Noted mayo sexpat bumps in to a rather intimidating Taiwanese man. Accusations of racism fly by inferior mayo men (I think?) in r/livestream. Credit to the superior u/Nerfme.

0  2018-06-18 by pinoypepper


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Hey u/Nerfme your fit white guy did fuck all except smile like they goofy ass looking goblin that he is. u/the_hungry_hobo1, how much of a fag and incel do you think u/Nerfme is?

Lol imagine being this angry, also /r/drama is not your personal army

Pretty blatant agendapost

Man these guy's in r/livestreamfail are legitimate losers. Imagine being so pathetic you have to live out your fantasy through others. It's worst then getting cucked, because that way at least you have a women.

I think this is a legitimate post. I mean if you look at the video this big dude bumps into this guy and u/Nerfme re's the fuck out. Also a gamer by the way. Probably is gamer goober too.

OP sounds upset his country is a cumrag for mayos.

Nah. I just find the inferior mayo's glee and racism amusing. Most of this guy's fans probably are IRL fatass incels. Even this cjay guy and that other cunt jakenbake all they can do is pull 3 or 5/10 Asian mongoloids. This was particular amusing because he bumped into someone and people are acting like it's a hit on the guy. Gimme a break.

OP being an angry yellow dicklet CONFIRMED.

Well it's actually brown. Imagine being this retarded.

I'm sorry. You're an angry brown dicklet.

Fuckin right you faggot.

an ice_faggot poster


I deserve that :(

Did you really make a post about this LMAO. Pathetic

Yeah I did, what you gonna do? Incel faggot, nothing thats what. Stick to WOW were you can pretend to be tough. Magic and sheet.

You should just end yourself lmfao

Sure right after I aggressively rape your mum with my carrot stick. Okay go back to WOW. Faggot.

Pull the trigger you pathetic little idiot...just do one will care. Opening threads on /r/drama for attention, like how sad and pathetic can you be you small little faggot...scum like you makes me wanna vomit...just kys

Lol triggered. What a faggot. I bet you got more pissed about me ripping on wow then on the thought of my big ass man handling your mom. What a cunt.