Does anyone want to see these screenshots of an interesting conversation?

4  2018-06-14 by michaelkelso321

Also, how do I find ComedicSins on Discord?


Omg post them already u tease 😏😜

He doesn’t use the discord, sadly. How many threads are you going to make?

I'm kind of confused on his role here.

Has u/ComedicSans been naughty? 😯🤯

I hope so.

He abused his mod powers. Do you want proof?

Yes! 😩

Yes! 😩

I’m confused as to what help you need. If you wanted someone to take down a thread mocking you, that’s not exactly how things work here. In fact that’s the complete opposite of how things work.

What gave you that impression?

Also, how do I find ComedicSins on Discord?

Just log in and then bang on your keyboard until he appears. Do it really hard tho

Delete your account