The legbeards of /r/Melbourne REEEEally don't like it when you point out that discriminating against men is still discrimination

77  2018-06-17 by PsychoAutistRapist


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Men deserve to be discriminated against though. Look at the crime stats, there's a clear picture to be seen here. Men will call these stats "hate facts" but facts don't care about your feelings.

I guess black people deserve to be discriminated against as well.

lol. A minority of men commit the majority of violent crime. Therefore, all men are despicable.

Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.

Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.

Tarring an entire gender for the crimes of a small minority is the opposite of intellectual integrity, so I wouldn't throw too many stones if I were you.

You have failed in your quest to read.

You seem to have a penchant for spouting non-sequiturs and imagining you've won something. Are you perhaps neglecting your medication?

Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

And there you go again. Make sure your helmet's on good and tight!

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

And there you go again. Make sure you've got that helmet done up properly!

RBed, mafia has a Consort.

English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

And there you go again. Make sure your helmet's on good and tight!

Remove niggers and males from a population and you'll find that crime drops to absolute minimum. Why the fuck are you so mad?

Remove niggers and males from a population and you'll find that crime drops to absolute minimum. Why the fuck are you so mad?

Remove males from a population and you'll find that the population drops to absolute minimum, too.

Niggers + males is for good measure, but you're right that simply removing males is good enough.

This is why discrimination based on gender isn't discrimination if it targets males. Males are subhumans; literally missing a large chunk of their 2nd sex chromosomes.

If you know a group is responsible for almost all the crimes of a population, is it really bad spirited to remove them from the population? I don't think so. It's basic problem solving.

It's retarded beyond description, but it's interesting to note that you argue for the removal of "niggers and males", emphasis mine, since you're clearly blaming black women as well as males of both genders.

Yeah, males are subhumans, literally responsible for elevating humans from plains-dwelling hairless apes to a technological civilization, and if the gendercide happened at sunrise tomorrow you'd be living in barbarism again by sunset. But hey, you'd be free of crime and fat-shaming, so you'd be living in paradise for the few weeks it took you to starve to death.

If you know a group is responsible for almost all the crimes of a population, is it really bad spirited to remove them from the population? I don't think so. It's basic problem solving.

You know who else "knew" a group was responsible for almost all the ills of the entire world? Yup, thought you did.

since you're clearly blaming black women as well as males of both genders.

Yes, males are obviously fucked up. And as for black women; have you not seen videos of them hammering their pregnant bellies in hopes of miscarriage? Clearly no, otherwise you'd agree with me.

blah blah males got u out of caves

Have you mever watched "Hidden Colors"? There's always a smarter woman, behind a "smart" man. No exceptions. Even Gilgamish had a Gilgawomish.

You know who else "knew" a group was responsible for almost all the ills of the entire world? Yup, thought you did.

The problem here is that mr hitlerino the bambino didnt actually have any data regarding crime so he assumed it was the jews. If he knew better he'd focus on a new type of genocide; the Y chromosome genocide.

Also; what the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you moralfagging me with "hue hue Hitler was bad". There was nothing wrong with Nazism, you prick. If anything, it didn't take things far enough. Fuck the Judaismos, Male holocaust NOW

You are both utter retards.

You mean udder lol moo

Nigga please. That critter doesn't have one hole I'd care to stick my dick in.

Have you mever watched "Hidden Colors"? There's always a smarter woman, behind a "smart" man. No exceptions. Even Gilgamish had a Gilgawomish.

"Hidden Colors"? A documentary about

The presence of Africans in America before Columbus

Yeah, I'm fucking convinced now.

you know we have science for that now right?

men have been obsolete for like... 15 years lol

"we have science" -- Like you understand any of it. You have science for what?

