Are there any trustable people here?

30  2018-06-14 by michaelkelso321

I'm having a hard time trusting anyone here, because ComedicSins is lying about copyright.


I'm trustworthy! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜

How do I know that?

Ask literally anyone!

What if I accidentally ask ComedicSins's alt accounts? I don't trust him.

That's wise of u. But I've heard u/ComedicSans has only one alt : u/Ed_butteredtoast ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

The only way to know for sure would be to DM embarrassing personal info and see if she posts it for everyone to see

That's okay. ComedicSins already did that to me, because he hates me.

It wasnโ€™t really that embarrassing though, youโ€™re understandably a little hacked off.

A lot of people made fun of me, so it was pretty embarrassing. I don't think anyone likes me.

Theyโ€™re just teasing. They do that sort of stuff all the time to one another but theyโ€™re actually all bffs. So I think R/Drama users really like you and want you to stick around.

That's an ed alt, don't trust it

STFU! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿคฏ

Yes you can trust me friend

How do I know that?

Because I say so


Because you asked

Tell me other reasons why I should trust you, or you'll never see my screenshots.

Already seent it


Lmfao you can keep your gf with him no sweat

This account is trustworthy

How do I know that?

Donโ€™t have a cow man

Is that some new capeshit like bat man?

Cowabunga dude!

Trust me bby.

You can trust me to stab you in the back at every opportunity

Then, you don't get to see my screenshots.

I'm not trustable, but in sometimes trustworthy. Does that help?

I already don't trust you, since you let someone use my photos in the thread about me.

Well if you have me over to your house to take photos of you and don't ask me to give you the negatives ... what do you expect??

Maybe next time you'll arrange breakfast for me, and I'll be less hangrey.

The pictures were already online, and clotinthebrain stole them, so he could harass, and dox me.

Look, I'm sorry about your medical issues, a friend of mine recently had a clot and it's been awful. I don't see why that means you can be a bad host.

He's a reddit user, not a clot.

I told you you can trust me but you still haven't sent any screenshots. It makes it look like you're just attention-seeking.

Sorry but you're being really confusing. Maybe it's the blood clot affecting oxygenation, you've really got to be careful with medical conditions, especially until you deal with the high body fat %. Who is the reddit user that snuck in and took photos after I left for IHOP?

Edit: IHOb

I'm trustworthy. I have dirt on many people here (half of the mods), but I keep it to myself because I'm guided by my moral compass/people need to know that they can trust me to keep spilling dirt (which I enjoy for its own sake).

May I see the screenshots?

The mods want to dox me, and I'm worried that you could be one, so I can't do that.

I'm not a mod. Here are the mods:

The mods won't want you on my good side because they know I can dox them, trust me.


Are you okay?


Why do you have six heads?

I'm trustworthy. Give me your address and I will send you a check for $5000 and you just wire $3000 to my bank in Nigeria and you can keep the rest of the money.

I am willing to backstab anyone, for a price. So long you feed me drama, you can trust me.

Dear Sir:

I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equaling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region.

You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount.

However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Please call me at your earliest convenience at 18-467-4975. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it.

Yours truly,

Prince Apostle Godfrey Mandingo Wayalubongbong


I am but don't know what is going on I just occasionally browse drama ๐Ÿ‘‘

No. Theyโ€™re coming to get you, Michael! You have to run! Go! Hide or theyโ€™ll come get you!

You can trust me with your bussy pics.