A white supremacist with a latina fetish and an extreme SJW who thinks America should model itself after China go at it

90  2018-06-17 by justintruedoe


A meme I made about the China guy after he commented on some post saying we should ban Tinder like China does.

And a meme I made about the white supremacist about how I believe his disgusting alt-right "evolution" went.

China does not ban Tinder. China bans FB which therefore makes it impossible to access Tinder.

They have their own dating app(s), the main one is TanTan and it is expected for girls to photoshop their pictures with Meitu.


Chinese #metoo?

China chucking the Zucc is proof that they are the superior society

They still like him cause he speaks bad Chinois



post more mehmehs baby

If I think of a good one, I'll get on it fam.

You should attend the next r/drama orientation seminar

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Ban for not linking to thread.

Oh sorry, I don't know how to do that.

Where did you find it and reeeee at censoring the names you mongoloid, can you at least give us the un redacted screenshot?

Bless 👌


I dated lots of latinas and loved it. I love how submissive and feminine they are, they aren't poisoned by feminism like so many American white women are. They'll do anything to please there men. Kind of like how white women used to be until leftists ruined America. White women should learn from latinas.

Good work brother, miscenagation is the most efficient to bring about the mayo free Valhalla we all dream of.

And the men are very dominant and masculine. With their chiseled, muscular bodies and their natural playboy charm, they are something every white man should aspire to emulate. Truly fine specimens.

Hawt 😋😍

And the men are very dominant and masculine. With their chiseled, muscular bodies and their natural playboy charm, they are something every white man should aspire to emulate. Truly fine specimens.

I died at that part. It's so comical that he rips on the LGBT movement yet writes the most homoerotic thing possible about Latin men. I guess he found something about himself on his little mission trip.

He’s got me seriously questioning my own sexuality now. Que estaba muy muy caliente 🔥🔥🔥🔥

If you're gonna be a batty I'd recommend going for the superior gaelic ispíní

Coal cracker cock isn’t really my kink

Dunno man... Murica also ranks high on that poll....


It is very good religion

Between that and the other person thinking China puts white males to death, there's no way a single person in that thread isn't a troll.

/u/_He_Is_Our_Savior_ wants to fuck /u/ rejectionrecovery

A love story for the ages.

No thanks, I'm not a faggy commie soy boy like he is.

Yet you posted this:

And the men are very dominant and masculine. With their chiseled, muscular bodies and their natural playboy charm, they are something every white man should aspire to emulate. Truly fine specimens.

How many cocks can fit in your asshole?

You know very well what I meant, soy boy.

That you want to get triple teamed in a San Fransisco bathhouse?

That sounds more like your cup of tea, lefty.

I don't know man, you're the one talking about how you want to bang Hispanic dudes

I DON"T WANT TO BANG HISPANIC DUDES! I just admire the fact that they actually act like men rather than cross dressing, feminine sissies like so many modern liberal men in America. America has lost its sense of traditional gender roles and its ruining our country. Maybe Trump will help things go back to the way they used to be.

Let's break out the ol decoder ring


Latinas. Submissive.

Know more I know you're lying?

You freeloading lefties really got nothing better to do than post about me, huh?

Holy shit you’re unironically real aren’t you!?

You’re retarded

No, it's the other guy who's the liberal.

It's fucking bait you goddamn tards

That seems to be what everyone here thinks. I seriously hope they're a couple of 13 year old trolls, although I have to admit, it would be pretty entertaining if they were for real.

Let's be clear about something. Nobody has ever unironically said these words:

I took inspiration from people like Malcolm X, Colin Kaepernick, and Kyrie Irving

Ehhh that's how I knew /u/rejectionrecovery was full of shit

This argument sure looks a lot like staged propaganda, tbh.

Yeah, I definitely considered that possibility. At the same, I've definitely met a few people in real life that I serious believe would have beliefs close to these ones. I'm center-left, but both far-right and far-left wingers can be terrifying to me.

For now I'm going to assume they're both alts of the same /r/WritingPrompts reject.

They basically both feature sob stories about women, focus more on sexual "politics" and their own improbable autobiography than any substantial shit, and parrot the most meme-y talking points of each extreme.

It reads like a Radical Centrist's wet dream, basically.

I mean, in isolation, I could see some Cloudcuckoolander left-wing male feminist with his head way up his own ass arguing for the retarded notion that gender-segregated traincars are actually "woke", progressive, or liberating in any way. But the retarded talking points coupled with the hilarious notion of him "training the straight away" are just too improbable.

How can you really tell those aren't his real beliefs though? I'm liberal and I hate Trump and the alt-right, but I really don't understand for the life of me why the left is so reluctant to admit that there a crazy left-wing extremists out there, yet for the right wing, so many people just seem to believe that those are his beliefs and he's not some weird kind of troll. I mean, you could be right, but I don't understand why there is such a double standard here.

