Some Douche Meta Drama as Giant Retard Claims He "Socially Engineered" SRD

76  2018-06-18 by whataboutThe_Donald


Holy shit, /u/dornishredviper has completely lost the plot.

is it really her?


bitches be cray yo

are you saying power is Dornish?

well, it reads exactly like her old posts, plus a few more years of bitterness and isolation, so probably

Hm. Points to ponder

Imagine spending this much time in "internet communities."

u/annarchist the powerusers are revolting again.

u/powerofjerkoffmagic is going to destroy drama with his alts. Alerting all Ed alts to swarm the defenses.

Imagine spending this much time in "internet communities."

Y-yeah! What a loser. heh he he heh.

I have no idea what your conversation was about, someone said on here once that the dramaverse is all interconnected both on and off Reddit.

You people do you, that's too much commitment for me.

Just make sure when you dox eachother and violence spills over irl it gets posted here.

Will do!

the dramaverse is all interconnected both on and off Reddit

That may be the saddest thing I've ever read

I'm worried that when I join the Telegram or Discord or whatever that it will be my first step in what ends up in a masked orgy.

Grab a fursuit or get out.

there's a framed picture of /u/pablopubes at my mom's house

This is my greatest accomplishment

One of the SRD mods took the virginity of a drama mod. No meme.

develop on that pls

That’s a great story. But I’ll let someone else tell it.

dammit, now i'm interested for real

Someone is always gossiping somewhere. Who knows if even half of what we hear is true?

I’ve never met up with anyone from here irl, but if I ever do I look forward to the orgy of cringe and cringey orgies. But tbh gas all mods and power users. Fucking cancer. There’s gotta be something more interesting around here.

There’s gotta be something more interesting around here.

you would think that, but unless its some weird ass meta drama shit, everything else has been said and done on this shit site

That is where offsite drama comes in. It takes effort though. Gross!

we dont deserve /u/snallygaster <3

If she could hear you, she’d tell you to be the offsite effortposter you want in this world!

i'll be on the lookout for some quality drama, o7

Same 👍🏻

I'm too nice to reveal anything more.

I thought being a virgin was a requirement for drama mods

When I became a drama mod my hymen regrew

Joan Wayne gacy married an old guy to steal the inheritance money from his kids

We're sexual t-rexes


Lies. The power users of meta subs dont actually get off reddit

Implying he's not Ed.

Implying we're not all Ed.

We are all Ed on this blessed day.

Speak for yourself

/>Being Ed

/>Good in any way

Haha good joke fam.

/u/powerofjerkoffmagic has been here for like two months. She discovered it in a thread where we were making fun of her for her fucked up family dynamics, and said Reddit was all the social interaction she had. Ffs, I've been here longer than she has, and I'm a complete nobody. She's not gonna destroy shit

r/drama literally feeds on people like her

Pissing into a sea of piss.

/u/annanarchist I will pay you primo Sorosbucks to make the sub private again.

Cmon Ann! You know want it, you slut ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅₪(̲̅100)̲̅₪]

when did ann make the sub private?

You're not dead!

Wait. Why aren't you dead?

if god was real i certainly would be

Stop banging trannies with no rubber, brah.

and give up on the american dream? no chance

Come back and have some "fun" with the mdegenerates 😢

be funnier then

this seems like a good thread tho

There are still decent threads, this being one, but the mdegenerates question desperately needs a solution

They are not sending their best

>Be obsessed with rapefugees

>Never stop bringing them up for some reason

>tfw you've been thoroughly cucked in the head by MDE

lmao, you made an alt for me :D

ur not mad at all, are you?

Bleach is real enough.

Please die

after u

I regret adding you

prolly naw but thx

Virgin irc versus chad discord

don't use irc no more

That's sad

We need more mod coordination ever since whore of babylon /u/phedre switched us to new modmail

(((mod me)))

I'm open to bribes

steady supply of dickpics in discord?

White girls hurting themselves

Done and done

Inbox me

How fucking stupid do you actually have to be to openly admit you use alts to manipulate subreddits?

Aren't otters just hairy twinks?


They're furry twinks

Yeah, I'm an otter 😏

Do you guys really hold hands when you sleep or is that just a lie Nat Geo proliferated?

The word you are looking for is a cock sleeve

No, they're un-fat bears.

Jesus fuck, even Noodles and Kaalaaaa are more sane than this.

He probably socially engineers puppies


You think is Puss there?

I assume she is always around in some fashion considering her obsession.

She can post on her main if she wants to talk shit.

Puss is dornish viper right?

Yes and the now dead TaylorSwiftofRDrama

RIP 😭😭😭

i unironically liked that account and am shocked and appalled and also totally amused that it turned out to be a nutterbutter this whole time

also add me back to the decent discord

I am not a mod on discord. I just shit post.

It's true. Conservatives on reddit are a special type of retarded.

downvoted for the truth smdh


End force times displacement!

this is faggotronics of the highest order

Well, ask SRD. They had what they thought was a safe space for conservatives to make fun of progressives

SRD was never conservative, that's bonkers. Unless he's using the primoanarchotankie definition of conservative as "anything left of Bernie, including Bernie."

