Qanon Qultist blocks off Hoover dam. His goal? To Lock Her Up!

31  2018-06-18 by mud074


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This idiot can look forward to a prison cell and his fellow Qultists calling him a false flag crisis actor, lmao.

They already started with the false flag shit

Lol, of course they have. This idiot himself probably thought the Comet Ping-pong/Pizzagate gunman was a false flag deepstate crisis actor. I'd like to send him some printouts of what his fellow Qultists are saying about him so he has something to read in jail.

Hahahaha do you seriously believe that? He's a hard right white guy. His judge will also be a hard right white guy, who will absolutely believe at least some of tymhe same conspiracy bullshit and will look very leniently on the stuff he doesnt personally believe.

He'll get probation.

If he's got a squeaky clean record and he kept his mouth shut after he was mirandized and he gets the right lawyer and the prosecutor is willing to reduce the charges he might skate out of it with probation. I wouldn't bet on it tho.

Holy fuck I thought the whole thing was just a big meme but people actually believe that shit

Conservative oldfags are more retarded than you think lol

im honestly shocked that this is all real

kinda reminds me of sovereign citizens tbh

It's way worse

i think im gonna have to investigate this further, this is some high quality autism

/r/TopMindsOfReddit usually posts their most delusional threads

is a dedicated sub, curated by the amazing /u/snallygaster

Now, let's not downplay how batshit the sovereign citizen branch of crazy can be--it's a big tent of stupid.

Competing genetically enhanced brain corrputions tbf

TBH they're beliefs are less extreme than many sovereign citizens. Once you get to groups like Posse Comitatus, you get the ridiculously crazy shit.

Posse Comitatus believes that the sheriff is the highest authority and that if the sheriff goes against the people's wishes, he should be hung in the middle of town.

I'm sure the Q shit has a bunch of the less hardcore sov cits, but many of hardcore ones are way too crazy for it.

if the sheriff goes against the people's wishes, he should be hung in the middle of town.

Are they really wrong, though?

If someone goes against my wishes I generally want them to have micropeens.

ʕ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ʔ

He’s 30, though.

he's mentally the same age as your average /r/greatawakening poster hence the autism he displayed lol

To be fair, if Daddy can't be bothered to keep his electoral promises of #HillaryForPrison then someone's got to pick up the slack. Nothing more quintessentially American than having a proactive, can-do attitude.

Dudes 30

Qtards are the most gullible people around. Just when you think they've hit peak retard they find a way to surpass it. IG report not to their liking? Well that's because there are 4 different versions of it and that is what this guy was triggered over

The GOP built this. They decided to use conspiracy and mental illness to win elections and now they're stuck with these people.

The Republican base is completely off the rails.

There are no sane Republican voters to appeal to. Kaisch or Jeb wouldn’t even break 5% in the polls.

JEB! Needs to be memed harder to win.


Would you vote for an establishment republican if one did primary trump and win?

If he wasn't crazy, sure. If he wasn't an economic illiterate, sure.

If he wasn't anti-civil rights, sure.

So I can count on your support for the JEB! train? Wonderful

Depends on the democrat. I'll likely vote democrat because I'm not a religious fundie.

Brianna Wu or Trump. Those are your choices for 2020, who you voting for?

Brianna wu.

intellectual capacity

Brianna wu

I'm sure you have the person confused pizza.

Two businessmen who like to talk shit, both got funding by their daddy, one failed bigtime and the other one did okay.

I hope to god a sane Republican primaries Trump in 2020.

OK, but I hope you realize that what is actually going to happen is that Trump is going to easily win a ceremonial primary (remember, there was a lot of talk about a primary challenge to Bush in 2004), while Democrats nominate someone even worse than Hillary.

After reading Alexander Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics and seeing the malicious tactics that Russia is pulling today, It would not surprise me one bit if this QAnon is sitting behind a desk at the Kremlin or FIS headquarters.

Yes this is the work of the GOP.

God you are like a fucking trope.

How is this not the work of the GOP and right-wing talk radio?

I don't get it, what did they think would happen after years of pedaling absurd conspiracies?

Do you seriously think shit like this is good for the health of our country?

Which right wing talk radio?

Like fucking all of it. Do you have any idea how insane right-wing talk radio is?

I think Charlie Sykes, himself a right-wing talk radio host said it best.

You are now blaming vaguely talk radio for this nutter who hurt no one.

Who do you blame for the congressional shooter?

I'll just copy paste this again:

Do you seriously think shit like this is good for the health of our country?

Actions have consequences. When you sell your soul and decide demagoguery and conspiracy theory are valid electoral tools, at some point the chickens will come home to roost.


What mainstream left-wing conspiracy theory did the congressional shooter cite as his motivation?

Where is Legate Lanius when you need to deal with those profligates?

False flag. Obama did this.

Jews did this


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