Actual Photo Of /u/akcheat

11  2018-06-14 by QueenOfTheIncels


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Good looking kid.

/u/AkCheat - Nice job clit dick, you got a compliment!

You guys are an odd bunch.

Post a pic of that sweet little bussy and I promise never to ping you again

well.. at least we aren't nazis.

How white is the neighborhood, eo you live Mayberry or do you actually have a token black

What do you identify more as? A fragile video game enthusiast or a fragile mayo?

u/akcheat is one of those mayos whose only experience with diversity is the show blackish

Which, to be fair, is as street as it gets.


Hardly. Progressive mayos hate black media. The closest they get to diversity are KFC commercials.