Alt right bro-flakes over at the_Donald see pic of Theresa may wearing hijab praying in mosque, and start pissing their sexy little pull ups

33  2018-06-15 by devavratal7


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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If you don't find it disturbing then you haven't been paying attention.

said the TDfag and r/TrueChristian posting christcuck


What's it like to be an actual meme, Ed?

Idk, ask Jesus.

"Dear Jesus, what is it like for Ed to be a meme?"

"he is desperately lonely and woefully unfulfilled." - Jesus, probably


lol ZING

Lol you actually believe in god

Mdegenerate, keep safe

Why aren't these people banned

They're slowly destroying our wonderful political balance. Why is this going unchecked?

/u/V_is_ one_person mod me

Why aren't these people banned

They're slowly destroying our wonderful political balance. Why is this going unchecked?

/u/V_is_one_person mod me

Totally agree

I would also take on the burden of purging them 😬



Yes :^)

I haven't been paying attention to retards and I never will

Dude, you're on /r/drama, the very existence of this sub is based solely on paying attention to retards.

I stand corrected

paying attention to retards

like you

Lol, okay ed. Like me. Sure.

Not nearly as disturbing as this

Oh no, a world leader takes part in a Muslim ceremony, this is alarming because ... why?

Before I answer that question, how much do you know about Islam?

Not really, perhaps you could tell us why instead acting like a coy little faggot.

i edited my comment before i saw your response, as I didnt think you saw it.

christianity hasn't been any kinder to women either. Spare me the virtue signalling faggotry to be nice to women only to dunk on the muzzies.

All abrahamic religions are cancerous but i'm really glad she wore a hijab just to piss off christcucks like you lmaooo

I don't understand why it is bad to invite politicians who are genuinely Christians. Politics shapes our laws which shape our culture and our lives.

christcucks diddle kids. Do you want a kiddy diddler in office? like roy moore? lololol

Really? What, exactly has Christianity done to women?

Ed do you think trump wears depends? If that were the case I think I might have to go MAGA!

christianity hasn't been any kinder to women either.

Did you go full retard?

Did you go full retard?

said the CAfag

It's a noble board.

delete your account

Oh, sweetie. :)

tee hee xd

You silly goose.

Ah just like Trump did with Saudi Arabia just less extreme.

Are you referring to the time where they literally started hunting down members of the royal family and throwing them in jail for corruption and terrorism--after Trump visited them?

No, it's not quite like that.

When Trump visited and waggled swords with them, endorsing them?

Yes, and then they started hammering down on corruption.

So you're not scared of darkies anymore?

Depends. Are they minstrels?

Anything would be better than more whites, honestly.

Hmm good point. In the end, only mayocide can prevail.

Let's start with you.

I identify as black.

Implying MBS isn't corrupt.

And you believe Trump wiggling swords with them was related?

No, I believe that the world started getting itself into order to unite against drumpf and his fascist following.

not really, she’s just being polite

patriarchal system

How much soy are you consuming daily? /r/ShitRedditSays might be more your style.

Tfw you realize the retards on /r/drama are just as retarded as the retards on the rest of Reddit.

Cry less about Jesus.

Ed, you might feel better if you got some exercise.

cry less

Seriously Ed, your fingers are caked in cheez its. Go for a walk.


WHY do you TALK like a FAGGOT?

These alt right diaper babies need to just put down the fake news and show me their wee wees

If you ever pray, then you are a retarded moron who should be wearing a helmet

I’m a pajeet and I pray to Ganesh when I’m not fantasizing about nazi furs in diapers tbh

Imagine praying to the son of a faggot God who only has 2 hands

Exactly, if Ganesh wasn’t my god I’d at least pray to shiva or goro

Have fun praying to a micropenis. Shits gay

Quit fudging your huggies, Ganesh is my god you godless bro flake!

Kink shamer!

I see a business opportunity in this...

wew buddy you got my fedora senses tingling

Which direction is Mecca?

I dunno, where are you right now?

I'd need to know the gps coordinates of your parents basement to tell you that


This bitch is insane



The outraged play by play by the chav in the video makes it extra special.

OP is a fag.

Stop kink shaming me alt right bro flake

You have to go back.

I never left bb

i wish you did :(

OP is a smugposter who's obsessed with baby insults

Hmmmmm πŸ€” I think you're retarded

He's just pretending, m8.


Twas merely pretending

I recognised the name devavrata but I can't keep track of which retard is which and I'm definitely not going to notice that it's an l instead of a 1.

Illegals and rapefugees have to go back.

kys, violently



fuck off you 100% agendaposter

I'm pretty sure it's a parody account of /u/devavrata17.

I'm aware.



i was merely pretending to be retarded




We will be in the same situation if we elect democrats to office. God help us.

No dude the Democrats are not interested in forcing people to abide by a religion or using a religion to justify the law they make. That would be the right.

And even if hardcore Muslims become senators or whatever (and that's a big if), the separation of church and state prevents them from forcing this shit on people (Something the Dems support and parts of the right hate). Also freedom of religion.

We will be in the same situation

Yeah because this shit is TOTALLY different...

The Democrats can control the Jihazis about as well as the hippies controlled the Hells Angels at Altamont.

There’s literally maybe going to be one Muslim joining congress this next year. She would be replacing another Muslim. She could also not end up replacing him, bringing the average down

We find the sons of muhammed useful for our plan goyim

isn't posting r/the_donald basically cheating? that sub went off a cliff like two years ago

Baby want a bottle? You can suck on it like my nipple it you’re alt right!


I'll be alt right if you want me to 😍

who tf would want you?

If you fudge your huggies and let me smell, lm yours bb

Um, the_donald won, and the winning began three years ago. Sweety.


Do they want a Labour government? She's trying to get votes.

Votes from whom? Surrender monkeys?

They've been living there since the 1960s, though.


If you use the phrase "virtue signaling", you need to get gassed

Gassing is for leftists.

I see you're mimicking /u/devavrata17's creepy banter style but I'm not sure I fully get what you're going for.

61% upvoted

The MDEtards are out in force lately

"Breaking news, the "Confederate flag is part of our history and culture" squadron just keeps conveniently vanishing the moment hijabs are brought up. More at 11."

Destroy all hijabs and remove all Jihazis

What sort of insanity causes a Western woman to kowtow to Islam? It is baffling.

Quit being a nazi dood. Women are actually a lot better off in Islamic countries, don’t buy the Fox News poo poo you watch.

Quit being a nazi dood

Oh hell no.

Come on dood

Hitler > Mohammad


/u/Godz_Bane of the Right, of TD who frequently shits on SJWs etc

Just make a

"Wah it's culturally insensitive appropriation, she's wearing culture as a costume" comment and it now sits at the top of that thread in that very sub.


wipes a tear from my eye

Man you guys are the best, it's not even my birthday, I've had such a shit time of things and struggling "to even" with half the shit and you get me the best joke in the world. It's just so moreish too.

Aw a direct mention, im flattered. Tell me where exactly did I say anything about "cultural appropriation" or wanting to protect Islamic culture at all.

I quite clearly stated that her and anyone who wears these oppressive headdresses positively promoting them for political purposes are spitting in the faces of all the women who have fought and died for the right to not be forced to wear them over the years.

But by all means strawman to your hearts content.

Quit pissing in your diapers alt right dooood. Enjoy being a nazi dooood

completely degenerate

Says the guy crying about "cultures as costume". It's not a strawman, its what you did You are offended on behalf of another you are SJW feminist trash.

I stared into the gaping anus, and the gaping anus became me