twitter thread of vintage SA screeshots concerning goons dosing themselves with a russian superbenzo and breaking limbs, getting confused about what day it is, trying to buy grand pianos etc

43  2018-06-16 by westofthetracks


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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I don't know how anyone could read those trip reports and think "this is something I need in my life"

Right up there with reading SA and thinking, "This website isn't completely overrun by delusional misanthropes."

r/drama is something I've recently discovered and its closest to being an SA clone than anything else.

It does have more of a traditional internet forum early 2000s kind of vibe to it. It's definitely my kind of autism.

Yeah I think its the lunatics vibing with the also socially maladjusted radical centrists. Creates that wild west internet feeling.

Imagine I offered you a kilo of unmanageably strong Valium but you sorta ignore the unmanageably part.

it's not even that it was unmanageably strong. It appears to be simply that these clownshoes didn't bother to account for the run-up time for the drug to kick in. Of course 6 hours is a bit long. I can totally see a situation in which one thinks that more is needed.

Psychedelic exploration can be as wrought with peril as the old fashioned kind enjoyed by mayos in pith helmets.

Oh my god I remember this thread. I was living in Chicago post-art school and for the first time in my life had unreasonable amounts of disposable income. So much of it went towards “research chemicals” inspired by TCC.

post-art school

unreasonable amounts of disposable income


Yeah I didn’t understand it either but I milked it as far as I could.

Yeah I didn’t understand it

Trust funds aren't that hard to understand.

That didn’t hit til I was 30.

$8 is $8

n e stories?

I don't even need to look at this for the memories to come back. The person who ordered a grand piano while blacked... The person who rode along with the shady Eastern European ambulance drivers... Or the guy who got into the phenazepam dealing game before ripping off dozens of goons, getting high on his own supply, taking a bus across the country and then being found dead in a park.

great throwback but this isn't drama at all

this is more dramatic than any other post on the front page, except maybe the fake rejection letter one. a dude literally dies

Unironically kill yourself, retard. Try saying this bullshit the next time snally posts and see where it gets you.



Hot take.

What day are you on ed? How much have you taken?

People who talk about potentially illegal drugs on easily accessible forms are the dumbest people on the Internet.

I still remember when the dipshit druggie goons had a mailing list with each other's dox, and of course some good samaritan got in it and sent it to the FBI, getting the subforum shut down.

fucking hell TCC, those were the days

JUST THE TIP commented: this thread owns!!!

Good to see that some things never change.

Oh shit waddup? That’s the Jerkcity HD Eliza. I haven’t seen her in a while.

You can get a ton of asspats on twitter just for screenshotting well-known threads? How low are the standards over there??

it makes sense. a lot of twitter's power users are old-school goons who will get a fond nostalgic kick out of something like this but the general userbase is full of people who are largely oblivious to internet culture pre-facebook. so goons retweet it because it reminds them of simpler times, making it show up in the feeds of thousands of people who heard about pepe for the first time in 2016, and then those people shower it with attention because it's totally new to them.

That's some good shit OP.