Sticky on /r/politicaltumor finally has some humor.

205  2018-06-17 by ExcitingLanguage




  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Ironically, I might add.


I knew I would find you down here before I even clicked.

Frankly I was surprised there were no 😴😴😴

Those are for actual "drama" posts tho. Not for the "hey look at this thing" type. Unless if you manage to make that boring too then you're getting snoozed as well 😂

Same. But linking CC is the next "joke" when he finds things he doesn't agree with.

Except plus sized emojis


really going out on a limb there

Lol yeah exactly. Huge risk thinking I would find him crying that something hurt his feelings in the new queue.

by actual human being standards? sure

by PH standards it’s practically Mel Brooks tho

Unironically this

That whole front page is all just boomer tier chain email memes.

Lets see what they have to say for themselves /u/ILoveRegenHealth

Redcaps ask the dumbest questions. Maybe one day these incels will hook up with something called political awareness

Oh yeah those lit kidz are hellllaa dunkin on those redcaps lol whip nae-nae

please tell me that guy’s also a Boomer


Functioning Adult: "Okay, fine. Go. 'Stoopid Liburls' what?"

Redcap: "What what."

Functioning Adult: "What's the joke?"

Redcap: I-- That was the joke."

Functioning Adult: (sighs) "Hokay, man. Thanks for posting."


The "functioning adults" of /r/PoliticalHumor are writing some pretty sick fanfics.

The flip side of that, "Hillary poops gold, and conflict in the middle east would be over and everyone would be a millionaire!!!"

Sanders 4 Life, never forget!

I have never actually seen anyone say they like Hillary, not once the equivalent to daddy worship tends to be "Hey i dont think Hillary actually eats people shes just a shitty politician."

I like Hillary :(


Both the hard-left and hard-right hate her. Clearly she's the radical centrist candidate of choice.

being so retarded you actually believe this

You’re from Texas so calling someone retarded is kind of a pot kettle situation.

She is the hard right, people are just too stupid to realize it.

because he likes attention. people focus more on him when he says it

the equivalent to daddy worship is daddy Stalin worship, sometimes even daddy Kim/Assad

In that case never ever criticize Hillary in EnoughTrumpSpam or EnoughBernieSpam

Actually true

I have never actually seen anyone say they like Hillary

Black people over the age of 40, lesbians over the age of 40, rich democrats.

I've seen people say she's not at all corrupt and has never done anything even questionable.

Did they fight back laughter while attempting that statement?

