The /r/SCP pride month shitshow keeps on giving: "Consider this a second chance to offer proper defenses, or allow the flame of hate to burn out quickly, preventing the fire to burn from a small campfire into a forest fire that may blaze the entire community into ash."

50  2018-06-18 by DamnesiaVu


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Jim is slowly becoming a mythic figure. Humble beginnings as a soldier for an ancient troll group. The man starts gamergate and then abandons it at it's peak. Then he starts anti-SJW youtube until that got too faggy. Then he carries IBS alt-right podcasts to popularity and then burns it to the ground.

Truly a titan, who else has had this much influence on Internet culture. All the while he seems to be aware of how fucking stupid his entire Internet career has been.

Hopefully he'll take a good long look at his body of work and realize he really needs to keep himself safe with the help of saint carfentanyl.

Seriously imagine caring about a rainbow banner on the SCP site.

If people didn't, we wouldn't have drama. What are you on about?

It's clearly not about the banner as much as the unilateral decision to do it on a work of collaborative fiction that is entirely community driven.

Imagine caring about this nerd shit.

Meh, it was a pretty great horror/sci-fi read. But like all things a couple of douchebags who didn't even make the original post they are all apeing had to piss off and alienate the community that made the site so great.

Watching a great thing come to an end due to the hubris of those in charge will always be disappointing.

pretty great No it wasn't. It peaked years ago.

Note the qualifier of was.

Shut up.

hey OP, can I get an ELI5 on this situation?

The SCP stuff or the many ways in which every accomplishment attributed to Jim constitute pure unadulterated cancer?

What's the main shit show here? Just seems like a bunch of crack pots getting upset at pride being shoved down their throats? Sorry, i'm fuckin baked

Mods purged anyone who doesn't like dicks and rainbows being plastered all over their fanfiction site calling them assholes when the site was made by a bunch of creative assholes from 4chan.

Another SJW takeover.

I swear his reason for the IBS thing is because the others gave him shit for not having “internet friends”. He proved his point.

Jim didn't start gamergate, /v/ autism did.

This tbh, he's just a fellow autist. It's just that he has a very good mocking tone of voice. Ideal for internet drama shitstorms and pouring salt on wounds.

Everything he touches becomes infinitely more popular and burns itself down within 2 months. He is both the creator and destroy. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

"respect our choices or you can just fuck off and die, bigot!"

And people wonder why so many people hate the gays/trannies.

Bonus unsorted links of interest:

The transgender orbital weapon satellite SCP with a Tumblr page and Homestuck obsession.

Generic longwinded anti-SJW youtuber #44373 makes a video

"It is clear that this community cares more about the right of homophobes to spread their views than the rights of LBGT-people to not be harassed. After 3 good years, I will be leaving this community and I invite others to do the same."

SCP mod /u/LiveLy_ posts the following -

All right. I’ll let you guys have this post to discuss your concerns with the community. Please try to keep your posts polite and avoid flaming. I will go through this tomorrow and answer what questions or concerns that I can.

- then locks the thread less than an hour later.

Fear of a brigade from /x/ continues.

To defend myself slightly, I wanted that thread to be open for an honest discussion on the state of the wiki. But it quickly devolved into people spamming slurs and just generally acting inappropriately. There are multiple threads now that are having the honest debates that I was hoping for.

You should edit or remove that sticky, right now it looks weird

You can talk about the issues you want to talk about in this thread

This thread is locked

Really? A guest comes and gets downvoted?


You SRDines regulalry downvote the rightwing lolcows. So I'm downvoting the leftwing ones.

Don't be like them. Downvote the SRDines if you have to, but never downvote victims/new friends.

So you wanted open and honest discussion and got exactly that, but it wasn't the precise open and honest discussion you wanted so you shut it down? How open and honest of you.

So, the same excuses you people always use when you censor others...and then pretend that you don't engage in political repression even as you as you prevent everyone who disagrees with you from speaking.

Hey listen im not part of your SCP community, aside from reading the site from time to time, but i did wanna say that this dumpster fire is very very funny from afar. Thank you for that.

Dont talk about jim like that you meanie

/x/ brigade? I doubt it. /x/, like most popular boards, is a shell of its former self. Brigaders are likely from places like this where people crave for drama.

4chan brigades are an overblown myth. People on 4chan are usually there because they don't like it here.

