What do you think about incels?

22  2018-06-16 by Khungghar


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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My favorite incel <3

Snappy gets bussy on the regular.

In today's anti-incel world, Incels face harassment, discrimination, and oppression than any other minority group on this planet. Basically, we now not only bullied in real life, but on online as well. And unlike other minority groups, we have no allies who would fight for our basic rights. Society itself shuns us by ignoring our constant pleas for assistance; which I find absolutely sickening.

It's sad how people are free to mock and bully Incels however and whenever they please without facing any kind of legal ramifications. And because of this we are consistently subjected to hate crimes on a daily basis thanks to our oppressors; and unfortunately, we have no way of fighting back against them due to them not only beating us in sheer numbers, but also destroying the support groups we congregate into; for no other reason than us being ugly virgins.

Honestly, it's time for society to recognise and stand up for what is right by providing Incels with legal protection for the hate crimes performed against us, and also class Incels as a protected class. And for those who bully and mock us - society should be punish them by locking them up - and making them provide reparations to Incels.

Idk if you are seriousposting but I agree, lookism should be treated like racism.

Is this bait?


Is this the original version of this pasta?

I'm not sure, I got it from r/CopyPasta

Just like everyone else. I don't.


When you've gone ahead identified yourself as incel, it's just over for you

Well yes it is over

fill yourself with rope fuel and end it.

it's over boyo.


I'm an incel


Oh daddy please no

But they throw Chads off roofs there

They're about as nuts as Menslib posters.

Yeah, I get it. You're fugly. You have a higher strike rate. And your lack of experience means it's hard to even qualify as an easy lay, because women will suspect the sum total of your knowledge of sex comes from reddit and porn so they're not sure if you can even get them off if you try so that doesn't help.

You can up your fashion sense, or lift, or not.

You can get over your awkwardness by not being a milquetoast male feminist who's afraid of being called a harasser for staring at a woman for 5 seconds.

And you can get laid just by trying more often. I doubt you need to try harder (in fact you probably try to hard which just makes you look desperate), just more often.

Now go ahead. Tell me I'm wrong because you're such an expert.

You are not wrong but fashion sense means jackshit when every single woman is disgusted and annoyed by your existence(and yes this includes being called a harasser for stating for 5 seconds). Approaching more women means jackshit when you consider this fact, so trying is futile. Also please don't start with me going for girls above my league I've never even initiated non-formal conversation with a woman in real life, let alone asking anyone out.

I've never even initiated non-formal conversation with a woman in real life, let alone asking anyone out.

This sounds voluntary to me.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

Right, but per your own admission, you've never even done it once

But I already know the outcome, surely a girl would have asked me out if I weren't this disgusting.

surely a girl would have asked me out if I weren't this disgusting

It's a social norm that men ask women out. Not saying that's a good thing, but it's how it is, hombre.

You're a shut-in who complains about how women haven't magically found their way to your smelly hovel so they could hop on your dick, but you complain about how it's everyone's fault but yours.

You're not some oppressed person, you're just like every other insufferable millennial who wants what they want handed to them on a silver platter with literally zero effort exerted.

You deserve the life you have, sis.

Where did I blame others?

By merely identifying as an incel, you're saying that you're blameless in your inability to tame strange, because that's the long and short of your faggy little club's platform.

Incel is just a tag, just like atheist. Can you prove that I can get someone? No, then shut up I'm an incel.

Oh, you're an actual fucking retard, got it.

No u

Women who obsess over incels while putting emphasis on their gender (QueenOfTheIncels) online are typically femcels themselves looking for asspats.

Also if you're on reddit and not a millennial you really need to get your life together and stop whining about millennials.

Women who obsess over incels while putting emphasis on their gender (QueenOfTheIncels) online are typically femcels themselves looking for asspats

I thought women couldn't be incel?

My username is clearly a joke based on the fact that incels hate women and think they should be subservient, bitch.

Also if you're on reddit and not a millennial you really need to get your life together and stop whining about millennials

I'm an old Gen Z'er/young millennial. You can be a member of a demographic and be critical of the demographic.

Now shut up and give me an asspat

I thought women couldn't be incel?

The incel movement uses the fat acceptance movement as a framework, women are truecels.

actually men who should be subservient to glorious gussy


Lol millennials are like hella dumb and lazy, except for me 😏


Now shut up and give me an asspat


Lol millennials are like hella dumb and lazy, except for me

If you're going to do a line-by-line reply, it's gotta be shit the person actually said.

I'm a stupid autist who's just as bad, if not worse, than any incel

Yes, yes you are.