Pizzashill loves her

For years ever since I was a kid I always had a strange fascination with what my parents told me was the first lady. Something back then as a child changed inside of me, once I saw her face on the television I felt a rush of boiling hot blood flow straight to my head. The way she would have her beautiful blond hair with the stern tone of voice that made you feel as if you were being commanded by a superior being to do bidding for their pleasure. For years growing up I somewhat obsessed with the women. I downloaded pictures of her off the internet and printed them out to stick on my wall. I would find all kinds of pictures of her and I'd lay in bed every night and morning just staring at her face. As I grew older I began to realize my obsession was more than some strange feeling of connection with this person I had never met before, it was much stronger and it was a feeling I had not ever been really aware of. I was sexually attracted to Hillary Clinton, around age 11 I guess you could say I came of age. You could say I started whipping my own cream if you will. Hillary Clinton was simply what I whipped my cream for. Years passed by, throughout school I kept it a secret. When real life females I knew for years liked me I would always turn them down. In the back of my mind thinking about Hillary and getting anxious to get home and stare at her. Fast forward a couple of years, Hillary's running for president. Oh my god if I could express the blissful pleasure I received knowing the women of my dreams may be in control of not only me but the whole country. I did everything I could to campaign for her, spread word about her and try to get as many people to vote for Hillary as possible. Sadly she lost that year, I was devastated. However at the young tender age of only 16 I received word from the Hillary campaign that they appreciated my efforts but most importantly, Hillary signed it. There it was in my hands, a signed letter of appreciation from the greatest women in the world, the women for whom I've lived for years in service to, Hillary Clinton. Seeing her signature sent shockwaves throughout my entire body, it felt like a wave of pleasure rolling over my shoulders. I kept that letter close and I sealed it away to preserve it. After a few more years I hear Hillary Clinton is running again. This time, I was personally contacted by her campaign to help them get Hillary Clinton to be the US president. I was all on it, I went to every house on the block teaching people about Hillary Clinton and why they should vote for her. Many people, many Bernie Supporters, all of them changed their opinions once I got to talk to them. I like to believe, I'm partly responsible for Hillary winning the primaries. So many people were almost as in love for Hillary as I was this past election. We were all so happy to serve such a intelligent women seeking to make the world a better place. Sometime near the end of the primary I was actually contacted by the clinton foundation themselves. Apparently I was offered a reservation at a meeting to speak to Hillary Clinton herself. My reaction was priceless, in my head I imagine my smile was from ear to ear. I started hyperventilating at the thought of talking to or better yet being next to Hillary. I had my parents help me get a nice suit, new haircut, even got my eyebrows done. About a month later it was time, I was on my way 200 miles away to meet the women of my dreams, who I had dedicated my self emotionally and physically to since I was a child. We traveled across the state and into a gated community on a private resort. When we pulled up to the address we were sent, all you could see is cars lined up as far as the eye can see. I stepped out, walked into the party looking for her. I did not see her at first, spent about 20 minutes waiting and keeping an eye out. At the very least I just want to see her, I said to myself. Just then out of no where appeared what appeared to me to be a goddess sent from heaven. As the sunrays shined on her from behind, I instantly knew it was her, Hillary Clinton. She gave a 5 minute speech on fossil fuels and corporate tax rates. The entire time I felt my lesser bulging in my pants attempting to free it's self as I thought about all the times I had released by self in tribute to her. She stepped down from the podium, and I knew I had to talk to her. So I made my way over to her, and then there I was. She began walking towards a table near me, I'll never forget how she walked. It was so elegant and graceful like something I had never seen before. Time seemed to be at a halt as I observed ever inch of her being. Noticing even the tiniest of details like a single split hair on the back of her head. I was nervous, but I knew I had to be calm and ready. Servers came out with a plate full of spaghetti. She ate it, and I sat there pretending not to watch. After she was finished I made my way to her. She made eye contact with me, and smiled. Her lips, teeth, cheeks, everything about that smile drove me crazy. It felt like I was going to let the devil do his bidding right there without any hands on help. But I controlled myself, I opened my mouth and said, hi. She responded with a reluctant hi that appeared somewhat skeptical of me, maybe she thought I was mentally disabled, I don't know. Then I told her how I helped her campaign and would go around getting people to vote for her. She thanked me, then she extended her hand in preparation for me to extend mine. I reached my arm out, I grasped her hand, and I shook it. Just then I felt an electric shock go up my arm into my chest. It was like she had just taken everything that I am, balled it up and squeezed it. I felt pure agonizing pleasure shaking her hand. Knowing my own desires will never be fulfilled by this beautiful goddess of a women. I forget what I said next, but no matter how hard I try to remember I can't. Whatever I said after that handshake, made her laugh. Not only did I get to see her in real life, but I got to shake her hand, and I hear her laugh. My life felt as if it was complete, if i died right then and there I'd die the happiest man alive. Never had I expected such joy to even exist in this world. This goddess of a women, who's so strong and powerful, who've I've dedicated my entire life to, had just acknowledged my presence by not only communicating with me but physically interacting with me. After that short interaction we both moved on. I never told her a word about how my life has been or the things I've thought about. I figured she would just think I'm some creep if i did. My pleasure and desires are not of her concern. Since then I've spent my life dedicated to her even throughout all the turmoil. I try my best to avoid any talk about her now in days, or even looking her up. There is too much hate that I can't stand to see. I know who she really is, and I will forever remember her as the women she presented herself to me as. My goddess, my love, Hillary Clinton.

