LBGTards vs Red Hats. Who will win this time?

16  2018-06-17 by cheers_grills


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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SHARPs getting involved piques my interest.

Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice

Well ok then.

You never heard of SHARPs? Skinheads weren't always just a bunch of angry racist white dudes.

Sure, but the term "skinhead" has certain connotations and I'm not sure why anyone would want to identify as one.

They were the original skinheads

well, the ORIGINAL skinheads were Jamaicans, but you know

the first white ones

It’s important to take it back. Skinhead culture started as poor London kids who loved Jamaican dub music who also loved the preppy collegiate look of americans in the 60s and they also hated the hippie, mod and beatleboi look

And you can reclaim the swastika while you're at it. It's a Buddhist symbol

Well it has been for the cultures that hold its original use sacred

And yet you rarely see Buddhists in the West publically displaying swastikas.

I see a lot of Indians with it. Some hotel I stayed at run by an Indian family had a giant swastika ting with the four dots behind the reception desk

Huh. I've never seen it myself but I believe you.

sure but it wasn’t a HUGE deal for them anyway

Jains tho, they’re still all about it

Well no, but you in east Asia all the time

So does "pizzashill", but nobody really believes you are the great Chuck E. Cheese.

Does "pizzashill" reference pizzagate?

it’s different in the UK

I remember when that sub was actually about white supremacists, instead of insisting anyone who voted Republican was a klansman.

That's what happens when you let Chapotards invade your sub.

Watching the Chapo users radicalize themelves in real time is pretty funny.

And they can't even contain themselves.

/r/JustNeckbeardThings, /r/niceguys, /r/science, /r/pics, /r/murderedbywords, etc. is just more the same "le drumph bad" content over and over and over again. It gets annoying. If things keep going like this, Reddit will become Tumblr 2.0.

is that really chapo? seems more like Gen XD to me

I'd say we should build a wall and make the CTH kids pay for it, but I think we all know that commies and hippies don't pay for anything.

I remember the good ol’ days with the people who somehow fucked up graffiting a swastika on a wall or a fat southern kid covered in poorly done stick and poke iron crosses

3/4 of the post there seem against their rules. Coincidently the same amount of commenters who are dicks

Punk was better when it was about beating up hippies

depends, is it an election or a culture war