Unborn children join the list of latest deaths caused by capitalism

75  2018-06-16 by Peetrius


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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/u/AwayRight don't know if it does or doesn't but abortion is a good thing. The world is already over populated and the last thing we need to burden ourselves with is unwanted children.

Abortion is eugenic and that's a good thing

eugenic or not who gives a shit. If it means less people then I'm all in!

Especially mayos.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Don't worry, Ed won't reproduce. Nobody on /r/Drama will, for that matter.

There are other ways you can personally reduce the total population.

Hah jokes on you, my bitches call me daddy

Pretty sure it's actually dysgenic

Blacks are disproportionate users.

It's a good thing I'm not racist then

This is literally the first time I've ever seen a comment of yours without using the word nigger

Yeah that sounds like me

that is not feeepo. That is a phony.

Pretty sure I'm older, making him the imposter. I thought you all were mocking my name for a while whenever he was brought up.

I used to think it was, but the dysgenic fertility gradient grew right after it came about. Idiots may be less likely to abort.

Ed your comments are becoming more and more emoji less, have (((they))) gotten to you?


32d old acc

If you were here for long enough, you'd know that I think overpopulation is a YUGE problem lol. Too many people reeeee

I've been here long before this account Ed, you never talked like a human being. You've changed Ed, you're not the Iranian emoji boi I gave my bussy to.

you never talked like a human being




It's too late Ed, you're no longer the qt emojitard of r/drama, it was heartbreaking enough to see that leaked discord screencap of you talking like you were only pretending to be retarded but it is something else to see you all jewyfied. You've lost all shame, even Allah can't save you.

that leaked discord screencap of you talking like you were only pretending to be retarded


Link to screencap pls. I would love to see that lol. Plus you definitely a newfag. My comments have been pissing off people since the beginning.

I fondly remember pinging ManhattanTransFur /u/nunast (rip) /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu (rip) and /u/boyoyoyoyong in DDF threads lol

Plus saying stuff like incels are pathetic and anime is for degenerates is not being retarded. Those are sane views but the thing is there are quite a low of incels/anime tiddies lovers in this sub so they take offense at my comments lol.

P.s: snd bobs pls

Ed, earlier you'd have replied with๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด or some other emoji pasta bullshit, but now it looks like I'm getting under your skin. That's what changed Ed.

Also I can't find the link but it was a discord screencap of you talking to someone how you're playing a character here @ drama, maybe awkwardturtle or some other guy.

implying you have to bussy lmao 24/7 or else you're mad


I can't find it






Here Ed, you're playing with my feelings Ed

0 context

Lol do you even know what we were talking about? If you "BUSSY lmao, this but unironically, no u tee hee" outside of r/drama, people will think you're mentally handicapped.

There is no "pretend". It's the style of comments in r/drama. You won't do r/rarepuppers talk in r/drama now would you lol.

Also look at the first thread in the "OMG EXPOSED" post you linked. You'll understand (not gonna bet on it tho)

Stop replying Ed, you're too far gone. I might start thinking you're a human being instead of a drama poster



i think i read that the earth can support 10 billion people and possibly more

however, that is still 9 billion too many IMO.

At a second-world living standard, maybe.

Ed has always been a pizzashill-tier seriousposter, they just hide behind autism to mask it.

The world is already over populated

malthusians lmao

uphold the immortal dialectic of marxism-birtherism

Lol condoms and other contraceptives werenโ€™t regularly available in the USSR. Guess what Russian women did to halt a pregnancy? They went to the doctor and had regular abortions.

My god the Soviets aborted babies like the world has never seen. But I guess no true Scotsman would D&C their baby.

It's so cute watching Dronemericans pretend to give a shit about dead children.

Yeah, but Ceausescuโ€™s Romania wasnโ€™t real socialism.

More reason to support communism I guess

what is this ? A Blue on Blue ?

I support the aborting of communists. Luckily commies love killing each other so abortion is redundant.

In the US poor, pregnant women get free healthcare, illegal or not. Having a kid opens up the opportunity for WIC, EBT and section 8 housing.

Ah, socialism, the only economic system that can conjure bread out of thin air to feed every needy mouth.

Wait, it does the exact opposite of that? Why wasn't I told?

What's with these bad faith arguments that assumes that capitalist countries don't have the means to support people who need it? In my country a person on benefits is niles better off than some poor cunt in Venezuela.

especially growing up as a viciously abused child, I have a need to make that right with my child by raising him/her with nothing but love

An internet commie who doesn't like his parents. I'm starting to notice a pattern here. Maybe they have other reasons for turning to an extremist ideology other than just their massive IQs letting them understand economics better than the grown-ups.


I absolutely agree. My wife and I are doing it anyways and if we have to go bankrupt, that's what we have to do. It's both of our dream (mine especially growing up as a viciously abused child, I have a need to make that right with my child by raising him/her with nothing but love) and I'm not going to let capital take it away from me.

Why the hell would you willingly bring a child into the world if you can't financially support raising one? That's super selfish/immoral. You're purposely bringing a life into the world that it doesn't sound like you can take care of and setting up your future child for failure. This is why the cycle of poverty perpetuates.

Sorry massa, I'll get back to the fields ASAP.

I never said I can't financially support the child, I said it will be brutal on me to do. Kindly fuck yourself.

If you are admitting to a high likelihood of going bankrupt from having a kid, you aren't ready to have a child.

About 15 million children in the United States โ€“ 21% of all children โ€“ live in families with incomes below the federal poverty threshold, a measurement that has been shown to underestimate the needs of families. Research shows that, on average, families need anย incomeย of about twice that level to cover basic expenses.

It's a serious problem in the US and other countries yet you're perfectly fine having a child being a part of this statistic.

My wife and I make well over two times the federal poverty threshold. We, like you, work in the financial industry. The poverty threshold is also absurdly low, imo, but that's for another time.

But whatever man, I'm not gonna listen to some bitch who sits behind a computer day in and day out essentially betting (muh options) telling me I don't have a right to pass on my DNA because I don't meet his income requirements.

That's ok. Just add them to the completely fabricated people that were subsequently "Murdered" (at least in the imaginations of authors of historical fiction such as R. Conquest)

abortion is only murder when I need it for my statistics