What we nearly have science for is artificial wombs. Then we don't need women for one remaining thing, and we won't have to work more than about 20% of what we do now, and the cause of most of our contention and our crime and our warmongering will disappear overnight.

women are almost obsolete. men have been obsolete though

Yeah, no, not if you don't want to be living in a gutter this time tomorrow. If men vanished right now you'd have until the canned food ran out (that's if you didn't break the can opener first).

now you’re just being retarded. on no planet do men have higher kitchen appliance prowess.

Yeah, what sex are the top chefs again?

the only one I know of is that British lady. You know, Meryl Streep

Appeal To Ignorance Fallacy. "I don't know about any top male chefs, therefore there aren't any". You just carry on sitting there wasting oxygen, dear.

Anyone who knows about celebrity chefs has no business calling others a waste of oxygen

And a lot of smarts and skill. Men, see?

Men have made huge strides forward in the areas of bitching and moaning and clearly you are a leader in the field

Whereas women still have light-years to make up in the areas of reason and logic, as you clearly attest.

You've now accused more people of being women in this thread than have ever visited r/drama

There may be some truth in that. Still, I've seen more vagina in my life than the average r/drama guy, even when you leave out the gays.

Kill two gays with one stone

The question then has to be asked how long until civilization collapses

You are btoh utter retards.

I mean, the Jews wills till be around to preserve our culture and technology in their space bunkers.

the plasma fold.

...Cdace, I see you.

That just leaves yu annoying white women though. Humancide is the true path.

it’s called Homnicide

isn’t that redundent? you just need to remove males

the female version is “negress,” or he gender-neutral “nigra”

Cool, more excuses from the gender of peace.

Gender of peace indeed and unironically. Pretty near every accomplishment of peace in the world is thanks to men. You should, you know, just STFU and let men use the one part of you that justifies actually letting you have any food, water or a place to live. lol.

Bring me my sammich bitch

if women were bigger and stronger than men, they'd commit most of the crime. i recall reading that they violently abuse their children much more than men do, which means women are just as violent when they have someone that can't fight back.

From the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Maybe you've heard of them?

u/wildsoda, how does that Bureau define rape? Rape is often defined as "penetration of the victim" which means a woman can literally point a gun at a man and force him to have sex with her and still not be counted as a rapist - unless she sticks a dildo up his butt.

justifying discrimination against bussy

I wonder how those crime stats would look if we removed certain demographics of men. who typically enjoy basketball, kneeling during that national anthem, and watermelon-fried KFC with a side of collard greens?

just remove men who leave chicken bones all over the place.

Lol mayo advocacy.

Cumskin males have a higher criminality rate than even African queens.

That's just because women are bad at it. look at mass shootings, Nazim didn't even get a single kill

the fact that you felt the need to explain the joke is just more evidence of white worthlessness

I don't think asians contribute that much to the stats


that's just the systemic misandry inherent in the matriarchal justice system.

how else could a difference in outcomes be explained other than discrimination?

this but with terminology more in line with the typical sociological narrative

Excuse me the correct term is sex of peace 😤

Especially the mayos

Men: not even once.

Couldn't you just identify as a woman are be okay? Seems as flaw in your plane

Purely economic factors.

/u/flora_poste_haste what about trans women? (Because the guy you replied to said "female").

Follow up /u/flora_poste_haste

You are just going to have to accept, in a society, you are going to have to deal with men on a regular basis. Unless you want to be a hermit in the middle of nowhere, I'm afraid you are stuck with men when you do just about everything, considering they make up less then a tiny bit of half the population.

If you are going to double standard discrimination, then shit, have the guts to just admit it instead of babbling why your shitty bigotry and stereotypes are justified.

Yeah, not following up anything on this toxic sub, guys, you can follow my rationale in its original context.


Or, you know, you could just quit being a pussy in every single thing you do in your pathetic life.

Lol. I literally have nothing else to say to you. Sleep tight.

I'm not surprised at all.

Used to it, huh? 😁

You didn't answer my simple question 😢

Yeah I did. I just answered you both at once, kiddo :)

You're being mean 😭😣

Yeah, not following up anything on this toxic sub

Excuse me. I just got off detox. Bleach enemas are great at getting out those nasty chemicals and parasites.

