Radical Centrists BTFO!!!11!!

30  2018-06-16 by big_guyforu


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Well the important part is that you've found a way to feel be superior to both groups.


Remember, the correct position is always the one that is exactly between two perspectives that I hate.

You know all the time I thought ChapoPodcast place talking about how one side wants to gass all the Jews and one side wants to gass none of the Jews means the center is Gassing Half

I thought they were joking and didn't actually think that seriously wow.

It makes sense that groups of retards wouldn't understand a policy of laughing at Retards.

t's only in America, i vote for the most right wing party in New Zealand (ACT) and they're honestly about as left wing as your Democrats

Wow it's almost like an Actual country isn't the same as a country most famous for what?

Filming a Capeshit movie there 20 years ago?

When you google Famous New Zealand Russel Crowe and 2 nobodies show up

Watch what happens when you googld Famous United States of America

Lol, Elvis Presley is the top result.

Elvis is the Beethoven of the Contemporary Music Era

Without him we wouldn't have Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock or Pop Music, Million Dollar Quartet

They always hate centrists and think that it means a middle line compromise instead of thinking critically about each individual issue.

Really reveals how hardliner they are in their political tribe.

instead of thinking critically about each individual issue.

True centerlism is realizing every single thing is dumb and we are just a blip about to be wiped out of reality by all the abysmal and blasphemous horrors that lurk in the outer darkness of formless voids and nighted gulfs.

bUuurRrp hEy moRrty

It's a Conan Reference

Jez you Rick and Morty fanboys are the worst

It is such a silly strawman

I came here to bitch about exactly that. Agreed 100%.

Yes, they keep coming up with fallacies and therefore your argument is wrong, all while ignoring this guy.

Something that bothers me about their line of thinking is that they're the good guys who don't like genocide, and the bad guys don't.

Middle-schoolers learn that type of thinking is wrong and dangerous, so saying the average Redditor never grew past High School is complimenting them, they never really grew past 4th grade.

Later in that thread of autism spectrum, there's even a reference to "Argument to moderation" which has an example:

An example of a fallacious use of the argument to moderation would be to regard two opposed arguments—one person saying that slavery is always wrong, while another believes it to be legitimate—and conclude that the truth must therefore lie somewhere in between.

People really believe this.

Isn’t this kind of thinking that you have to choose one side the same kind of thinking that lead to wars and conflicts? I’d like to think this generation of self-proclaimed liberals are anti-violence and would like to solve things in a reasonable vein.

Didn't you know? The average Redditor hates liberals because something something punch nazis. It's almost as if those Redditors are hypocrites.

LE center tee hee xd

Shut up Ed

Delete your account

This 'hurr durr duh, centrists want to gas exactly half the Jews' shtick that keeps popping up is retarded, tbqh.

You don't?

No, I want to gas all of the goyim though.

No only half of us di

We support gassing mayos around here.

learn about any topic on its own and consider all the fine points and nuances.





Why are The Beatles there?

Did someone round the usual userbase into gas chambers or pay Musk Muny for an upvote bot? 12k upvotes.

I mean shit, our most right wing party is pro immigration

Honestly I don't know, we are very welcoming to other nations (as long as you have some kind of skill

Anime reaction image


Nice link to a logical fallacy, now I got something else for you: False Dichotomy. See, I could dick-measure with fallacies, too.

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