ComedicSins says he's a "lawyer"

5  2018-06-14 by michaelkelso321


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Omg u/ComedicSans why are u being such a meanie pants? 😲😩

I wish I knew. Is there anything left to do?

I think you need to post ur entire conversation here so we can read it! 😲😠

He'll just call me a liar, and dox me, though.

If you think that’s a possibility, it’s best to post all the screenshots and let the truth come out. 🙂

He could trace my IP, if I show everything he said. I'm really scared.

Nothing to be scared of. R/Drama is a safe space for all. Send your screenshots to another user to post on your behalf or use a vpn if you’re concerned about a trace on your IP address.

ComedicSins already has photos of me posted to this subreddit. I think he might dox me, bro.

You posted your own photo though on the internet. He wouldn’t dox you as you’ve already doxxed yourself.. so the horse has bolted on that one. But all can be set right with screenshots. Don’t worry.

Lets say he does trace your IP? What do you suppose will happen then?

Omg have you never been backtraced? The consequences will never be the same. Mark my word.

Rachel is correct.

I'm afraid ComedicSins will trace my IP, and dox me, if I do.

We can’t trace IPs, only admins can

He talks to admins a lot, so he'll probably get them to trace my IP. I'm really scared.

He talks to admins a lot

No? No he doesn’t. Don’t be scared, the only person who can dox you here is you. The admins won’t let us see anyone’s IP.

I deleted my photos, and he still has them, so he can dox me. I doubt deleting my account will prevent him from harassing me.

Sounds like you’re doomed. You’re a brave soul to come back. I missed that thread so I didn’t see your pics but I can tell you, bravery like yours in incredibly sexy.

He called me ugly, so I doubt you're right about me being sexy.

In that case he’s probably right, my condolences on your unfortunate looking face.

DOxxing is against reddits rules btw, can have the person who does it banned FO LIFE

This is high energy sperging, don't burn yourself out.

If that's how you feel, I won't share any more screenshots, and put these in another subreddit.

Ignore that guy pls. He's just trolling 😑

Yes, /u/WeWuzKANG5 is a pretty disgusting troll, just ignore him /u/michaelkelso321 .

We are here for you. No one likes comedic chins anyway.

Delete your account

he does this all the time lol