Jim isn't a generic anti-SJW youtuber

He is a retard tho.

Make sure to read the comments on the satellite. People got banned for "transmisogyny".

Lol at meme aristocrat getting bussyblasted over TLOU2 lesbian kiss. Hes gonna get even more angrt when the thing breaks selling chart records.

Imagine being so mad about lesbian women in video games that you decide to edit in fart noises and pretend the game depicts them smelling each other's.



holy fuck why does literally every fandom have to politics forced down its throat

you americans are fucking retarded honestly

Imagine unironically using the word fandom.

Aye i know its a tumblry word but i couldn't think of a better one

How about "gaggle of regards"?

Yeah that's a better name

B-but it's just showing support! How is covering an entire website in rainbows political??? :DDD

I really do not fucking get the idea of "pride month". Can you people be gay without having to spend a whole fucking month parading that fact around? Are you people really that shallow that "gay" is the best way you can describe yourselves? Honestly, that's just fucking sad.

I'm fine with the idea of a "Pride Month". But the garish, campy aesthetics that the LGBT movement often resorts to are fairly overwhelming and confusing to many "normies", and potentially reinforce a stereotypical image of queer people in the general population as outrageous pooftahs who care only for hard partying and non-vanilla sex.

If they were to appoint me to overhaul the design of LGBT activism and Pride for the Year 2019, the first thing I would do is get rid of all of the colors except black and white. The new LGBT flag will be a simple white background, with a black slogan in bold Impact font saying:

It's Okay To Be Gay.

This minimalist design, combined with a minimalist message of tolerance (not "Pride", but merely an acknowledgement of being "okay"), channels all of the disparate confused energy usually present at such fares (with all the varying slogans, colors, hairstyles and tanga slips) into a laser-focused beam of honest engagement. The underlying message being: "We're just people like you, don't beat us up".

Furthermore, this tactic has shown to work gangbusters for the image of other similarly demonized groups in the past.

Someone should submit a story about an SCP item on how exposure to it causes a stick to form in the ass of those around it.

Item #: SCP-69

Object class: Bussy.

Special Containment Procedures: Post a picture of your ass.

SCP has been shit since 2012ish.

Hi /u/LiveLy_

We were just curious over here to what extent you guys thought through your actions. I'm sure you'd concede that making your banner a rainbow did nothing to further LBGTQ+ rights. However, it's obvious from the backlash to your terrible mod posts that you've pushed a few of your young users towards the right.

Now, when this was pointed out to your fellow mod last time he scoffed at the idea that people turning against LGBTQ+ rights was his problem at all. He seemed to think it was funny.

So, I guess my question is, what was your end game here? Was this all one big bamboozle to try and make kids hate gay people? Or did you guys just consider virtue signaling more important than the negative impact you're having on the future health and safety of LGBTQ+ individuals?

In all honesty, we wanted to show solidarity with the large portion of our user-base that is LGBTQ+. I wouldn't really consider it virtue signaling or pandering. However, the changes to the logo were made by the administration, and not the lower level staff members like myself. Because of that, the consequences of the changes may not have been fully explored or understood before the change.

That said, a number of our staff have acted less than professional, and I am actively trying to fix that fact, by explaining what I can in a calm and collected manner, and working behind the scenes to promote professional etiquette by staff

Well, at least you guys realize the damage you've done and you're trying to fix it.

I'm curious though, what made you guys think your user base was so gay? They tend to be about 3% of the population, so why did you guys think your user base was especially likely to engage in sodomy?

Creative people on a creative writing site on the internet tend to have a higher chance of being gay then the base population chance.

That seems like some deeply problematic stereotyping. Let's delve deeper. Tell us more about how liking the arts makes you gay.

"Liking the arts makes you gay" where did i say that you autist lol. The internet is one of the largest sources for gay support and gay people in general, look at most social media sites and the general conscious around it. Creativeness as always been tied to being more abundante in gay people, or people open to new expernices that lack ties to tradition.

look at the book UNCHARTED LIVES or Or

So internet + creative writing = a larger ratio of gays. Now fuck off

You said that a creative space would have a larger gay population. Then you just said being creative is gay. Then you just said going against tradition makes you gay.

Now you could argue that all of those things make you more likely to be accepting of gay people, but your suggestion that those pursuits are more likely to make you gay is extremely problematic.