I'm a stupid autist who's just as bad, if not worse, than any incel - an autist named QueenOfTheIncels

Why does gussy project so much?


Even average looking guys pretty much never get asked out by girls, we gotta initiate

surely a girl would have asked me out if I weren't this disgusting.

surely a girl would have asked me out

You're so retarded I'm speechless.

Or would have shown interest

Oh, the goalposts are way over there now?

girls are retarded with dating man, they grow up expecting the dudes to do everything so they never learn anything. they show interest in awkward ways that are easy to miss. often they are even scared to show interest cause they are afraid of seeming too forward.

once i was at a party and a hot girl i'd been friends with for a year who just broke up with her bf, was talking to me all night, we were just alone and drinking by ourselves cut off from other people. the next day apparently she says to my other friends "why didn't he make a move last night, i kept giving him signals". i literally saw nothing different in her behavior from any other time i've hung out with her. i assumed we were just friends and she had no interest in me. no idea what the fuck these signals were. anyway she later fucked my friend and started dating him cause she thought i didn't like her.

unless you've tried to fuck girls, you have no idea how many would say yes, since girls never take the initiative and their "signals" and "interest" are too retarded for most dudes to notice.

This is too much for my autist brain, femoids and their pathetic attempts at mind games...

Women never take the initiative because they feel entitled to men do all the work in dating and courting, that's why when women complain about "Male sense of entitlement", they're actually just projecting.

they also really can't handle rejection, they go apeshit. like, they flip out way worse than men do. i'm sure a huge chunk of it is they only accept dudes who make the first move , cause they know the dude is interested, and they have the power to reject or accept.

No matter how much gender critical debate we have, no matter how much people harp on about equality. Women are still going to be women when it comes to dating and still have the same expectation of men in approaching, making the first move, initiating and leading the relationship. I tried explaining this to a woman I'm friends with because she asked, "why is it usually men that are super frustrated with dating?" She fails to release the obvious which is, that men are generally the ones who put their self-esteem on the line when they "make a move" or always do the asking out. I don't blame them though, if I never had to ask women out to meet someone, I wouldn't do it either. Why do something that someone else is willing to do for you?

yep, every time. when i go on a date with a girl, i have no idea if they will want date to, they never text just to say they had a good time and wanna hang out again. i have to send the text saying that, and i either get ignored or i get lucky and they reply.

i just 10 seconds ago send a message to a girl i met on saturday, the date seemed ok, but i'm paranoid it went bad. she hasn't sent shit for two days, but i just sent a goofy ass "i had a great time, we should do it again", and now i am bracing for the self esteem crush.

Beep beep beep


Unless you're a 9 or 10 then girls will virtually never ask you out.

Yeah, that's why you try with different women. And maybe mix up your approach depending on what seems to work.

No-one will have a 100% strike rate (if they try enough times). I'd say normal guys can try dozens of times before getting anywhere. If you're not even as attractive as a normal guy, make it hundreds of times.

Everyone else does it, if you think it's crazy to get rejected dozens (or hundreds) of times ... um ... ok then. I'm not saying the dating game isn't kinda stupid in some ways.

Yeah well if my success rate is that low, even if I find someone it will not worth the emotional price I pay.

This is legit. If you are attractive, you do not have to pander and beg for pussy. Females will throw themselves at you. It's a major cope by the ugly men on here that "women don't approach". They are outing themselves as uggos. At least some of them are honest and admit that their only hope is to go beta cuck and get the leftovers of a sagging 30+ year old who already has multiple children (aka u/QueenOfTheIncels. Even that feminist bitch from Facebook admitted that females want to get their pussy destroyed by multiple Chad's and then let beta men have the loose leftover roast beef.

At least some of them are honest and admit that their only hope is to go beta cuck and get the leftovers of a sagging 30+ year old who already has multiple children

Me and my five biracial welfare children want you to check yourself before you wreck yourself homie

yeah i disagree. i'm actually attractive, and i've confirmed it by showing random roasties my pics on reddit and other sites, where they are brutal and have no reason to lie. i get matches on tinder and bumble, various hot girls in my social circles have admitted they think i'm attractive etc etc.

however women still never throw themselves at me, or at least i've happened only about 3 times in my life, and all those times they were drunk fat girls, not an actual cute girl. attractive women just don't throw themselves at attractive dudes, they expect you to do all the work.

incel forums are filled with dudes who are average , or even better than average looking, and they believe this bullshit myth that women act like porn stars IRL around actually attractive dudes. they just do not, even an attractive dude will get 0 ass if he isn't confident.