And who the fuck are these people? This isn't drama, it's just spergy. Discord was a mistake.

The dramaverse, which is interconnected IRL apparently. God is truly dead

/u/AnnArchist it's time to reestablish order here. Make me mod, ban JWG for not following through on bussy bet, and then let me purge anyone who claims to take our online autism IRL.


The r/Drama Cinematic Posting Universe

That's actually what I tried arguing at the time, that it bent liberal, but a bunch of conservative possums definitely established it is their spot and got in ridiculous long ass arguments about the sub becoming more progressive and tried showing the progressive users the door.

Well, ask SRD. They had what they thought was a safe space for conservatives to make fun of progressives

You're retarded. Please continue.

Furthermore, SRD turned SJW not because of the users but because of the power mods taking it over. As long as AnnArchist allows free speech in this sub the retards will never be able to take over because their stupidity only flourishes in authoritarian environments.

Did you change alts to add on more nonsense?


That's actually what I tried arguing at the time, that it bent progressive, but a bunch of conservative possums definitely established it is their spot and made ridiculous "last stand" type speeches about the sub becoming more progressive and tried showing the progressive users the door.

You, whatsupdoc001:

Furthermore, SRD turned SJW not because of the users but because of the certain snowflakes taking over the moderation. As long as AnnArchist allows free speech in this sub the retards will never be able to take over because their stupidity only flourishes in authoritarian environments.

What? Why are you comparing two completely different posts?

I didn't read the posts.

A bold take.

u/PowerOfJerkOffMagic is my thoroughbred horse to break and do with as I please. She's my girl no matter what, if she ain't a girl then I'll make her one cause I'm her god. I go hard on her when no one is looking and she loves it. Finger goes from ass to 👄 all night 😫😧😀

Legit af response tbh

Damn that convo was next level pathetic.

Reddit Super Villain, PowerofJerkOffMagic

Spank her ass and she squeals like any other roastie.

What the fuck do you guys get onto during the weekends?

unironically savage

/r/drama is a completely different place during the week vs weekends. It is amazing.

im not in here much on weekends, whats different?

I'm not here on weekends either. But look at the topic of this thread compared to shit during the week.

Weekends are basically losers and powerusers commiserating with losers and powerusers, while during the week its lulz and bantz.

NEET playtime, got it!

while all the successful Chads post their amazing tranny drama during the week

nothing wrong with that


i kinda feel honored that my flair is such a hangup for you. i mean u/AnnArchist should take all the credit for it... I didnt ask for this, but im glad it makes your ass hurt

can you link me to where you got that flair? i want to make my ass hurt some more

my first submission you miserable sack of shit

you sound upset?

goddamn go die somewhere

you shouldnt be so angry dude, its not healthy

goodnight you literal human bag of trash

i wish you a restful nights sleep, try not to think about me in the mean time.

till next time ;)

I've literally never visited this sub outside of m-f, 9-5, and I don't understand how or why anyone would

Wow, its like mid 2000s IRC drama in here. Its a contest between damaged, unlikeable people to try and upset other people while claiming they themselves are not actually upset.

I've never seen anyone involved on either side of this type of conflict that:

A. Had a good job

B. Has control of their mental health situation.

C. Has full control of their bowels.

I hope you all just knock it off and go back to centerposting.


But I'm sure they will only mean this in terms of big media, not in terms of what actual individuals will shout down or support/be quiet about. The male seems to see mainstream media as "big government" that has to treat everyone exactly equal, and his own conversations as "the people" who can say whatever the fuck they want, and (for some reason), how he, "the people" acts should not be reflected in how big government acts at all. Though, realistically, does he even want big government to be equal? No, he wants to see a "democratic" representation of he, the people in every single branch.

You can't articulate ideas very coherently so what makes you think people believe you when you say you're behind the scene pulling strings?

This might be the most retarded thing of all time.


Why do people think that PoJoM is Puss? Sorry for being a noob










biweekly reminder to neck yourself

Why are you so obsessed?


I don't know

I'm not puss, dw bro :)


So how do you people even know that that is puss?

what the fuck is that shit about possums

Furries, man. Figurative cancer!

There needs to be a reckoning. The furry population needs culling.


Taylor Swift

keep up

now this is the good shit. this is some old school forum drama type shit. arcane, incredibly petty, inscrutable to anyone not immersed in years of community lore, every post reeking of dead dreams and regret. inject it straight into my veins fam

otters vs. possums

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷


Go ahead and post the album, just be sure there is no dox in it pl0x.

A sad story. And an old one, now. Was this what you meant, /u/PowerOfJerkoffMagic?

They have released a statement:

"you can just copy and paste, I have no interest in interacting with these people. /u/cirquedufuder is a cuck who buys sex toys for other men's wives and has nothing to show for his life but being a failed homewrecker with a DUI. He told me he loved me after talking to me on Snapchat for a week, told me he was in love with me after 2 weeks, and was trying to fly to florida after 3 weeks. After he got the message that I wasn't going to cheat, he started trying to make me move in with him and when I finally convinced him I didn't want to, he starts talking about wanting to move to Florida and literally told me he was looking for jobs around me. here you can see that it was actually him with the obsession, not me. I told several people yesterday that I would be happy to take the shit down if he agreed to just shut the fuck up about me, but he couldn't even do that.