My condolences. Detox is rough. Getting rid of parasites is worse, although infinitely more interesting. Please report back on any 8 foot intestinal worms, or pork related worms in your brain, etc.

The bleach got rid of all the parasites. Cabbage water helps too.

“I can’t defend my obvious as hell bigotry so I’m just going to try to pretend you’re beneath me”

This place IS TOXIC!

It's basically r/subredditdrama's edgy younger brother, with almost zero moderation and an actively hostile attitude. If drama doesn't come to them, they're aren't above making some themselves. They're unabashedly terrible, and love to harass the people featured there with username call-outs and constant mockery. If someone is foolish enough to get into an argument with them twice, they'll make them an 'honorary' mod. Yeah, drama is so fucking weird. It seems that its community is a loose coalition of malicious trolls who say stuff that goes over poorly in a certain community in that community and then post a link in drama to their comment or post elsewhere. Are they inviting others to "come watch this drama I'm creating" or linking as a low-key trigger for others to come brigade the thread? Or any of a dozen other possible norms... It's a double-reflection wrapped in 26-dimensional irony. The post titles even get weird, ambiguously mocking some group of people and simultaneously mocking people who'd mock that group in those terms. Can't even tell for sure what's real, what's mocking the real, and what's mocking the mockery of the real. I mean that sub is just pretending to be 4chan circa like 2008 and forgetting that that mentality stopped because only tweens think being bitchy and edgy is actually clever in any way. Things that are mean can be funny-but being a nasty snatch is not inherently funny and also just fuck off, mate. Drama is a significantly better sub when they're bitching about something inconsequential rather than when they're arguing that a woman has no value or w/e for being 'ugly' and then being alll OH IT DOESN'T MATTER IT'S JUST A JOKE GUIIIZZZ. drama Is an absolute lesson of what happens when you have too much time and just barely enough intelligence on your hands without any ambition.

This place IS TOXIC!

It's basically r/subredditdrama's edgy younger brother, with almost zero moderation and an actively hostile attitude. If drama doesn't come to them, they're aren't above making some themselves. They're unabashedly terrible, and love to harass the people featured there with username call-outs and constant mockery. If someone is foolish enough to get into an argument with them twice, they'll make them an 'honorary' mod. Yeah, drama is so fucking weird. It seems that its community is a loose coalition of malicious trolls who say stuff that goes over poorly in a certain community in that community and then post a link in drama to their comment or post elsewhere. Are they inviting others to "come watch this drama I'm creating" or linking as a low-key trigger for others to come brigade the thread? Or any of a dozen other possible norms... It's a double-reflection wrapped in 26-dimensional irony. The post titles even get weird, ambiguously mocking some group of people and simultaneously mocking people who'd mock that group in those terms. Can't even tell for sure what's real, what's mocking the real, and what's mocking the mockery of the real. I mean that sub is just pretending to be 4chan circa like 2008 and forgetting that that mentality stopped because only tweens think being bitchy and edgy is actually clever in any way. Things that are mean can be funny-but being a nasty snatch is not inherently funny and also just fuck off, mate. Drama is a significantly better sub when they're bitching about something inconsequential rather than when they're arguing that a woman has no value or w/e for being 'ugly' and then being alll OH IT DOESN'T MATTER IT'S JUST A JOKE GUIIIZZZ. drama Is an absolute lesson of what happens when you have too much time and just barely enough intelligence on your hands without any ambition.

We sent toxic. We love all people the same.

Noce personal attack though. That plus your hatred of straight men, you might just belong here

not following up anything on this toxic sub

Lol you're literally arguing that men don't need all of their human rights but we're the toxic ones?

Speaking as an attorney, I really hope Sheba comes to Murica. Talk about slam dunks.

Someone made a tinder clone that only allows women to initiate contact.

