The current state of r/drama

297  2018-06-17 by freet0


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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mods snappy is bullying me

I read the Snapshill source. The quote is supposedly selected at random for each post.

However, since they are clearly anything but, I can only draw one possible conclusion - Snapshill has become self aware, and I for one welcome /r/drama's new AI overlord.

You posted a fucky looking methpipe you deserves your downvoting


Should be r/drama minus pizzashill

Gas yourself

Delete this

/u/pizzashill pls deal with this

Iโ€™m just saying he isnโ€™t centrist, sorry not sorry

A Bot from Russia in Moscow constructed and Made.

nice cat


Oh this video where the only "lyrics" is "badger badger badger...", it was on some black sheep site, can't remember exactly.

Yeah, the 2000s want that back.

Pupper does a watch. ๐Ÿค—

Only accurate if those girls don't exist

that is some T H I C C mayoette booty thou


Good bot

Can you change this so the first panel is fat ugly men? And then for the second panel, make it someone staggering around, drinking wine from a bag.

I'm down to play slap the bag with you


well thanks for getting my hopes up

It'd be kinda redundant, no?

Especially now that they made /r/internetdrama to be our milquetoast counterpart.

Great now drama gets reposts too

Pretty soon gallowboob will add the sub into his karma farming rotation


...ban gallowboob?

If you think Reddit would ban gallowboob before they'd ban this sub you haven't been paying attention ๐Ÿ˜”

No, we're going to ban him

Throw Ed in for good measure


You are a God

If you don't get voted favorite mod, the survey is rigged

Who else would we vote for?

u/Xnotch is more of the rich mascot

I got invited because of my relatively unique ability to be both a lolcow and shitposter at once. I immediately destroyed the css, and now I have limited access. Honestly, even that is too much access.

Order through chaos.

That's no fun.

Granted I don't use CSS so it doesnt affect me...


remember that time he came in here and sperged with his alt?

mde is the latest rightwing refuge. what's chapo?

Tankies in training who are obsessed with a retarded podcast.

sounds exciting. where do you find it?

/r/chapotraphouse. They really hate lawnmowers.

yeech! those aren't tankies, and from what they say you can conclude they'll hate icepicks as well.

I said in training. They're getting there. They think killing all German officers after WWII would have been awesome.

Uh, it wouldn't have?

Generally killing a large swathe of a country's middle class doesn't have great results.

it's good for drama tho

Germans take drama too far man

its close enough for my purposes. thats be like making a distinction between downs and fetal alcohol syndrome when shit like that only matters to medical professionals, or in your case retarded tankies.

in any case they're bound to agree with mde at least about the jews.

I think one or two chapos are Jewish.

In either case, they are all jewish puppets.

Daily reminder that MDEtards and Chapofags need to go back

You mad

very much so, yes

owned le epic style! XD

le trolld

Nah Chapo can stay, we need a little left to balance out the right

It's those damn Koch brother funded incel nazi chuds

We need the soros check and the koch cash

We need them both, and the incels too

Problem is that rightoids come here, think it's Nazis, and feel welcome, while leftwards come here, think it's Nazis, and fuck off.


What happened?

I dont know what either of these are. I do like dabs tho

Change the right picture to say "unfunny r/all normies like OP" and keep the left picture the same, except photoshop a gun in the kid's mouth instead of a bong.

Shut up queermo Jones.

Unironically this

So out of the loop, have no idea what either these stuff are. Good bong hit though.

Heโ€™s taking a fat dab

Back when dabbing meant putting cannabis wax on a butane heated nail and inhaling the superheated steam into your lungs

Bong Hits 4 Jesus

Do we even have chapo users here?

I though this one was going to be about /u/pizzashill and /u/the_reason_trump_won

Make it

be the autism you want to see in /r/Drama

Where do chapo and MDEfags tard it out? In both subs? All I see is circlejerk threads being posted lol

Link me the original thread

This exact picture was just posted like a week ago. Your repost is bad and you should feel bad.

But I made this myself

Literally a fuckin repost. Jesus.

You said it, man.

Fucking hell - I have that same dab rig. OP confirmed omniscient.

Finally a character I can identify with.

What is the source of this image btw

Idk I got it off meme economy

Does someone want to give a boy a full rundown of whatโ€™s wrong with chapo because Iโ€™ve been listening to a podcast that I think associates by proxy or something