Tommy Lee's son tears apart his Father's Day instagram post, later posts video of a knocked out Tommy from the night his son put him to sleep.

48  2018-06-18 by shitpost953


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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I think he's most famous for fucking Pamela Anderson.

The OG of celebrity sex tapes.

ed pls

The old guy from Men In black and No Country for Old Men.

He was also in the sunset limited.

The guy who people think is Tommy Lee Jones?

Thats exactly why im here. Now im confused about why I should give a shit some nobody with a close name to a somebody hates his kids.

Mediocre drummer and the worst member ( by lack of any talent) of Motley Crue.

Dude he was one the better drummers of all time

Lol nah.He's mediocre even by hair metal standarts.

You are probably right, I kinda like Motley Crüe but this isn't a hill I'm willing to die on. I know nothing of drumming.

I like a lot of glam bands..Tommy is just overated as hell compared to others.

He wasn't a great drummer but he was the best drummer at playing while being on the most drugs.

Ginger Baker has him beat in the drummer on most drugs but didn't kill himself group.

Steven Adler would like a word with you

I think Steve technically died a couple times but they brought him back. Ginger never bitched out like that.

I read his book. He had a stroke that left him comatose so I guess you're kinda right...

Not even close. He doesn't even make the top 100.

Pretty sure the worst member was Vince Neil. Everyone else in the band hated him.

Vince had minimal voice range and was a good front man until he got fat.

Tommy..Tommy is just overrated by comparison and you don't need to be a drummer to know that, he isn't bad, but certainly not a man who could critique Lars Ulrich and yet he they say "when you live in glass houses".


Oh the irony while "Wild Side" plays on muh mobile.

Literally who?

Your uncle Eddy 😱😱😱😱

Most /r/drama tards would love to bounce on his cock

This is proof that just because you have a tuna can for a dick you can still be pusserized by a skinny white boy.

I'd kill myself if Pamela Anderson was my mother.



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