i find it hard to believe most incels have actually even tried to hit on girls though, because most men don't. the dudes i knew growing up who had the balls to actually hit on girls in bars or cold approach a totally random hot girl on the street, are extremely few in number. most of them just got girlfriends through work or social circles and stuff.

i have actually gone out of my way to hit on girls in bars, and go on dates with literally any girl would agree. i did it to get over my crippling shyness and anxiety , which would make me pretty much incel if i didn't get over it.i also have an average face, but i went to the gym for years until i got muscular, and now girls are like 10x more attracted to me, so once again, something i worked for.

i spent the first half of my life practically incel and managed to crawl out of it, and it fucking sucked. being rejected over and over and constantly wanting to off myself, the horrible awkward dates where i was riddled with anxiety and just wished i stayed home. i pushed through all that so that the exposure would let me get over the anxiety and shyness, and then i started practicing shit like flirting or being confident.

unless you have put in EXACTLY as much work and effort as i have, you're a fucking volcel, not an incel. most of you haven't put in 10&#37; of the effort i have.

Yeah you are right I haven't put any effort yet. But would you say "being OK" with women(having a relationship with an abusive cunt does not count) was worth all your physical and emotional pain?

when i was ok with women , i mean i am now at the level of a normal man. i'm not chad or a player, but i can get dates, i've had girlfriends, and casual sex a number of times, but not many. just a normal regular dude.

yes, i would say it's worth it , absolutely. after the pain and suffering is over, things are good, life is fun. i eventually got a relationship with a good looking girl, had sex and companionship for years and years. now that it's over, there is good hope i can do that again, since i'm getting interest from women, dates etc. i had a date last night and i have another one tonight.

i will eventually get another relationship and enjoy that too. it's better than not having access to these things. frankly i wish i did this earlier in life. i spend my teens and early 20s just being isolated and not giving a shit, jerking off to porn and putting 0 effort into it. i didn't go to incel forums but i basically saw no point in trying. if i had done this in my teens it would have been even better.

This guy is good looking and spend half his life as an incel. Years of looksmaxxing and personalitymaxxing and he's able to get a girlfriend. What does that say for everyone who is objectively ugly? It's over.

dude, the only reason it was so hard for me was the social anxiety. i got bullied and mocked as a kid too much and i would get panick attacks in social situations. without that, i wouldn't have had to do extreme work to just date girls.

also it's easy as fuck to get ripped, even naturally. girls don't require you to look like rambo, i'm just lean but somewhat muscular and girls comment on it. the level of muscle to looksmax your body is not that hard.

People really need to stop giving advice for personal problems over the internet, especially the more autistic parts like reddit, especially to mentally ill boys like incels. You have like 0 information to go on other than he's an incel which doesn't tell you much. Doesn't help your "advice" is vague as fuck (more often not harder, the fuck does that mean?) which frustrates the shit out of them and causes them to disregard "normies" add that basketball American female esques sassiness and all you've accomplished is reinforcing their negativity.

Don't give advice to an incel you aren't personal friends with. Shitty advice from anonymous fuck dicks on the internet is what's fucking them up.

funny thing is i'm sure something like a third of reddit are incels in all but name. especially menslib. the advice that gets promoted about dating etc is so laughable that i don't think it's coming from dudes getting laid

the advice that gets promoted about dating etc is so laughable that i don't think it's coming from dudes getting laid

could be coming from women, they always give hilarious advice

I think if incels seriously believed society was as terrible to them as they say it is, their actions on the whole would be far more radical. I am not talking about violence, but a radical tejectjon of society as a whole. Like establishing incel communes, or independantly becoming drifters. Throw away your phone, stop having anybsort of relationships. Focus only on survival. Then incels would be actually interesting. As of right now, they are just an angry version of r/foreveralone

Like what Japan is doing? It's getting there slowly.

That's the sort of stuff proactive people with foresight beyond their next crywank would do.


A herd of docile mayo cattle.

I'm not a cumskin

There are too many people on this earth and the useless ones should be the first to go

Eh mayos and gussies take the lead

/u/pizzashill you can contribute too

Yeah he is my role model

>Imagine being such a disgusting piece of shit you found no one to pound your bussy.

Oh, wait.

Just the male version of Cosmo readers.

That they have mental problems for the most part

Can confirm

I think they will eventually become a serious political faction in one form or another.

Hopefully in the form of mass suicides.


Ayy he responded


Yeet yourself

Do you even lift bro?


Not remotely the same thing. Improve your health you will be surprised how far it will get you. You might be butt ugly though.

Ive been thinking about this. Imagine how the world would work without women existing at all. Just men. So really its just one species and not two. Reproduction would obviously work different but lets just say it only required one man doing something by himself and that creates a child. You would not require another man and men wouldn't be gay to have kids in this world.