Are you suggesting that people aren't born gay and that certain interests make them more likely to become gay?

Or are you suggesting that being gay also comes with a list of other inborn traits such as creativity, hostility towards tradition, and a constant search for new experiences?

Either one is unquestionably problematic. You're boldly stating arguments that are used to support practical homophobia. Are you a homophobe yourself or are you simply parroting these wrongheaded and harmful viewpoints without having considered their implications?

Correlation and larger percentage /= "makes you gay"

Nice paragraph repeating the same thing though

You've given no other basis for this correlation (or proof of its existence) than your suggestion that those things either make you gay or that gay people are all naturally inclined towards those things.

Which viewpoint do you have? Or would you like to list a third possible explanation for your ignorant and potentially hateful rhetoric? Because right now it seems you're either ignorant or bigoted.

Gay people are more inclined to be against tradition due to traditons viewing them in a negative light. Being less inclined to participate in traditon leads to the openess to trying new things. Being creative can come with individuality and openness to new ideals, hence a larger portions of the gays. Thats my take on it, as im not a scientific study or the end all be all on logic, and im not claiming to be. You can look up actual studies on this topic and argue with people in forums who actually give a shit about your dumbass. Also heres a couple fun links of active people in the community (on the site) blasting inactive people against the change ( black or almost empty bar next to name indicates less nativity vs bar with colors on members who actually matter)

As more fun things to look at that suggest "hey, maybe their audience is made up of people who dont care and a majority of the outrage if from assholes outside the community?"

So you're repeating yourself by saying that being creative can make you more open to being gay, and therefore more likely to be gay. This again suggests that people choose to be gay because they're open to the non-traditional approach rather than being born attracted to the same gender.

That's a deeply homophobic attitude. You're a bigot or at least hold deeply bigoted views. You need to quit defending your ignorance and educate yourself or quit pretending to be an ally and take your ass to T_D where you belong.

And none of your links do anything to suggest that an unusually large portion of your user base is gay. But I can see why someone with your views would associate tolerating homosexuality with being homosexual.

Being too open minded or creative will make you a homo, right stereotypical 1950s gym coach!?

Lmao im not reading this how much time do you have to waste if you typed all this shit out?

Yep, people tend to like the things I say because I'm not an ignorant bigot. We'll be letting the communities you frequent know how you feel about homosexuality being a choice.

I don't know if you didn't realize where you were being frank about your fucked up views on the LGBTQ+ community, but unlike /r/SCP we show our gay pride year round on /r/drama.

Ive been on and used r/drama i get your whole schitck, its not funny its sad. Get a life lol

The only person who thinks your homophobic ignorance is funny is you. Nothing I'm saying or doing made you say being gay is something you choose if you're open minded enough. You put that hate into the world all on your own.

So you're saying that queers can't get real jobs? Aren't you a nasty little bigot.

You didn’t go far enough. Where’s your solidarity with the PoC of your fan base? And the Muslims? Why are gay people more deserving of solidarity than other oppressed groups. With the way trump is treating undocumented immigrants you really need to show your LatinX community you stand with them.

If /u/5dgbo is anything to go by, the community over at /r/SCP is far from progressive. /u/LiveLy_ seems like they're genuine and acting in good faith, but when you combine users like 5dgbo with the politically harmful actions of the earlier mods, it starts to seem like this community sees homosexuals as more of a quirky accessory than an oppressed group of people whose cause and safety is dying a death by a thousand cuts because of people like them.

Imagine spending ur life on reddit trying to start drama. I cant imagine what your life is like, i actually feel kinda bad

Imagine spending ur life on Reddit trying to explain how homosexuality is a choice. I can't imagine what your life is like, I actually feel really bad that LGBTQ+ people have to suffer under people like you.

k lol

I've lost track of what months are still free from some obligatory celebration. Pride is pretty fun, if a bit gaudy.

It was only a matter of time before this shit blew up in their faces. The ban happy and passive aggressive responses were bound to lead to this. Also wtf is up with the brigading going on?

I like how they said the staff are working to make things right. No ya arent.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Fucking tired of this force fed politics shit, how in the flaming hell is this supposed to bring anyone over to their side? You'll never gain hearts or minds doing this shit. You'll only blacken them.

They're putting chemicals in the water, that turn the friggin' ayyyliums gay.