There are left-wing extremists who are that crazy, but this guy doesn't sound authentic. They would never just toss in a couple remarks like "fight against my straightness". They would claim to be genderqueer or something and keep talking about that nonstop. There would also be a lot of screeching about capitalism, systems of oppression, etc.. Basically this guy isn't annoying enough to be believable.

the first big tell that jumped out of me is “send all straight white cisgendered able-bodied able-minded men to work camps to be reeducated or executed”

see, an actual SJtankie wouldn’t be that up-front about their genocide plans, at least not without charged qualifiers that specify what the whiteys did wrong. they didn’t even mention the class struggle before jumping straight to the execution option.

i also think the other one’s fake, but it’s not quite as obvious


How can you really tell those aren't his real beliefs though? I'm liberal and I hate Trump


Why do you hate Trump.

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive..

And a host of other egregious beliefs espoused by the current POTUS.

Neither are really believable in that they would write all that out.


Why do you hate Trump.

For starters, he's a racist, pathological liar and his policy of separating kids from their families and detaining them at the border is a repeat of Japanese internment.


This is too hyperbolic to be real, tone it down.

You can't be sure, but i do see where he's coming from

I used to have a much different political ideology. I once was a moderate liberal, someone who would've voted for Obama or Hillary (I even did vote for Obama). I used to have a pretty "normal" life too. I partied a lot in college, did lots of drugs, and had sex with lots of women. I remember I lived in a home with a bunch of liberal/hippie-like people (perhaps how I first started becoming even further left on the political scale). I remember I fell in love with this girl I used to live with, but unfortunately, she had a boyfriend at the time. She and I would flirt a lot though and one night when we were both drunk, we made out.

Later I left the state and she was still with her boyfriend, but we would still always keep in contact. We would skype with each other quite frequently. After some time, I couldn't hold in how I felt anymore and told her I loved her. As you might imagine, she told me that she couldn't leave her boyfriend for me. I felt very lost for awhile.

This feeling of being lost lead to heavy cocaine use. I was eventually able to find purpose when I became involved with various radically left-leaning activists. I took inspiration from people like Malcolm X, Colin Kaepernick, and Kyrie Irving. I knew then that I was destined to become a political matyr for a progressive cause. I gave up my previous fuck boy tendencies. I knew that I had to fight against my straightness and start having sexual encounters with men so that's what I did. I still today feel ashamed of any straightness that lives within me. But I was eventually able to get off the blow.

I then traveled to Asia for a bit and was very impressed with the collectivist values of Japan, Korea and China. But no place impressed me more than China. This place was like something out of the future. Modern buildings, high speed railways, and on top of that, beautiful countryside and some of the nicest people I ever met. Everyone I met there greeted me with a warm smile and was always curious about life in America and this made me feel right at home. This country was the closest to a utopia that I have ever experienced, truly heaven on earth. It made me so angry that America had given me a false impression of the country.

Meanwhile, I saw that America was (and still is) going through political turmoil, which lead it to electing an incompetent bigot. That's when I started to realize that this would be the fall of the west. Evil racist white leadership. The only way America could be saved, I realized, was by emulating China. And as I read about the Red Guards, I started to learn that they were not evil, as many westerners think they are, but rather simply an older version of today's fighters for social justice. So I saw them as an inspiration for my cause.

There is no way that is real.


TLDR: I used to be normal but then I became a druggie loser, and now my politics are different.

/u/rejectionrecovery Are you a troll or a newly discovered lover of bussy? If you are a troll I thought it was pretty funny.

Call me whatever you want, I'm proud to have so many haters :) MLK and Nelson Mandela were once hated for their great ideas, but today they are martyrs.

I don't think anyone is going to cheer you on because you prayed away the straight.

I agree, everything in that thread looks too good to be true.

It's a pretty fake sounding radicalisation story. It's too stock and generic. It hits on the common tropes of feeling lost, being inspired by a commanding figure, and making a pilgrimage before being cemented in the extreme position. Sure, that formula happens, but wrapping it up nicely in a single comment makes it feel like a first-person writing exercise.

latina fetish

He has good taste in fetishes. Shame about the whole white supremacist part though. Hopefully he'll see the light there too. :/


Preaching to the choir man, that's pretty much my order too.

You should move here we're literally drowning in Brazilians and Spaniards

/u/aliceunknown REEEEEEEEE 😂

She's a fake Jew, don't you know that?

The fuck is wrong with you OP.

Link to the drama.

Can someone tell me how? I'm bad at reddit.

Click the permalink button on the comment where the drama starts and copy the URL.

You go to the thread.

Click "permalink" on what you plan on linking.

Copy the http address.

Come back to /r/drama and post it.


I linked it somewhere in the comments, you can find it above.

I'm curious, how'd you find this sub?

. I remember I fell in love with this girl I used to live with, but unfortunately, she had a boyfriend at the time. She and I would flirt a lot though and one night when we were both drunk, we made out

After some time, I couldn't hold in how I felt anymore and told her I loved her. As you might imagine, she told me that she couldn't leave her boyfriend for me. I felt very lost for awhile.

If you were an infant I would dash you against the rocks.


It's not a disagreement. It's a fundamental difference in the genetics of the character of men.