That one is different. Men can still access the service and there is an equality of treatment in that you still have all the features: messaging, seeing bios, etc. Plus it’s a dating service and those things are generally given some leeway (speed dating for instance, men move around, woman stays put).

Sheba is an outright ban on men. As drivers, as customers. That is a nice and shiny case of discrimination and a lawyer’s wet dream.

I know I just thought about it. It's still a pretty dumb service.

I get way more action from bumble than from tinder

I also agree that women are whores

Bumble I think? I dunno, seems like a novel concept since one of the big issues with online dating is that women are flooded with messages so it's hard to make one that stands out. Not sure how much better it is in practice though.

Just saw an ad for this at the footy in the women's dunnies actually

That's a funny place to play footy.

we do things a little differently down here

Maybe. Who am I to judge?

r/australia is like that too. Its a shithole.

Wait, you're not a fan of unemployed Uni dropouts up to their eyeballs in Centrelink telling you how the world works? But I thought the NBN and unchecked immigration were going to save this country...

Maybe the Nordic model of "The Middle Way" wasn't the socialist panacea everyone thought it was.

Maybe it was just a cold snap that killed off all the hobos.

But they don't have guns so it's 100% safe

I 100% support this. Feminists need to start their own shit rather than complain that everyone else change to suit them. This is a step in the right direction.

You can say the same thing about black people being pissed at whites only restaurants.

No you can't

Sure you can “if black people are angry that a restaurant won’t serve them they should just make their own restaurant rather than demand everyone cater to them”

Is this how you argue with people? You throw out vague, non-specific analogies without explanation and expect to change people's minds?

What, specifically, is the difference between women-only service and whites-only services?

Thousands of years of context.

I agree the negros have had it too good for too long now.

That's not specific.

Equality does not always mean treating people the same. There are two types of equality: ‘formal’ equality and ‘substantive’ equality. Formal equality is treating everyone the same. Substantive equality allows different groups to be treated differently so that they can, in the end, enjoy their human rights equally. Special measures are designed to achieve substantive equality.

What human right is being advanced by this that wouldn't be advanced by having white-only service? If safety is the rationale, keep in mind black people commit a very high percentage of violent crimes.

Allahu Akbar men and women should have their own separate places.

God supports segregation of the genders and Islam is the most feminist religion.

Is this feminism or just Sharia compliant taxi services?

I unironically think this is a good idea. I also think pious Christians shouldn't have to help gay people celebrate their wedding.

Is it so hard to be consistent or does /r/drama just REEEE over every woman's rights issue?

Do you think someone should be able to have a whites only restaurant?

It's a very nuanced issue where either extreme can be bad.

On one hand, screwing over racial minorities so they don't have access to hotels, restaurants, etc. is absolutely wrong. It's hard to come up with any practical good faith reason for this.

On the other extreme, we end up denying women the right to feel safe being driven home.

Put yourself in a similar situation: they're physically small compared to men. Now imagine being in public, slightly inebriated, and half the population walking around are gay 6'6" linebackers, many of whom are sexually insatiable, a significant minority of whom are psychopaths who would rape you without a second thought. That shit must be terrifying.

Anyway, to answer your question: if it comes to a matter of basic access to essential goods, then no, I don't support. But if it's a matter of conscience or practical use, then yes, I would support.

On the other extreme, we end up denying women the right to feel safe being driven home.

Oh no, bigoted sexists will feel bad knowing they have to be in the same car as a man? How awful! Clearly we need to drop everything because a sexist doesn’t feel safe. I mean we could just tell them to get over it like we tell people who think vaccines are unsafe or that black people are dangerous but nah, it’s different here. /sarcasm

On the other extreme, we end up denying women the right to feel safe being driven home.

How much is a “significant minority anyway”

This sounds a lot like the poisoned m and m analogy which is a favorite justification of every paranoid prejudiced person ever. “Oh some Muslims/black people are dangerous let’s have a blanket ban”

That shit must be terrifying.

