I think that the next holocaust will not be of jews, but of incels.

9  2018-06-14 by keyandfeels

Think about it. We're universally hated, banned wherever we go, rooted out from our jobs if we're found out, ostrasized, forced to remain in our ghetto or face harassment and bullying, and all redditors want us gone. We don't need to wear the incel logo because we can be easily identified as indian and asian guys plus the ugly skinny black and white manlets you see from time to time.

They're already starting the propaganda campain to slander us in the media. At first there was a small amount of anticels but soon it will grow to fever pitch and that's when we're in real trouble.

I'm making a prediction today. In one year incels will be relocated into camps, cheered on by the general populace and swiftly holocausted.

I made this post not for us, but for you all. First they'll come for the incels, but guess who'll be next? Stand for us when our time comes not because you sympathize with us, but because you want to save your own hides. Or don't, and the beta males that build our camps and gleefully watch us go will join us soon afterwards.


Why don't you just avoid it and kill yourself.

Please no bully

Why bother genociding incels

But the thing about the Holocaust is that in retrospect it was really sad and people realized it was wrong and we all felt really bad, whereas if there was an Incel Holocaust that shit would never stop being funny and the Incel Holocaust Museum would have fun music and be a place that you go to cheer yourself up, like the circus.

So this is the way your depressive episodes manifest. Cheers.

Females can't be depressed.



Stopped reading there, end your own life

This, but more agressive.

The point of Genocide is to rid the genes of a certain type of people from society.

Incels is doing that themselves so there's no genocide needed.

forced to remain in our ghetto

Imagine comparing your mom's basement to the Jewish ghettos

At least people had sex in Jewish ghettos, /u/keyandfeels. And it might have been rife with starvation and systemic abuse but it probably didn't smell as bad tbh

Jesus bro chill out lmao it's just a joke

Implying these losers weren't fucked from the start.

I hope that we never get to that point.

We have evolved so much as a society in the past decades, and having an holocaust just for incels will NOT be reflective of what our society stands for, a future holocaust should be an holocaust for everyone. Everyone of all ages, all sizes and all of the 2 genders.

Quit ramping each other up into a homicidal frenzy and people will happily go back to not knowing or caring that you exist. You do remember that talk of the "incel problem" happened after a sperg out that ended in kids getting killed, right? Fuck off.

The jews were killed based on false rumors that they poisoned the wells

It's happening already

So, people didn't start talking about incels after a couple of homicidal sperg outs? The fact that people were seriously talking about the incel problem and trying to come up with solutions that involved treating women like commodities that needed to be shared fairly just shows how much male privilege you fuckers are steeped in. Shut up already.

What's the point of life, if not to ramp up into an homicidal frenzy, tho?

If only you were good with money...

This is legit. Just think about how many more men there are going to be than females this century. India and China have a surplus of 100 million. Females are eugenicists. They will decide who to cull from the population and the men will go along with it to eliminate competition/win favor with the females.

Start with the manlets.

RIP /u/ShinJoe 😂😂😂

Eh, fine.


Imagine being the retard who wrote this.

And that's a bad thing how?

اِ نْ شَآ ءَ اللّهُ

Wtf, I love holocaust now.

bruh wtf