I think ComedicSans downvoted my last thread, and shadow banned/hid my posts.

4  2018-06-16 by michaelkelso321


Now with added cancer!


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ill yourself

Did you kill ComedicSans, since you like the name ComedicTrans better?

Nobody cares


What are you wearing?

Pajamas. Why do you want to know?

What are your dimensions? Length and girth

My pajamas are 36×34, probably.

I'm not an lolcow.


It does lie, if ComedicSans made the flair or if any other mod made it, and they won't let me make my own flair.

Grow a moustache

Why would a mustache stop me from being an lolcow?

Why are you kissing your camera?

It's called a full beard workout

I didn't see your full beard exercising, though, just your mustache, and lips.

They're mesmerizing, I know

How do you know that?



Why doesn't your gif display? You did something wrong, not me, since your gif doesn't display.

He’s baaaaccckkkkkk

It's not a secret, if you're posting it publicly, so it's probably a rule you made up.

Well no, IF they see it I could get in lots of trouble, but I know one of them and he told me about it.

I’m just trying to help you man. If you post a pic, you get a request. And you could get your revenge

So, if I post a picture of my asshole, they'll automatically know that you told me about the rule, which will cause them to ban you. Why would I want to get you in trouble?

It’s ok, the ban is only for a couple days 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just want to help you because you’re obviously upset.

The mods banned me from posting pictures, for some reason, though.

Naw, that’s the subreddit coding. Try Imgur.

If you’re under 18, obviously don’t do that or the feds will dox ya.

So what?

I've seen worse, so you must need glasses.