This was originally on lena dunham's blog lenny letters, as you can see the mommy force is strong:

Match my donation!

I chuckled. Funniest thing I've seen on thatvsub.

TIL a dotard is an r/politicalhumor mod.

I guess he's been keeping that sub so humorless all these years in order to make liberals look more retarded.

are there no lows?

The entire front page is bitching about how Obama’s child camps don’t have AC and how trump is using them. Trump definitely deserves blame, but the Obama-love is definitely not warranted

Aside from the healthcare reform Obama was just George W Bush terms #3 and #4. Apparently "Change" means "Be exactly like the guy all your supporters thought was Hitler 10 minutes ago"

And the healthcare reform was just created insurance monopolies 👏👏👏

Wow it’s almost like the past 26 years of presidencies have contributed to the consolidation of power and other issues we see expressed and rallied against today, who’d a thunk

I'd like to think Trump is a wakeup call, but I know as soon as a democrat gets elected again all the lefties will immediately go back into "government is great!" mode and let him do whatever the hell he wants

maybe when the next trump comes along there won't be any checks and balances left to keep him in line. that ought to be fun for everybody.

I can't wait for the next populist that's just a bit smarter and perhaps more palatable to the media, surely that won't be a fucking nightmare with current year executive overreach.

Democrats are barely left, but yeah, the funniest thing for me to watch is for all the presidential-cum guzzling liberals in California accidentally go libertarian because this boss, same as the old boss, has an R next to his name and doesn’t pay them lip-service

For about 15 seconds I had a fleeting moment of optimism when I thought, "Finally - democrats will rediscover the benefits of limited government!"

Yeah, right.

"Wow it's almost like-" snarky comment.

If I put effort into my posts I die

My political opponents literally suffer from autism. Please crown me for whit.

actually the funniest post in that sub in literal years

Oh, great. Another sub taken over by alt-right Russian trollbots.

It was nice knowing you /r/PoliticalHumor.

Edit: Lol at the butthurt nazi trumpets replying to me 😂 did mommy forget to change your stinky diapers today? 👶💩


de-mod yourself.

Edit: Lol at the butthurt nazi trumpets replying to me 😂 did mommy forget to change your stinky diapers today?

/u/Devavrata17 /u/Devavratal7 This guy's lefty scat game is on point, I think we need an answer from both of you

It’s important to change them, and take pictures of it and post them to my tumblr.

We have only the best mods

oh no bby

Why do they always sound like little kids?

It's hilarious when they call people Russians then Nazis in the same post. At least the consistent!

the russians were allied with the nazis. don't @ me, u/pizzashill

i mean they also call americans nazis so i don’t think they’re actually referring to early 40s germans

America uber alles


it's amazing how people today are so oblivious of all this; how german to usa immigrants would hide their identity during ww1-2 with name changes, intermarriage, and non german business partners. drumf ...

His grand dad moved here in 1885, silly.

their actions and intention stand, no matter what the timing may be.

This just in Trump family are psychics. Predicated a world war generation (at least) beforehand so change their name.


> /r/politicalhumor doesnt post leftist stuff for once


just because it’s the best post on the sub by a mile doesn’t mean it’s anywhere close to actual humor

/u/vegathepunisher is 50% of the reason /r/politicalhumor sucks.

It's his entire life. He'd literally kill himself without that sub.

He's such a tolerant liberal that he uses homosexuality as a slur. Low brow faggotry every single time.

Dude is either delusional or getting paid.

Its political humor moron. Whose the biggest clown in office. You want this sub to be just to be "what about obama!?" "What about hillary?" Or are you more of the "pepe lib tears, let's make fun of minorities" type of assclown?

How about the right stop worshiping clowns so political humor wasnt all about the circus.

u/jmggmj TIL Trump is the only polititian in the world.

Heh Holy shit what have i stumbled upon ?