on the past like a loser or forge yourself a new future like a winner. Oh who am I kidding, you're too afraid to shave that monstrosity of a beard off, you're just stuck being a loser. Try gin, it helps.

Be funny and don't interact with mods unless you have something actually good, not just what you think up before you give up.

Delete your account