So basically everything that men do, is because of women. This is a fact and 99% can't help it. I can help it because Im self aware but im not going to get into that. All you men do this shit because you cant control yourselves like women. You base your whole lives around doing things to fuck women. Animals. Get some self awareness please because we cannot get rid of them. Currently, we need women to continue human life. Maybe that will change someday but thats not the case right now.

Men are doing all this shit. Good looking men use their looks to get girls. Guys become rich to get women. Guys go beta orbit these girls just to get laid. Guys become feminists, they think they support feminism but its really just their animal instincts telling them to do this. Because they un self awarely know this will get them a girl. They cant control themselves. Being nice to women. They think they want to but they really dont. They arent actually choosing to do this. Their caveman instincts are taking over them and convincing them that this is what they need to do.

So just imagine all the differences in the world. In a world where women cease to exist. More of you would be self aware and have free will like me. Most of you are thinking with your hormones and not your brain. Ive figured all this shit out and want to help you guys. Youll probably think this sounds stupid but I dont blame you. You cant control that you think its stupid. It only makes sense that you as an animal would consider something like this dumb. Take away women from life and more of you will be thinking like me. You need to realise women are the reason you do all this shit and think the way you do. Take them out of the equation, think about it rationally. How can you call yourself 'nihilists' when you dont even understand yourselves properly, on a deeper level.

Any community formed around not having sex is destined to be filled with insufferable bottom-dwellers. That goes for incels and their delusional cousins, MGTOWs.

It's not sex, it's the inability to get relationships. I couldn't care less about casual sex.

I agree with you on MGTOW they have "you can't fire me because I quit" mentality, totally coping. They should rename themselves to "Men Sent Their Own Way".

Incels can't have friendships?

Romantic relationship

Oh, so it is the sex.

You are retarded

Wow, got me there.

What do you want from a romantic relationship that you can't get from a close friendship?

You are retarded if you can't tell the difference between a romantic relationship and friendship.

Oh, so it is the sex.

You are retarded

So what's the difference between a romantic relationship and a close friendship?

Romantic interest

And do you pursue romantic relations with women you aren't attracted to?

I don't pursue with anyone

Right. You'll get yourself a romantic relationship someday when it just falls from the sky and lands in your lap.

to be fair, a romantic relationship even without sex is way different to a friendship. i don't spoon my best friend to sleep every night, i would talk about way more personal stuff and be way more vulnerable in a relationship over good male friends.

also sex in a relationship isn't some shallow factor. you release bonding chemicals through sex, it makes you feel ten times closer to them than you do with anyone else. wanting to fuck your girlfriend is an act of love and closeness, not empty pleasure.

Finally, someone who realizes that dumpstering cum inside of a person is the only true merit to being romantically involved with someone else

I wouldn't reduce intimate relations to insemination, but sex is intrinsically tied to 9/10 well-adjusted people's idea of being romantically involved.

If guy really wanted romantic relationships he'd be pursuing that with anyone, regardless of sexual attraction. Does he? No. None of them do. To say it isn't about sex is ridiculous.

Oh, I wasn't being ironic. Holding hands and other types of physical intimacy are gay as hell and if you take comfort in any kind of romantic gesture beyond busting a fat nut then you are a total fruit.

You and I, we get it, man. Same team.

Blind women, ever tried them?

If by incel you mean anyone who can’t get laid, I don’t think anything about them except “that sucks”. I don’t think they’re worthless losers or anything.

If you mean the incel community I think of them as a very unhealthy way of dealing with your problems that will only make your life worse. Like a fat person becoming anorexic and falling in with the pro aneroxic community.

Word of advice kid, sex isn’t all that important and it’s not always amazing either. When I lost my virginity my thoughts were “that’s it? That’s what I’ve been obsessing over?” Although that was a one night stand and not a relationship

An incel and radfem should fight to death in an arena, and the winner should get to fuck the corpse

Take hrt

Become gril

Robot no more

If you're that hard up, save up some cash and fuck hookers. You'll quickly find that pussy is only worth like 100-200 bucks. Some are even desperate enough to do it for less than that. You're spending your life whining about not getting a service that's cheaper than rent or the electricity bill.


Have you accepted the God's gift of bussy?

I'm technically incel because I haven't had a girlfriend or sex for about 5 years. I feel bad for most of them, I wish they could get some help with their mental health problems. Bullying and berating them won't solve anything though but, you have to remember that most people who bash on incels just do so to feel superior. Most of the people who shit on incels are probably losers themselves or are men trying to white knight for women.
