"Because of my own situatedness as a human, rather than as a dog, I recognize my limitations in being able to determine when an incidence of dog humping qualifies as rape."

48  2018-06-17 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


With whats going on in the social (((sciences))) it's impossible to tell

I'm leaning to fake right now. More papers by the author don't exist (for the same field, there is an applied math professor by the same name, but on another continent) and the PUR Initiative website the author is supposed to work for is suspiciously "coming soon" (http://purinitiative.com/).

Friendly reminder that horsehoe theory was invented by an anti-postmodernist.

It concludes by applying black feminist criminology categories

black feminist criminology categories


When most people genuinely can't tell if this is a troll or not.

Honestly at this point, I can’t tell anymore. The iceberg and gender intersectionality paper is when I gave up.

It looks like the author isn't associated with a real research institution and the journal is about as low-level as it gets. Literally none of the articles that have been published this year are cited. I'm surprised that it's even on tandfonline but I guess there are a lot of weird obscure journals floating around out there.

Thanks, that pretty seals it as a scam for sure. Tandfonline will probably end up with some egg on their face.

I dealt with social sciences SJW people before, very likely this is real.

That's the beauty of it. The language and tone fits like a glove, but other works by the author don't exist. Like if they were a doctorate and if they were legit, then there must be a masters PhD out there.

Seems interesting. Can somebody more autistic than me find the full article ?

If you want to see the full article, just paste the DOI link into Sci-Hub.

Thanks - I tried, but couldn't get it to work. :/

Such a study could never be completed since the blacks don't socialize their dogs.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Yes, Snappy. They probably respect fussy more.


Every day we stray miles further from God's light.

I don't need to explain myself to ANYONE.

Apologies mistress.

i like dog cock

explanation fufilled

Flair checks out :3

yes, yes it does

I met the type of person that writes those type of papers before. They are 20 times worse in person, i guarantee you.

got any stories about them?

I got scream at for watching the nightly news and talking about it with a classmate (a private conversation by the way) because mainstream news are "part of the capitalist agenda! You should know better after spending time in my class!". Also "gravity is unironically a white male invention, we should accept thatbthis views promote a patriarchal white racist structure on our society". It wasn't even supposes to be an SJW class, the fucker just openly said he took it over.

It actually did.

I had no idea there was a such a thing as feminist geography.

Geography is part of the patriarchy. Together we can change that.

The future is female.

You can thank the radical constructivists that belive all science is subjective for that one.

"Hey Kara, haven't seen you since graduation! What have you been up to?" - "I watched dogs fuck in a park for a year."