Please let me turn off Minorities

80  2018-06-14 by BigBrownDog12


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Trust me, you already do.


Stop, you're killing him!

One cannot kill that which has no life.

It's impossible they will bring them to you

You already turn off your loved ones, isn't that enough for you?

What loved ones

Calling me uneducated is the last straw!

I have played Battlefield since BF1942, and I have studied World War 2 since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in German Studies, with a heavy focus on the Second World War. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for.

me too thanks

came here to post this

^ This




ur nice :D


I purposely load up the chopper then drive into a mountain while screaming naruto anime ninja lines over mic

I played Battlefield 4 with the intent for 100% immersive realistic war experience. That's why I sit in a forward base in the desert for months, calling my friends gay, getting bored and buying bootleg DVDs from malnourished children as I complain about the heat constantly.

It's so immersive.

I didn't buy BF1 because I heard I wasn't going to be able to huddle in a trench for an entire year, waiting to die from weird foot infections or rat-bourne diseases. Not the WW1 immersion I looked forward to.

You didn't draw one dick that entire time.

Fake and exceedingly gay.

Imagine thinking realism matters in a game where you jump into flying aircraft like an action hero.

Poor attempt at the navy seal pasta.

The fucking title

What about it

The real reason to use this would be to pick whichever model was the easiest to see and then set that as your default.

Just think of the hit box of a tumblrina?

Sadly DICE said women are the same size as men

The unintended side effect of this diversity and representation push in these online games is you kill way more girl characters than before.

I wish life worked this way

I've never not cared about something this much before.

remember when games were about gameplay? I do.

Guess you never played a game with a good story

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

well memed good sir, le upboats to you xD

Anyone who complains about women or minorities in a non historical multiplayer game (especially one like bf) is retarded, don't @me



Bargaining <—— you are here



Maybe one should stay at the Anger step and start shooting people.

It's just a matter of time

I hope they do this because the Kotaku article reporting about it would definitely use OPs title.




You're so triggered by the mere presence of non-white people that you're demanding a videogame about skydiving out of your own airplane then getting back in at the bottom of the dive be modified so you don't have to see them.

Battlefield is not a historically accurate game.


Wow. You really need to leave your little bubble.

He says, as he demands that a videogame about skydiving from your own plane then getting into another person's plane mid-fall be modified to protect his white male fragility.


And if that doesn't succeed, I call for my fellow medics to join me in ignoring the cries for help from any player who does not look historically accurate.

You are the worst kind of team-game player


Such a toggle would truly make this Everyone’s Battlefield.

I see it like this: Dice, by implementing such a feature, would not only be putting an end to this controversy, but would also be doing themselves a favor from a PR standpoint.

A good number of BF fans are pretty put off right now by EA/Dice’s response to the situation, and the addition of such a switch would really earn back some of our respect.

It just takes 2 settings to please everyone:

Setting 1: Authentic uniforms (outfits, weird prosthetic arms, face paint, etc. would be disabled client-side)

Setting 2: Authentic characters (inaccurate genders, races, etc. would be disabled client side)

Imagine being this upset about seeing brown people and women in a videogame about restoring blown-off heads with a defibrillator.

You seem even more bent out of shape than we do. It's not even that we're upset about customization. It's kind of a given lately. It's more about immersion through setting being completely shattered. I was fucking joking, but I understand why seeing a brown woman serving the fatherland would be a bit odd.

The immersion of piling 6 flamethrower guys on one horse is broken by seeing a brown person.

Just so we're on the same page, you know that's a glitch, right?

The immersion of skydiving out of your own plane into another person's plane is broken by seeing a brown person in the other cockpit.

This whole thing where you mention feats of skill that weren't intended by developers to undermine my point about immersion through setting just to paint me as a racist is proving to be quite effective. Are you going to talk about brown people headglitching next?