Haha I'm just playing with you, I thought his comment was stupid as well. Any guy who goes for a girl who's taken is a huge douchebag.

u/rejectionrecovery. So what do you think of this case then? Women in "feminist" China can't even get a C-section they need without their in-laws/husband's permission.

This is Western propaganda trying to make China look bad. Women in China have it better than Western women, trust me, I've been and seen the truth for myself. People are just racist against China because it is an Asian country (this guy I was arguing with is a great example of that).

Dude. I worked in China. That story went viral over WeChat. It seems that you spent a couple days there and bought what everyone tells tourists.

Maybe it is you who has bought what the American government tells its citizens to fuel hatred against China.

WeChat and Weebo are Chinese. Why would you use them in America? You're telling me you've "gone to China" but never heard of WeChat? Like did you stay with a tourist group or something?

You probably drank the water and ate from street vendors as well.

Yes I have heard of those.

You can drink the water and eat from street vendors in China you idiot, it is a hyperdeveloped, modern country. Unlike New York, San Francisco, Chicago or LA, Shanghai is clean, has no crime or homelessness and amazing infrastructure and buildings. China is literally living in the future whereas backwards America is outdated and stuck in the past.

You can drink the water and eat from street vendors in China you idiot, it is a hyperdeveloped, modern country.

🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Haha haha. Now I'm convinced that you were just a dumb tourist. Really that advice was the first thing my boss ģave me

You're acting as if China is some sort of developing country which couldn't be further from the truth. It's much like traveling in Japan and South Korea, in terms of development and safety, which btw are also great countries.

I've been asking you about basic things that anybody who has spent a significant time in China (as an expat or citizen) would know. And about popular news stories that have happened. Your responses are so hilarious because you literally do not know anything about China except for a couple tourist brochures.

Btw - the water system is non portable. It is filtered but not drinking water standards. That's why you see a ton of bottled water for sale at every convenient store (Also soy eggs - I miss soy eggs) and those hot water vending machines. Shanghai especially has had trouble with water contamination. As for street vendors, they are not regulated - restaurants and stalls are but not street vendors. They are how you get fake food, stuff made with gutter oil and food poisoning.

Malls are ridiculously overpriced and generally for rich tourists or act as a place to try out clothing you will later buy on taobao.

China is a wealthy country filled with wealthy people. It's naturally things might be a bit pricey at malls. Why do you feel the need to lie about China? You lived there, surely there are some things you love about it.

. It's natural things might be a bit pricey at malls. Why do you feel the need to lie about China?

.... Rich people also use taobao. Why do you keep trying dig yourself into a bigger hole?

You lived there, surely there are some things you love about it.

I loved plenty of things. However your claims are a blatantly false idealisation and you seem to know nothing about China. It's like you at most talked to the hostel/hotel staff.

It's like you at most talked to the hostel/hotel staff.

Wrong! I talked to plenty of people there and everyone was nothing but nice to me and took pictures with me. They were really curious about the fact that I was American and had really nice things to say about America. Why can't Americans also have nice things to say about China?

I talked to plenty of people there and everyone was nothing but nice to me and took pictures with me.

That's the standard foreigner treatment - even more so if you are white (China's got a bad pale skin fetish).

Why can't Americans also have nice things to say about China?

Changing the topic here. There are many good things about China. However it is not a feminist pollution free utopia like you claim. (Also love how you judge the whole country on what you saw in Shanghai LOL)q

Look, I'm not saying China is perfect, no society is. But I think it is the closest to perfect out of any society I've ever seen and a society others could model themselves after. And just so I'm not limiting myself to Shanghai, does this not look like one of the most beautiful backdrops you've ever seen.


There is no poverty, homelessness or crime in China. It is a hyperdeveloped, modern, and prosperous society.

Quality of life wise? Try EU nations, Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Estonia, Latvia, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Finland, Taiwan, South Korea, Israel etc.

Lol Israel?? Israel is a developing, war-torn country with rampant corruption, why would any country want to model itself after Israel lol.

Also, HK and Taiwan are part of China.

I like the unironic use of the word "Chinaman" in current year. It has a certain throwback charm, like the racist version of (say) smoking a briar pipe on the observation deck of a dirigible.

I wonder if he put peepee in that dude's coke

It’s “Chinapeople” now, bigot.

Um, its Chinx, shitlord

:sucking dick for blow feminism:



Not linking thread? FUCK YOU.

I took inspiration from people like Malcolm X and Kyrie Irving. No place impressed me more than China.

There is no way this person isn't shitposting.

I took inspiration from people like Malcolm X, Colin Kaepernick, and Kyrie Irving. I knew then that I was destined to become a political martyr for a progressive cause. I gave up my previous fuck boy tendencies. I knew that I had to fight against my straightness and start having sexual encounters with men so that's what I did.

This is some very obvious trolling

Either way, why did he have to bring my man Kyrie into this?


You’re retarded


You’re retarded

Is he thinking about the same Honduras I am? Chiseled, muscular bodies?

not linking the actual thread

OUT OUT OUT 😡😡😡👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿



This sounds like one person doing a creative writing thing.

China is a great example of a successful feminist country.

Indeed! Oh, wait...