R/Drama takes a beating on the stop advertising discord

93  2018-06-17 by devavratal7


Ha! We're only pretending to be crypto-hate!

Aren't they working against subreddits like /r/suicidewatch which save lives by their own logic?

I like how he notes that the comments ended up being pretty centrist.

Honestly though we need to get more centrist on certain things. Back when this sub was good there were more broads, because broads are super dramatic. Now it's a sausage party and its not even gay enough.

We need more trans drama and more legit attempts to recruit people from GenderCritical.

more legit attempts to recruit people from GenderCritical.

Paging u/PowerOfJerkOffMagic

Reporting for duty :)

I tried getting GC users before but they banned me because they thought I was trolling. I know someone else who might be able to help though, hang on

You have to go deep cover and work up a faux sad-fem account to convince them if things. They are skittish, like deer.

Cue cutseen where PowerOfJerkoffMagic races to the bananaphone to summon SchlickChick9000.

Meanwhile back in Commisioner WankStains office...


finally got arrested probs. the question is if it was for child porn or date rape

Por que no los dos?

Date rape of a child?

Wait, when did he get suspended? What did he do?

I am still wondering what happened to Zachums, his family, and his dog. And did Jewdank get a life?

did Jewdank get a life

I know people sometimes post ridiculous things to /r/drama, but you're taking it too far.

That's a 7-day-ban though, and he's permabanned now. He must have done something else again.

He never came back in between, so I guess the admin read reports about other shit he pulled and permabanned him in the meantime.

"trans drama" brings out the worst agendaposters tho and the drama is rarely that good since the agendaposters post anything resembling drama, all the fucking time

more gussies would be nice tho

Trannies are mentally ill and disgusting. That’s not an agenda, it’s the facts.

and here the scum come crawling out the woodworks, big surprise

Gender dysphoria isn't a mental health issue?

fuck off centipedo

lol why don't you just tell us what stake you have in trannies, because your denial that believing you're the wrong gender to the point that you mutilate your genitals isn't a mental illness is pretty sad.

Is it so you can also be raped in the (bootleg) gussy by the shitskin invaders taking over your country?

/u/kippot on his way to the Oslo reassignment surgery clinic

wew what a seriouspost, its a good thing your kind will be extinct soon.

oh its this little leaf again ;)

long time no see, you gotta come in from the cuckshed more often

In reallity it's like playing where is Waldo, but with brown people.

Lol at thinking Norwegians don't like imigrants celebrating May 17th. It gives most people here a nationalistic boner when we see dressed up imigrants with Norwegian flags.

Is /u/kippot Norwegian or is sex change in Olso some kind of meme?

/u/eva_unit_hung is a little confused leaf, he doesnt make much sense.

i am norwegian tho

Figures. His spiderman cosplay is on point though 😏

spidey is definitely packing more meat tho


Gotta be libertarian about this sorta shit and just treat people with respect and admit that it shouldn't bother you as long as it doesn't affect how you live your life. Look, if it is a mental illness, who cares? You aren't going to be an asshole to a kid with autism just because it's an illness.

I give 0.0 fucks about this issue. This is r/drama, and the sperg I responded to was complaining about tranny drama being mean or something. This forum goes after all sorts of all walks. I'd say people who mutilate their own genitals are fair, if not low effort, game.

Do as you wish, I ain't the thought police.

Mentally ill cross dresser detected

yeah keep telling yourself that, you trans-obsessed waste of life


It is weird that you don’t want to own up to it.

if i was, i wouldnt you mental midget


triple negative you literal retard

I counted 5

i'm not trans, i'm just tired of you retards coming here bitching about trannies constantly.

now you can keep on replying to yourself

I am tired of retards being trannies repeatedly.

