"Oh so we do want an uwu hugbox. That's the problem. No you're not getting a hugbox." "my unpopular opinion is that i believe the kkk was right all along :^) just my opinion guise!" Female centered imageboard Crystal Cafe tries to reconcile comfy with chan culture.

25  2018-06-18 by v_is_one_person


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Honestly I think the site is full of too many stereotypical 'girls' (normies) and it's really leaving a bad taste. I probably won't use the site anymore and will steer others away from it from now on. And no, I'm not butthurt, I am just tired of all this generic shit coming from most of the userbase. I'm not asking for anyone to be edgy cunts, but being all sugar sweet saccharine about everything while also judging people on a very stereotypical standard has gotten old fast.

She woque.

I get it: she is an outsider type, unlike all the other girls. I hope she finds the community she's looking for, but unfortunately, her high standards of edgy originality will probably complicate her search for likeminded Indigo children quite a bit.


You know what.

Oh wait, you probably don't. Crytsal Cafe is a sort of offshoot of lolcow.farm, which is sort of like a mini kiwifarms imageboard for tracking and mocking lolcows and has a primarily female userbase. There are other boards for other discussions there too. This new one seems mostly to be focused on building it's own community and not so much about mocking others.

This is a thread from their meta board where the users and admins are trying to find a balance between what they hope will be a comfy, sisterly warm atmosphere while still allowing a more or less free for all, as little rules as possible board in the chan tradition.

TL;DR: Bitches be fightin'

primarily female userbase


Is true!

One of the few times it's true.

Go to lolcow.farms, it's primarily TrollX castaways screaming about Z-list cosplay whores and Omega-list internet "celebrities". When they're not sidetracking threads with catty infighting.

Z-list cosplay whores

cosplay sex workers would be the more appropriate terminology ;)


So channer Aristasians?

I like that. Yes, they are that.

Keep the dream living o7.

So they're a bunch of TERFs who are stuck in their high school girls-only club rewatching Mean Girls and talk about some nerdy shit to escape their life of boredom - is this the reverse/bizzaro 4chan?

Female smurfs. Lol

thats accurate, people admitted in threads that theyre TERF-adjacent

Is it any good?

I haven’t looked much either, just decided to check it out last night. It seems ok but the users I’ve heard talk about it complain that it’s slow. And what they are discussing in this meta thread seems to be an issue they are wrestling with. They want it to be friendly and comfy but not police it too much. It can definitely feel savage st some points.

There is a thread in there where the new admin of lolcow.farm shows up to discuss problems farmers were having, and a nervous janitor or two feels comfortable enough in that anonymous atmosphere to politely air grievances without fear of reprisal. More interesting then high drama, just to get some insight into the board culture and a bit of their history pulled from the context.

I’m going to try and see what I can find from other small imageboards to post, some niche offsite drama. You know what I’m saying, sempai.

warmest chans

hugbox version of lolcowchan

Pure cancer.

Sometimes I go to that board just to read. It is nice sometimes to remind yourself that men are just as much of a mystery to woman as woman can be to men. 6/10

That board is the proof that there is virtually no difference between male and women.

Or, that there is virtually no difference between male and women on the lower end of the bellcurve ;)


Women aren't funny or interesting in the least.


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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