I have not talked to anyone on there in months, and this account is the only one I post on /r/drama, and I have not in almost 2 weeks. The mods there have a psychotic obsession with me, despite me not actually talking to either one of them. I tried for a long time to be the better person and stay quiet because he obviously needs this in his life because he has no friends, but I can only handle so much.

He had a really creepy obsession with stealing my husband's family, that's why he is so dedicated to shitting on him. The creepy obsession also led to him trying to be my kid's stepdad and telling me he would treat her just like she was his and all this other horseshit. He told me he would support me while I finished school, that he would give me a debit card linked to his bank account so I would have my "own" money.

I asked him to leave me alone and told him I was scared of him multiple times (as you can see in the album) and he wouldn't do it.

If you have any other questions or need clarification about anything, just let me know."

Plenty of selective memory. She has been attacking me for over a year and literally can't stop the lies. She not only can't stop attacking me but she even manages to attack people near me. even a year after the fact.

Just encouraging drama. I've got no horse in this race.

I am suggesting you let her speak for herself on her own account. This isn't something awful. You don't need to pay per account. She has also been around the whole time. The idea she can't post is just her trying to hide.

just to clarify, these screens are you and /u/PowerOfJerkOffMagic chatting?

I am not clarifying anything.

ook? im just trying to get the context here

Read higher up.

all this deserves its own thread tbh, ping her in there and relieve her udders

She constantly deletes her accounts. She attacked me on h deer profile page with some pay to her own account. I replied to her and she quickly deleted her account which nuked what she said.

Ummm no I'm not in any of the screencaps. The user those are of deleted her account less than an hour ago.

and which user would that be?

/u/TaylorSwiftOfRDrama and u/Terfy_mcterf_face :( R.I.P

She just wanted to post about drag races and feminism in peace.

well that user seems like a solid cunt tho, hardly a loss

The whole thing started when drama mods randomly made and stickied a thread talking smack. I don't think she did anything that wrong.

so you're saying you are completely unrelated to dornish and the other alts?

youre just a random TERF that appears to be identical to her?

We're not identical and I'm not a TERF. I'm an otter, meaning that I like both TERFs and trans people.

every time you say "I'm an otter" i laugh and laugh and laugh because of how retarded it sounds.


It was mostly me ngl

You missed the part about attacking me and people close to be for over a year. Never thought you were smart. She also continued to talk smack up until her moment of deletion both publicly and privately.

I don't expect you to understand crazy when you have so much in common.

how did this person become fixated on you?

IRC and modding with them.

she never modded this sub, right? so you guys both modded some other shithole?


Did this get axed? Didn't seem d0x-y. Read like any other unrequited e-love sob fest.

That's not even me. But if you think I've been intermittently napping and waiting for that "tea" (not really tea as much as receipt for uni-directional stalking though, I guess) to get spilled since this thread was made, you thought correctly. :)

Puss says the same thing she's been saying, that all you all had to do was quit talking about her and she'd keep quiet.

But you couldn't do that...

Her and I will join whatever discord at the same time to prove we are different people. I just met this person recently.

To everyone saying I come off as angry: I'm honestly not, and I didn't even mean for this to happen when I wrote that thread, in fact if anything I meant for the opposite to happen. I'm just like a bulldog in a china store and I tend to make things worse by trying to patch them up. Plus I'm a total drama whore. :p

I didn’t think you were her. That imgur album is not much of a bombshell though.

Yeah I know. I did hear a bunch of more interesting, less interpersonal shit about that guy but no one wants to spill that since it's just mean. Her reason for spilling that was that he's telling everyone she stalked him when it was the other way around (allegedly).


Did I say something confusing? I did just edit my other comment a bit.

No, I’m just Ed posting.

Oh, okay



Get a Discord, you two.

Last time I was in a Discord with her, she snagged up all the pics others were stupidly posting and made a thread here offering them to whoever wants them.

lol im so sorry you had to deal with this crazy bullshit

what the fuck even is this

A crazy woman obsessed with hating men and needing male attention at the same time.

You think PoJoM and Puss are the same person?

Ummm, no sweety, no drumpfkins.

This isn't EdChel.


Thanks for the translation. Tasty shit.

You’re like dramas librarian and I for one think it’s a travesty that you aren’t more appreciated.


There are two types of people on the internet, dicks and cunts. Dicks just want to talk about themselves all day, while cunts just want to bitch about everyone else. We're so blessed to have both here in equal amounts.

How many levels of autism does someone have to be on to live this fantasy?

/u/TaylorSwiftOfRDrama has been deleted :(

I hope you all are proud of yourselves.

Hopefully some irl deletions follow.

No one is proud of being involved with this nonsense. It's pathetic, but I can't help myself. Please tell us more about how you're going to destroy r/drama with your army of alts.

Why would I tell you how I was going to do it if I still might plan on doing it? Think about that for a second.

🤔 Touchè


You, of course, had nothing to do with it. My gleeful shit stirring friend.