Stop trying to make feminine penis a thing. It is never going to be a thing.

rip in pieces, centipedo :D

why are you so defensive of trannys 🤔🤔🤔

yeah, anyone not joining in your pathetic little hatejerks must be a tranny right?

where did I say anything bad about trannys? You’re just weirdly defensive of them which really makes ya think 🤔🤔🤔

its good that you're thinking, keep doing that instead of mashing your keys

I’m not mad, you’re mad!

Big coming from the guy(?) white knighting for trannies lmao

did i say you were mad? you're just very obsessed with trannies

Ive got you pegged for enjoying being pegged by trannies.

doesnt surprise me much, cant expect much from you


lol rip in pieces mdegenerate scum

It brings TERFs. I want TERFs to join /r/drama. They're the type of feminist most likely to cause additional drama.

TERFs are excellent for drama, that is true.

im just getting tired of the same incels posting weak trans drama, without any TERF involvment, just "trannies arent people, kill them all, im totally not obsessed with trannies"

If that's bugging you I would suggest posting more incel drama and pics of your feminine penis. If the mods ever figure out how to do CCS here without poundcake your dick pics might make the sidebar.

What happened to poundcake?

It just spent way to olong trying to figure out I want to lnow


now there's an idea.

only problem is i'm carrying around a log in my pants :/

also im not trans

Excuse you, there have been some changes. She just was better at it.

If you don't want me undermining the mod team, make me mod.

You actually were for a hot second no? I haven't added anyone. I try to keep my duties to strictly janitor work and reminding people to not downvote.

I've been one two or three times. Then I left Reddit for awhile and I wasn't anymore.

Well glad you are back for awhile now.

Aw thanks fella

4d I feel like you’re what u/pizzashill aspires to be, as far as radical centrism goes, but he just has too much mayo in his veins.

We need more trans people tbh.

  1. Girls(male) are even more dramatic than girls.
  2. It really causes cognitive dissonance for the progressive subs.
  3. It really cause cognitive dissonance for the regressive subs.
  4. It pissed of the TERF subs.
  5. It pisses of the trans subs.

All hail girl cock.

trans "people"

Get raked.

keep safe out there

>syrup golem questioning anyone else's humanity

No see he was insulting you, not defending you. Easy mistake

Imagine white knighting for trannies

How much more pathetic can you get?

Imagine white knighting for trannies

How much more pathetic can you get?

imagine being so obsessed about trannies that you gotta REEEEEEEEE about them constantly

imagine THEN trying to call anyone else pathetic

keep yourself extremely safe, you incel little shit

Imagine getting this upset because someone doesn't think trannies are people.

keep safe, centipedo incel

No matter how you deny it, you will always have an urge to be one.

I'm not a fag though.

Is they implying that you want to be a tranny or that you want to be a woman?

Why would anyone want to be either?

mroe trans people, less trans "drama" by obsessed agendaposters

Nah both are fantastic.

if the drama is good, sure.

but i assume you've seen our resident agendaposters micro-hardon for weak trans drama?

Meh then the resulting shit fests in our comments between the various subgroups are dramatic. Like you right now going ham in these comments.

im not nearly going ham, fam

but you got a point

As well as erotic.

That's fine too, but you realize I'm talking about bringing people from the TERF subs.

They are welcome here if they would man the fuck up.

I do sometimes mention us positively there in the hopes it'll draw the shitpostier members into the fold.

Yes, but we’re all ready a bit TERFy, so I’d rather have more trannies. More of both would be good though.

I don't think it's TERFy here at all. Yet.

I guess it's kind of lacking on the radical feminism part of, but there are plenty of MDE-type people serious-posting about their dislike of feminine penis. Since their areas of interest overlap nicely this is what I envision as the ideal population.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I don't think we're at any risk of becoming too anti-LGBT here given the health of the bussy meme, but we can worry about that if it ever becomes an issue. The right is pretty easy to bully.

What we need is an influx of feminism. But if we just invite in the mainstream male feminist menace we become SRD. We need edgy, interesting, non-rapist feminists. That means TERFs.