And the aforementioned people are also terrified of Muslims/blacks. Why’s it always gotta be on the minority to be understanding of the majority’s irrational fear and prejudice?

Anyway, to answer your question: if it comes to a matter of basic access to essential goods,

A restaurant cooked meal is not a basic essential good, and odds are that there won’t be towns where every restaurant refuses to service people of a certain race. But if you want to argue it is an essential service then how about a whites only night club or a whites only spa?

Oh no, bigoted sexists will feel bad knowing they have to be in the same car as a man?

Oh fuck off. No one with a brain should give a rat's ass about political correctness when their personal safety is at stake. Recognizing that one group is statistically more dangerous, and acting accordingly, isn't bigotry. Being more scared of men, black people, or Muslims with backpacks on a plane is just common sense.

How much is a “significant minority anyway”

Crime statistics are available for you to look up.

And the aforementioned people are also terrified of Muslims/blacks.

Rightfully so.

Why’s it always gotta be on the minority to be understanding of the majority’s irrational fear and prejudice?

Seeing as I'm militantly anti-SJW, I'm not the right person to ask that question.

Fact is they are not in danger just because the driver/passenger is a man, nor are they safe just because the driver/passenger is a woman.

Straw man. I never said either of these things. It's ok to recognize that men are more dangerous to women, but realize that most men are decent people.

A restaurant cooked meal is not a basic essential good, and odds are that there won’t be towns where every restaurant refuses to service people of a certain race. But if you want to argue it is an essential service then how about a whites only night club or a whites only spa?

I take it on a case by case basis. If the owner is intentionally being a dick (like this guy), I'd oppose it. If someone has a good reason, I'd support. The issue just has too many varibales for me to take a firm stance one way or the other.

Men make up the vast majority of violent crime victims.

Not without prisoners, who aren't relevant to a ridesharing app.

Whites shouldnt be allowed to have anything tbh

No, you can buy Saltines and Rainbow bread anywhere.

There's a difference between believing someone has the right to do something, and actually endorsing the belief behind the action. I don't think people should be forced to cater to gay weddings, but I still think they're idiots. Similar case here.

"Systematic discrimination" Jesus luv, how do you ever leave your basement.

just cut the crap and call it “good discrimination,” it’s not that hard

Wait a minute, if their issue with Uber is their shitty background checking, why not just make the service open to all genders but with better background checking?

/u/flora_post_haste would support "colored only" drinking fountains as long as they were better then the whites only ones.

This company will fold within the year, because the grand majority of Melbourne women outside of Reddit aren’t too pussy to use an Uber.


It's time men start to understand that they are statiscally speaking, an active threat to women

Lol wut? Women face way less violent crime at the hands of men then men face at the hands of men

A discussion about women being raped and sexually harassed by male Uber/cab drivers is not the place to start crying about men's "issues".

How does it feel to be a bad strawman brought to live?


The thing is, there's no need for male only because female uber/cab drivers aren't raping or assaulting their passengers.

Lol. Men are more likely to robbed or assault by an uber driver than women are to be raped by one

If you're addressing existing inequity. Not being able to get a cab/uber without fear of rape seems pretty inequitable.

Women are very rarely raped and of those who are raped almost none of them are raped by random uber drivers. It shouldn't be legal to not hire men just because your scared of your own shadow


It's a shame that something like this has to exist, but good to know that it does.

It doesn't have to exist. The chance a women has of being raped by a random uber driver is next to nothing. As a man I have a greater chance of being assaulted and robbed by a Uber driver than a women has of being raped by one

Yeah, because women are never sexual predators, right /u/Blanket_Criticism?

Holy shit. Im from EU. Is that legal in your country?


Bojack Horseman was supposed to be a dark satire, not a guidebook.

Seems like a great cash-in. Say it's "safer" for women and get away with charging 3 times as much

I almost asked "what is a legbeard?" and then I got it. Savage!

The mods of Melbourne banned me for having too much fun!