Says the guy begging his "fellow medics" to do something real medics would never do - abandon their fellow soldiers because of their appearance. So much for muh realism.

Sorry, did I need a "/s" to convey sarcasm? My apologies, thought I did a half decent job coming up with a "Modest Proposal" kind of mock solution. Didn't mean to wind up on a drama subreddit of all things.

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

"I got pissed off by people who prefer a semblance of historical accuracy and blamed it on racism and sexism". You're one of those folks that get pissed off by the lack of colored folk in The Witcher and Kingdom Come, aren't you?

why does black people in an arcade shooter game upset you so much.

It doesn't. Take Battlefield 1, where we were shown the Harlem Hellfighters, a regiment composed primarily of African American and Puerto Rican soldiers. They were appropriately represented in multiplayer, as were Indian soldiers who fought for the British Empire. These groups fought and were well documented. Battlefield V is representing groups who did not exist in the context they are presented in.

Gamers really are the most oppressed group ever.


My grievance with the game is misrepresentation and that by addressing it, I'm painted as a sexist and a racist. Glad you understood.

Stop obsessing about this shit.

Play the game or not, it's really that simple

It's a fucking video game

I'm aware it's just a game. I've heard some people say that Mein Kampf is a book but that's an absolutely insane comparison. I care a lot less about this than others do, I just cracked a joke that someone couldn't fucking understand and lumped me in with a bunch of others he deemed sexist and racist. I'm just trying to show that side of the argument to people who will dismiss it anyways and insist I'm human garbage.

Well this isn't exactly the sub for seriousposting and/or effortposting

I was mentioned. Guess I brought some of that toxicity the fanbase has become known for. Kind of helps that I was introduced by being called a sexist and a racist.

That passive aggressive thing is kinda funny, maybe you should continue posting

It's more about immersion through setting being completely shattered.

I've seen this argument so many times, but if it's setting that bothering you, you should know that all the cosmetics (and genders and races!) are period appropriate. Women did serve in the military as did different races. Should honestly feel more immersive than BF1 with it's golden weapons and American soldiers wielding German guns and ottoman swords. Should definitely feel more immersive than bf1942 with it's expansion's jetpacks and fighter jets.

Show me the female black Nazi with a prosthetic arm and katana. This is seriously my only problem with the customization. I'm fully aware that it's period appropriate, but even then, it's a hell of a stretch for a British commando to go into battle with a sword (not everyone was Jack Churchill) or a cripple to fight on the frontlines.

The thing is, Dice doesn't faction lock anything. Meaning that If I can give you an example of any woman fighting in ww2 (i can), a black person fighting in ww2 (i can), someone with a prosthetic fighting in ww2 (i can), and a katana being used in combat (i can) across any theater or proportion, it is completely within Dice's MO to include it.

Aside from resistance fighters and Joan of Arc situations, let's hear about the women. I'd also like to hear about enlisted men being deployed despite having prosthetics as well as katanas being used in the European theater.

Again, you missed my entire point. Dice doesn't do faction specific content: meaning "resistance fighters and Joan of arc situations" will work for dice to include women for all factions. Likewise, katanas would not have to be used in the European theater for dice to justify using them there: if they were used in ww2 at all, it is perfectly in line with Dice in the past to include them for every theater.

As for prosthetics, here ya go (btw, I just did a very simple google search and provided the first link - there are undoubtedly more examples):

Look man, I'm just going to concede. You're clearly in the "it existed so why the fuck not" camp that I just don't see myself in. There have been examples of women and amputees serving, but if they were on the frontlines, it was an extraordinarily rare occurrence, and making them commonplace does a disservice to those who had the courage to be notable in history. DICE is clearly putting all of their nation's experience in the war front and center.

Last time I checked, women can be white.

Oh, so not only are you triggered by minorities, but you're also triggered by roughly half of the world population.

Cry some more, bitch boy.

I'm not the one trying to get brown people deleted from a videogame

lol OK then pal.