Happy Father's Day /r/Drama

184  2018-06-17 by Lvl100SkrubRekker


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Elon is my Daddy but this is nice thanks

It’s Pride month 😏 you can have lots of Daddies.

If he wants me to be

Elongated Muskrat? 🤢🤢🤮🤮

^ Found AngryDM

>poorfags sucking billionaire dick for free


Shouldn't you be sperging over Sam Hydepetermusk?

literally who?

watching memetards political podcasts

sucking dick for free

t. brainlet

How dare you, he's a national treasure.

national treasure

literally who tier personality


It's true. Clean your room, Ed.

memerson mcmemefag


Well yeah, not as whore

Please tell me this isn't your way of coming out as a mayo?

If so, consider Keeping Your Sunday free for your dad this weekend.

Who the fuck made this?

A gay.


/u/Pizzashill and his daddy issues.

Holy shit after forty straight years of bulking Trump's ripped

There's this (text) roleplayer I know who's super into pregnancy and motherhood and has a lot of the same interests I have. I would totally cum in her and she lives in the same state as me, but I'm taken and don't have enough money to have kids yet. Also, I think she might be a little damaged OOC, so that's not good either. Mental problems can often be hereditary. I'd love to be a father and pass along my great genes as it seems like I have no medical complications from what I can tell in my family history besides potentially cancer. Considering how many people in my family tree were unhealthy though, it's possible that it's avoidable. Physically speaking, I'm very attractive and tall and I think that's a good sign as well.

This smells like pasta, but this is the dude who posted pics of his "wife"'s cunt here to win an internet argument.

Wait, what?

Disgusting. Thank you.

I'm pretty sure it's also the infamous dogfucker Frostfedora, also the author of the "most cruel and malevolent" copypasta.

unless the child was going to be retarded or deformed-- and with my good genes that wouldn't happen

You do know that there are congenital conditions that have causes other than genetics, right? According to the World Health Organization, "approximately 50% of all congenital anomalies cannot be linked to a specific cause".

My father died in 2004 and I hope he's doing well in heaven. I don't know much about Trump or politics but I don't think Trump is very nice and I don't want to think of my father in heaven while also thinking about a mean person like Trump.

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside, you gotta take a stand, it don't hurt to hide. If you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride, I gotta be a man I can't let it slide. Trump is a real American, fights for the rights of every man. Trump is a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life! I feel strong about right and wrong and I don't take trouble for very long. I've got something deep inside of me, courage is the thing that keeps us free! Trump is a real American, fights for the rights of every man. Trump is a real American. Fight for what's right, fight for your life!

Don't make this a trump sub so I can stay subscribed lmao. This fucker is as pudgy and weak as you can get. DYEL of the highest order

He's actually mocking Daddy.

These days it's a challenge to see if someone's mocking or praising Trump.

the madman

"Another trump sub", like reddit is just drowning in them

Trump made some pretty good progress on his Coca Cola and two scoops diet. Very impressive.

It's the best diet

Happy Father's day!

Peak drama has been achieved.

Ben Garrison un ironically believes Trump has that body

Daddy! 😍😫💦


Do that what he hides under the terrible suits

Seriously what daddy do those illegals in that Texas Prison Camp need when they have this Daddy? 😍😍😍

serious /s on this entire post I feel bad making a joke about human right violations