Believe me, if it ever becomes to anti-trans around here I'll be right there with you to fix it. Drama should never be too pro or anti anything.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

We need the old-school internet message board trans crowd. Not the Tumblr doing-it-for-attention guys.

Now it's a sausage party and its not even gay enough.

Reddit is a sausage party. Any sub that gets big enough (holy fuck, when did this shit hit 76k???) is going to eventually look like Reddit's demographics, which is 70% male.

I'm sure even the ovary-centric subs are mostly male when you include estradiol enhanced brethren.

5 0 / 5 0

God dammit this sub has been radicalizing me. I’d say I’m getting more and more centrist by the day.

Say it with me:


Oh lord, I’ve never been in disagreement with that. I just have a certain affinity for daddy

Understandable. Sadly Grandpa Sanders can't get it up for me anymore.

Sanders said some good shit but he’s too much of a pussy to get shit done imo. You need that brass if you’re gonna take on the world

He just don't got it where it counts, I agree

What are they talking about?

/u/T_dumbsford some nutter.

What gender is he?

Not a clue. Plant maybe?

Blue raspberry.

If you have to ask you can’t afford it

A mentally ill man that thinks he’s a woman.

Stilton dick-cheez

Attack Helicopter.


I sexually Identify as an unoriginal joke. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of surfing reddit dropping shitposts and derailing actual conversation. People say to me that this has been really going on for far too long and and it trivialises gender identity but I don’t care, I'm a massive asshole. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a mountain dew dispenser, a catheter and and a poop shoot on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Logical Gamer” and respect my right to freeze peach. If you can’t accept me you’re a god damn tumblirina sjw cultural marxist liberal and you triggered lol?. Thank you for being so understanding.

That's good, is it oc?

Which thread, tho?

Didn't he used to be part of the srssucks and subredditcancer crowd?

He used to be a mod here lol.


Wonder how his old buddies think of him now. I can't imagine they're happy with him becoming the thing they hate.

You should check Drama threads for your answer. It was 100% covered in here.

Just found it. I had forgotten just how much the src mods care about Reddit. We should definitely fuck with them more.

Yeah until he realized that he was still a tranny even if he was self-hating.

Jesus Christ, they mod well over 1000 subs. Why? How?


That's it lads. We're done.

oh belle oh you

I like how she has the matrix avatar in there, reminded me of her terrible ‘Neo’ tattoo that encompasses most of her arm

and don't forget cindarella and bees.

Its her thigh, the Bluelight logo was on her arm (since removed)

How hard is it for people to figure this sub out lmao

Ugh should've guessed Belle was involved.

Yikes. She's grody.


arent tdumb's pronouns she/her, /u/BelleAriel? the habit supposedly woke progressives like you have of kneejerk using they/them whenever you talk about a transperson reeks of "i dont think transwomen are really women but i dont want to admit it"

do better

GenderCritical actually makes some decent points on this subject. Hello downvotes

I un-ironically learned a lot from GC

They also have a wonderful sense of misandry which could really balance out /u/pizzashill


You’re more correct than you’ll ever know


I don’t think they is women


People don’t think trannies be men with dicks, but they dudes

/u/T_dumbsford just because you went to Dr. Schlomos penis chop shop doesn't make you a girl

Watch right winger OWN and DESTROY liberal trannys with FACTS and LOGIC #EPIC


Not Dr. Ramalamadingdongsupongadong


5 0 / 5 0

T Dumbsfuck is an alcoholic abusive tranny. They're the definition of trash. Every shit stain sub on this site is the result of drug abusing retards like xer.

Agreed, I blame fentanyl personally.

I mean, it's true. Most of y'all are terrible.

Says the guy that posts in r/disneyvacation

Says the guy that looks in people's post history




fucking radical centrism

Imagine being so much invested in Reddit politics that you join not only a Subreddit but even a discord to discuss how to stop companies from advertising there. These people are pathetic.

Wasn't t dumbsford a powertripper? Hence that's why we banned her?