Commie drama, best drama

31  2018-06-15 by EnKerroSaatana


It’s gotten kinda boring tbh.

Yeah, its always the same old shit. White 20/30 year old dudes who are in shitty academia limbo swapping romantized commie stats over and over while trying to jerk off to being the most angry about "oppression".

It's like an insanely obese and autistic fantasy football league discussion forum, except filled with socially awkward loser who are hypocritical retards.

And then there's the bizarro fantasy football league of /r/DebateFascism where you get titles like

I am a British Monarchist, advocate of Ecclesiocracy, National-Syndicalism and Guild Socialism. AMA.

It's like breaking through the glass cealing of autism and discovering that what you once thought was peak autism, was just a molehill compared to the Mt. Everest of sperglordery that lies ahead.

I remember that /u/An-Ayn-Random used to post drama from that sub every once in a while. Unfortunately, it looks like he abandoned /r/drama after the "no more mean pings" rule went into effect.

Aspies all the way down?

links entire thread


Nobody kills commies like other commies.

Lol banned from a sub for misunderstanding an ideology is like being 10 and getting expelled from school for saying the holocaust didn't happen because your only source of information is your umemployed drunk of a father who blames the Jews for his suffering or some shit

/r/communism is retarded

You were banned (I assume by looking at your userpage) for uninformed sectarianism, which is against the rules. Criticizing other tendencies is allowed but "make them in a principled manner, applying Marxist analysis." Your comment was a useless throwaway comment with no attempt to be critical and further it was incorrect. I'm not a follower of Juche but the idea that it renounces Marxism and is based on individualism is just plainly incorrect. One of the fundamental principles of Juche is that "the masters of the revolution are the masses of the people".

They have a point. Someone making a criticism of any variety of communism might actually be a right-winger (or even worse: a (((soc-dem)))!) trying to poisoning the well.

They did well to ban his liberal bootlicking ass. All Hail Our Dear Leader /u/DeLaProle !

The fact that the DPRK isn't a democracy and according to state media 101% support the Great Leader. Christians are deported to labour camps where they work themselves to death.

Christians are deported to labour camps where they work themselves to death.

Communism is dead and we killed it. /u/DebateTheKingfish

Username checks out

Are you seriously arguing that sending people that con their fellow men as a job (priests) in a work camp is bad ?

Communism is dead and we killed it.

Thank God for that

Marxism can still win. Match me.