I got into a retarded slapfight with a retarded chapo poster over a meme. Bonus: another chapo poster tone polices my retard nemesis for calling me a retard

23  2018-06-17 by Oh_hamburgers_




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Keep trying to put me into some kind of box with your assumptions, when in reality I’m disabled and have a problem with berating other people with a word that encompasses myself.

/u/Grzly are you calling yourself retarded?

Yes. I’m saying that back in the day, I’d definitely be considered “retarded”, considering it encompasses a large group of the population, ie. Anyone with less advancement in their mental, social or physical development for their age.

Yes. I’m saying that back in the day, I’d definitely be considered “retarded”, considering it encompasses a large group of the population, ie. Anyone with less advancement in their mental, social or physical development for their age. I'm retarded

Thanks for clarifying


This is internet equivalent of a IDF tank running over a Palestinian child.

Even I think comparing a ChappedAssHouser to a Palestinian is unfair to Palestinians

That's true people actually care about Palestinians.


So you're saying that the Jews are once again at fault.


/u/Grzly has stated they are retarded. All pings discussing his retardation are no longer mean pings, they are factual pings.

Haha...you seem to think that debating socio-economic theories is a worthy expendature of effort, OP. It's not. You fail to see the big picture. As the automobile was more influential than communism, so to will technology continue to lead the way. This is why the mayocide and menocide is necessary to usher in the evolution of our species, and christen (for the only available term) the Borg Queen. Your heritage means nothing and your genetic contribution is irrelevant. Resistance is futile.

Everyone is retarded. This post is retarded. Approved!

I see that everyone evolved is a massive retard. SHOCKED! 😂😂😂

I was wondering when you'd show up bby