r/Islam falls for an obvious bait from a Bakchodi

65  2018-06-18 by Jabroni_Avenue


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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La ilaha ilala, Muhammad rasoolallah.

literally what

not knowing the shahada

Oi yer a kaffir innit bruv?

Oi, you gotta license to call him khaffir, khaffir?

Are we talking about limes?

the thing from the end of a santana song




which of these is islam

I was reading that as Sanatan song.

Saying this out loud gave me a giggle

/r/islam is the worst of the worst. Absolute cesspool of a sub.

Almost every single muslim I've met Irl isn't even half as extreme as these guys.

I live in a nation of muslims and most of the shit spouted by /r/islam users are often said by our local islamists. In fact I knew this pro-Sharia Kurdish guy who told me how Islam was "very logical" and how "more people are converting every day as they realize the Quran is right". Reminds me of the Hindu roleplayer in the OP.

I thought the kurds were fighting against sunni's the more extreme ones.

Kurdish nationalists like those in Rojava. In Turkey there are a lot of integrated Kurds who are more like Turks. Like, if every Kurds were a Kurdish nationalist, the HDP would get 20% or so of the vote in every election. But they usually struggle to get over 10%, and that's caused by the fact that a lot of Kurds in fact support the Islamist AKP.

Thanks man I did not know

In addition, HDP voters aren't voting for HDP due to their leftist politics, but because they're the only proper "Kurdish party". I recall a poll where people were asked whether or not Turkey should have some Islamic laws, and HDP voters had the highest percentage of "Yes" (about 70%).

The main reason HDP markets itself as an "leftist party" is because a) Seperatism is usually leftist for some reason, and b) So they can get votes from leftist Turks

Kurdish militia are often anti-religion and very leftist. This is true for almost all militia- PKK, YPG, etc. These groups are also very intertwined, which is why Turkey is fighting against the Syrian YPG (PKK are terrorists, but unironically).

Despite this, you'll find that the rural Kurds are often the most conservative ones. I can't speak for Iraqi/Syrian/Iranian Kurds, but Turkish Kurds are the most conservative demographic of Turkey by a long shot. Most honor killings, child marriages, cousin marriages, etc happen in the Kurdish region of Turkey.

Fuck I really don't know my shit. Had guy telling me the kurds are awesome. I know Assad was at least a secular leader so.

Listening to turkman opinion on kurds in 2018.. 😕

y dont u come over and say that 2 my face tough guy

Syrian YPG (PKK are terrorists, but unironically)


U disagree with pkk being terrorists? They literally target civillians bruh

They are, but its such a reductionist view. Not like the Turks are any more merciful when they demolish Kurdish cities.

r/TurkoScum are you a Saudi shill?

Praising Kurdish militia an is immediate tankie redflag. Every person I've talked to that is in support of them is either

  • Denying all the shit they've done (forceful relocation of non-kurdish locals, US and Europol recognized ties to terrorism, etc)

  • Actual commie apologist who thinks blowing up a few civilians is okay for the greater cause.

People who are the latter often point to ErDogMan as justification (ie he opresses the kurds). Truth is that despite being a huge nigger, Erdogman has been relatively pro-Kurdish and almost a third of the Kurdish population votes for him. He even tried to do some peace talks a while ago but that got shat on because Kurdish terror was started by the deep Turkish government in the first place and I'm not even being ironic right now, leader of the PKK literally worked for Turkish Intelligence and is now living in a comfy private island for "jailing purposes".

Whatever though, just stay away from anyone who blatantly favors the Kurdish militia lmao. The only good person in the Syrian War is Assad.

They were the 1st to revolt when Kemal started secularizing Turkey. They were the ones who executed the Turkish plans about Armenians. The Wire add it turns out is grey as alaways

Hmmm, I mean in America at least Muslims tend to be very progressive, a majority of Muslims support gay marriage for instance. Which is not justified at all by a fundamentalist look at Islam obviously. But Muslims in America tend to be more educated and wealthier than Muslims in europe... I know they did a poll of UK Muslims and like half of them thought homosexuality should be illegal, much less supporting gay marriage. So it varies a lot even among immigrant groups in western nations.

pretty difficult getting into the US from muslim countries, unless you have specific skills that are in high demand.

The other guy already said it, but it's due to geography. Anybody can reach Europe behind a truck, but only a few people can fly all the way to US. And US isn't exactly a heaven when it comes to social security nets, so staying in the US is also a challenge.

This is why European muslims make a cuck of Sven, whereas US muslims watch anime and blow their brains out with a shotgun like true mayos (rip R9KSG)

Hmmm, but most of the Muslims in the UK are Pakis. They didn't swim across the Mediterranean to get there.

UK's Paki population is an exception, they're their because empire and shit. So is France's negroes.

That's because America has the luxury of picking and choosing immigrants from most of the world thanks to their oceans.

Hello my fellow turkroach brother

Finally we can found Western Mongolia

May Tengri bestow golden apple upon us.

maybe something to do with the fact that they aren't sitting behind a computer screen posting anonymous comments with 0 social consequences lol

And also most of the people who care enough to post in a sub about their religion are more likely to be religious.

/r/christianity weirdly enough is not fundamentalist at all. You have fundamentalists coming in and complaining about it though.

Wasn't there a truechristianity sub or something like that?

Check out /r/truecatholicpolitics for unironic monarchists.

You’re telling me we can’t have a moderate, democratic monarchy?

They are the neckbeards of Muslims.

Are they all like not?

Online religious forums tend to be populated by absolute degenerates.

Really far-right fundies.

Their sheer obsession with the religion is on par with some clerics and mullahs irl imo.

Most irl college aged Muslims are like modern Christian's: in name only

Wait till they do the haji.

Muslims 1-1 are great and quite reasonable.

Islam is a shit religion that encourages out group atrocities.

Its like Mormons and beer. How do you stop a Mormon from drinking your beer, invite another Mormon.

...as far as you know

Absolute cesspool of a sub.

Should pay r/india a visit. The definition of cesspool is bound to change

This is why /r/bakchodi is the best drama community. Nerds here in /r/drama think "dude towelheads lmao" x100 is the epitome of owning the browns.


no seriously what the fuck is that sub about

Mayo detected

r/drama for Hindu nationalists

Used to be a satire for Hindu nationalists when I first started it. Sadly it's gone full retard now.

Renounce your modship then

Retardation aside, the bakchods are still drama gods. All that shit you guys pulled with Pakistan’s flag on r/place was hilarious, especially since you were outnumbered something like 500:1.

Indian circlejerk sub, imagine /r/drama on 3 layers of Irony and add Indian slang and politics to it

It requires 4000 years of history, 400 years of politics, 40 years of current affairs and 4 years of Modi government to understand what is going on in r/bakchodi.


true dat my fellow bakchod.

Who would have expected them to have a working brain?

This has been ongoing for a while. R/Islam will literally forgive even a pedo if he joins Islam after diddling some kids.